Acknowledging the Earlier ‘Shockwave’ Developer: Len Savage
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 9 months ago
“Should you choose to classify such a firearm as a ‘Destructive Device’ under CFR 479.11 the firearms mentioned in the ATF article also have a barrel diameter of greater than one half inch (12 gauge being approximately .69 inches),” Savage continued, revealing how TF had closed the door on that alternative as well. “The Destructive Device definition does exempt shotguns, however since the firearms described in the article are neither rifles nor shotguns … I would remind you, I would NOT be changing bore diameter of the firearm that is neither a rifle nor a shotgun mentioned in the article. Making such a classification would appear most arbitrary and capricious given the facts at hand.”
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“Marty Ewer used to own Shockwave Industries.” Savage explains. “I gave Marty my letter as he was making a birds head grip so that a factory 14″ barrel could be purchased and installed legally. He later sold the trade name shockwave to Mossberg and retired.”
“For what it’s worth, I also approached Mossberg and was rebuffed,” Savage adds. “I posted the letters on several gun boards and gave it to anyone who wanted to make them.”
Historic Arms, LLC developed the first firearm taking advantage of “the rules” and received the first ATF approval. All I ask is that we don’t forget Len Savage’s contribution and his name.
After discussing this with Len several years ago, I wrote Mossberg and asked to speak to their attorney. To my surprise, he called me within minutes.
His discussions with me were interesting and he defended the use of the term “firearm.” I’ve never told him so, but congratulations to Len on this victory.
Len is one of the very good guys, and I’m proud to know him. I wish he could have gotten some scratch out of this.
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