Low Hanging Fruits And Nuts
BY Herschel Smith
The court granted the City’s petition. The court acknowledged that Lori could legally “walk . . . into any gun store and qualify to buy a handgun . . . and put [it] in that gun safe.” But it held that the City was nevertheless authorized to take the “low hanging fruit” of the guns the Rodriguezes already owned, irrespective of Lori’s ability to buy more, because of the danger that Edward presented. Stating that it was not “ignoring [Lori’s] Constitutional Rights,” the court concluded that it was not appropriate to return the firearms given the public safety concerns at stake.
Ah, those “low hanging fruit” guns.
The only thing low hanging about this is the moral compass of the fruits and nuts who made this decision.
On April 14, 2020 at 11:59 am, Heywood said:
This must not be true. I have been told this can’t happen in the USA.
On April 14, 2020 at 1:53 pm, Fred said:
This sounds like it was spoken by Joe “child sniffer” Biden from deep within his dementia, which is really getting bad by the way. I saw secret service helping him to get into a car. It was sad.
On April 14, 2020 at 3:51 pm, The Great Leap Forward said:
Das Teevee just reported a PD in the glorious people’s republic of Georgia is using drones to monitor the comrades in Savannah.
They have an audio PSA that is full of good feelz.
They are unarmed…for now.
On April 14, 2020 at 8:58 pm, X said:
Absolutely obscene.
Face it, you have no rights. The Constitution is absolutely dead. Begging the courts to respect your rights is a joke. The courts ARE a part of the very government that is shafting you. The absurd belief that you will “have your day in court” is merely a tactic intended to bamboozle you into going along with the system and keep stringing you along until you’re out of money and tired of fighting.
Not only do these courts ignore the actual text of the Constitution, they ignore the UNANIMOUS decision of their fellow black-robed lawyers:
On April 15, 2020 at 9:56 am, John said:
Sounds like a decision made by a pack of gypsy “smash and grabbers” instead of a “court”.