Forsake Not The Assembling Of Yourselves Together
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 9 months ago
Newsletter 027 (T.L. Davis).
Had things not been state ordered, what I think would have happened is those who could remain at home and still do their jobs remotely, would have. Schools could have gone online and actually should have long ago, with parent-approved curriculum, rather than the state-ordered curriculum that makes our children accept liberal and communist principles in order to pass their classes and graduate. Online higher education has been effective for nearly a generation.
Church, on the other hand, is not the same. It is a Christian expectation that those of the flock will gather together. Matthew 18:20 says: “Where two or three gather in my name, I am with them.” Common sense can dictate the distance one keeps from others or the judicious use of self-mitigating practices. But, common sense is the one thing the liberal and communist education curriculums try desperately to eradicate. Communism doesn’t work logically, to common sense it is irrational so common sense is the one thing that must be done away with.
The Apostles declared that they must obey God rather than man. A congregation of believers doesn’t cease to exist because they don’t meet once a week, and at the moment the church in suffering these rules with patience and forebearance.
But there must come an end to this, and that, very soon. We must not forsake the assembling together that the writer of Hebrews discussed (I believe to be Apollos, some theologians believe Paul).
On April 16, 2020 at 11:15 am, Hymie Shicklegruber said:
This is blood for blood and by the gallon. These are the old days, the bad days, the all-or-nothing days. They’re back! There’s no choice left. And I’m ready for war.
On April 19, 2020 at 12:28 am, Thomas said:
Paul wrote it as an instructed scribe would having studied at the feet of Gamaliel.(Acts 22:3)
Perhaps people will take the opportunity to read the unedited Word of God for themselves without the delusion that they will get all they need to know of the plan of God from a pew in a building made by the hands of man once a week.
Persecution at the hands of the prince of this world and his minions (and they are manifest) is to be counted joy. Even so, come Lord Jesus, come.
Daly bible study is still available on youtube: