But We Didn’t Vote For These Laws!
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 9 months ago
Via WiscoDave, news from communist controlled California.
More than a dozen of these buyers (men and women) actually thought that since they filled out and signed everything, they could just walk out and go home with the firearm. Several actually said they saw how easy it was to buy a gun on TV and why did they have to fill out all these forms.
The majority of these first timers lost their minds when we went through the Ammo Law requirements. Most used language not normally heard, even in a gun range. We pointed out that since no one working here voted for these laws, then maybe they might know someone who did. And, maybe they should go back and talk to those people and tell them to re-think their position on firearms – we were trying to be nice.
Most were VERY vocal about why it takes 10 days minimum (sometimes longer if the DOJ is backed up) to take their property home with them. They ask why do I need to wait 10 days if I need the protection today or tomorrow? We pointed out again that no one working here voted in support of that law.
They really went crazy when we told them that for each firearm they had to do the same amount of paperwork and they could only purchase ONE handgun every 30 days. Again, we didn’t [vote] for that law.
We had people cuss at us and stomp out when we explained that secondary identification had to be part of the paperwork, as they felt insulted that what they had wasn’t good enough. We have a number of Yelp reviews calling us names and other things about how bad we are because of this whole new buyer rush.
Maybe you should stop watching television and actually learn something about how all of this works, and decide whether, just maybe, this all infringes on God-given rights.
You see, there’s a word for people who think all of these controls should inhibit my ability to purchase firearms, but not yours.
On April 10, 2020 at 8:36 pm, Duke Digger said:
Too bad you weren’t paying attention when you’re electing those collective communist legislators. Now stay there and fix it.
We have had enough of you bringing your political views to our state. Don’t let the controllers do your thinking for you.
On April 10, 2020 at 8:55 pm, beentheredonethat said:
It is amazing how stupid the liberals are. They want all these laws restricting freedoms, until it starts to restrict their freedoms, and then it is too late. Good article, thanks for the link. I can’t imagine how frustrating it would be to work there in that gun shop/gun range. Of course I would never live in Kalifornia or any other blue state…
On April 11, 2020 at 12:27 am, StillSworn said:
No excuse for their ignorance. Here in CT we laugh at them.
Some can be educated and we spent time with them.
Some will remain stupid.
On April 11, 2020 at 6:13 am, Differ said:
The article points out, accurately, that anti-gun sentiment is more of a case of projection of liberals’ own inadequacies: I cannot be trusted to be safe with a gun, therefore you cannot be trusted to be safe with a gun. All sorts of intended consequences flow from that erroneous conclusion. And now they’re finding out for themselves.
On April 11, 2020 at 8:15 am, Todd said:
Do you suppose these idiots will vote differently next time? No, I don’t think they will either.
On April 11, 2020 at 9:09 am, revjen45 said:
My Schadenfreude is boundless!
On April 11, 2020 at 11:38 am, Wes said:
One of the little snippets that gladdens my day as I whistle along raking out some plant beds, knowing that how much of the “in jail” feeling pervades is within one’s control to dwell on or not. Livin’ large.
On April 11, 2020 at 12:55 pm, Tim said:
Ahhhhh, the great awakening begins. Suddenly all of the punchlines of God & gun toting flannel wearing inbreds isn’t quite so funny when it dawns on those people who realize that yes, someone just might get desperate enough to kick in THEIR front door, or maybe do it just because they know the cops are overworked and spread thin-goods odds for a thug. I myself am more than willing to educate someone that I feel has truly seen the light. But I will not extend myself to just anyone. Some people are just going to have to learn the hard way and maybe sweat a bit while doing so.
On April 11, 2020 at 9:56 pm, Ned said:
Seems pretty much in the bag now that this was created in a lab. According to Sky News, Australia is looking at confiscating Chinese property and businesses as reparation for the cost of the virus.
On April 11, 2020 at 11:11 pm, Ned said:
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtRr4pIineQ
Since this looks like a manufactured virus, perhaps USA will contemplate the same thing.