Gun Sales
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 9 months ago
From NYT.
It would be an interesting thing to integrate the area under the curve, but with the spikes that would involve use of the trapezoidal rule, or else very small step functions. I just don’t want to invest the time.
But suffice it to say, this is a lot. I assume this also involves use of the NICS, and for states that don’t use it (like N.C. where a CHP suffices in lieu of the NICS), that will underestimate the total number of sales, by not a trivial amount.
On April 2, 2020 at 4:15 pm, Ned2 said:
I wonder how many of these gun sales are new gun owners. Hopefully many.
On April 2, 2020 at 4:28 pm, The Other George said:
“I wonder how many of these gun sales are new gun owners.”
– Yes, and how many of those are frightened liberals who now realize that serious civil unrest (as in, food riots, when the EBT cards no longer work) just might be a reality that will impact them too, now that the Police have been told not to bother arresting for “ordinary” criminal activity in cities like Philadelphia and Mayors in cities like New York are busy letting inmates out of prison? Very bad and very sad times ahead.
On April 2, 2020 at 4:32 pm, William said:
@The Other George
A Trump-hating leftist jewish friend of mine just bought himself a Glock. I suspect that he might not be an outlier.
On April 2, 2020 at 4:47 pm, Fred said:
TN doesn’t use NICS either. Can you imagine if a total shutdown of the economy happened under Obama? Good thing we have Trump, he will save us.
“With some people fearful that the pandemic could lead to civil unrest…”
I’m not fearful of any virus (not that it can’t kill you). I am however very concerned that the government has shut down the economy, and even more alarmed that supposed patriots aren’t freaking out about that. But hey, nobody will do anything, has long been my position so why would I be surprised by this.
We love to say; “shall not be infringed” but now would be an excellent time for long time 2A rights folks to do some research and more thoroughly educate themselves about another part of the 2A; “necessary to the security of a free state”
On April 2, 2020 at 4:50 pm, Arthur Sido said:
@The Other George
The diverse neighborhoods in Philadelphia are already getting out of control, murder is up 21% this year and they are averaging more than a murder a day in 2020. Just wait until the weather warms up and the shutdown drags on, things are going to get out of hand in hurry.
On April 2, 2020 at 6:35 pm, Mark Matis said:
So President Trump is even better for gun sales than Barry Soetoro before him???
On April 3, 2020 at 7:38 am, June J said:
Texas also does not require NICS checks for License to Carry holders.
On April 3, 2020 at 9:48 am, Wes said:
As our host points out, it’s a lot of guns. Even for states that do use NICS the picture is muddy for those controllers. I have a gun via NICS, I buy another via NICS. Stat says 1 person/2 guns. I arm up one of my neighbors who’d like to get into a particular gun and I have a nice optic I’d like to add to a particular other gun. We engage in an exchange of goods/services among freemen. And voila, 2 persons/1 gun each. Now extrapolate THAT.
The controllers do not really care about sales records – what they really want to know is WHO has them. And that is why UBC must always be resisted.
On April 3, 2020 at 3:33 pm, Frank Clarke said:
I typically quote 120 million gun owners, 422 million guns, and 300 billion rds of ammunition currently in ‘civilian’ hands, and I emphasize that all of these are low-ball estimates. If the government someday loses its collective mind and decides to confiscate all of this, the confiscation won’t happen at all quickly. More importantly, it won’t happen without a great deal of bloodshed by exactly the demographic that thinks confiscation is a good idea. That was precisely the premise behind my book, Tipping Point.
Yes, I think the bulk of the recent sales have been to people who, two months ago, couldn’t imagine having one of those satanic devices in their homes or near their family.
Welcome to the party, pals :-)