All The Marbles
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 8 months ago
The coronavirus lockdown was sold as a way to achieve sufficient beds for the sick, but in my state and many others, the advice from medical professionals is to stay home and send someone out for medication unless the symptoms are sufficient to require hospitalization. Okay, so, how are we going to overwhelm the hospital beds if somewhere along the lines of 70% of the people who get it are asymptomatic or can be quarantined on their own? Later, it became about not infecting others, but avoiding viruses by shutting down the world economies has never been an answer to pandemics in the past.
The coronavirus might be the most infectious virus to come along in a long time, but it is now suggested that the greater share of people who do get it, don’t know it. That’s somewhere along the lines of a rash you notice in the mirror and wonder where that came from, hardly a reason to destroy the livelihoods of upwards of 30 million people. Others will be impacted, of course, but 30 million are out of work. Those who can work at home are still hampered by not being able to live their lives without drones haunting their every move.
This is communism in the 21st Century. This is what we have allowed to take over capitalism and individual freedom. Part of that is something Ted Nugent spoke about on Glenn Beck. Hunters, people who enjoy traipsing through the countryside to down, butcher and eat their food from nature, vote in the single digits, i.e., less than 10%. While I am no big fan of the vote at this point, where there is no actual representation due to the dilution of the Permanent Reapportionment Act of 1929 that froze congressional representatives at 435, it’s the only current defense against communism short of civil unrest. If hunters voted at 90%, as they should be by now, it would change the entire dynamics of every rural state in the Union and maybe some of those on the fringes of it.
I’ve certainly warned readers that the failure to vote, like we saw in Virginia, leads to massive problems, as well as makes individuals accountable before the Almighty for failure to be responsible in the small things (read here, the parable of the talents).
But getting hunters to vote will only help if the Fudds begin to think like patriots rather than duck and deer hunters.
On April 27, 2020 at 10:29 pm, Sanders said:
Whatever you might think of Ted Nugent, at least he is trying to get hunters to register and vote.