Minneapolis: Muslim call to prayer blasted over loudspeakers 5 times a day in U.S. first

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

News from Minnesota.

The Muslim call to prayer, known as the adhan, will echo from loudspeakers through parts of Minneapolis five times per day for the entirety of Ramadan in what is believed the be the first time the Islamic call has been publicly broadcast in a major U.S. city.

[ … ]

The city granted a noise permit for the broadcasts.

Of course they did.  In New York they’ve sided with the Muslims.

“NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened to permanently close churches, but he’s giving Muslims half a million meals for Ramadan,” by Phil Shiver, The Blaze, April 24, 2020:

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Thursday that the city will take steps to provide for its Muslim community amid the coronavirus by distributing “over half a million meals” during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

The 500,000 Halal meals will be distributed at 32 Department of Education buildings and other community organizations during Ramadan, Bloomberg News reported. Ramadan began Thursday evening and will end the evening of May 23.

“One of Ramadan’s most noble callings is to feed the hungry,” de Blasio said Thursday during a press briefing. “To remember to be there for those in need. And that is now harder than ever now that people can’t go to their mosques.”

“We all wish that the celebrations of Easter and Passover could have been so different,” de Blasio said during the briefing.

No you don’t.  This is all going as planned.


  1. On April 27, 2020 at 10:44 pm, George 1 said:

    You mean if we import enough third world aliens, Muslim or not, we eventually become a third world nation? Holy Crap!! Who would have guessed?

    I am sorry. Very racist of me to not embrace our new Americans. After all they are more American than we are.

  2. On April 28, 2020 at 12:34 am, Georgiaboy61 said:

    The so-called “Red-Green Alliance” is real, and it is growing in scope, size and influence. What is it? In brief, it is the strategic/operational alliance between Islam and Cultural Marxism (which is to say communism).

    At first glance, such an alliance would seem implausible, perhaps even impossible. Some leftists will tell you so – but they are either lying or misinformed or both. While it is true that hardcore leftism and Islam are separated by what seems an unbridgeable gulf concerning things like the treatment of homosexuals and women, to name two examples – they are united, strongly united, by their commonalities – especially their shared hatred of the U.S., Christianity and western civilization.

    For the time being, the Muslims and the Left are finding common cause in their shared hatreds and shared goals. There will be ample time later on when/if their battle is won, to determine whose view shall prevail concerning those divisive issues.

    It is already fashionable on the political-cultural left to adopt or convert to Islam, much as it was once fashionable to become a Hare Krishna back in the flower power era. When push comes to shove, the bet here is that most leftists, being fundamentally cowards, will either convert to Islam – or flee from it – when the time comes. In the meantime, the Muslims are using the Cultural Marxists much as Josef Stalin and the communists used their dupes and converts in western nations during the 1930s – as “useful idiots” to be used up and discarded when their utility is done.

    Readers of a certain age will be familiar with the infamous Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, a.k.a. “Carlos the Jackal,” the notorious Venezuelan-born international assassin-for-hire, terrorist and Marxist radical. Finally caught in the Sudan and imprisoned by French authorities, Sanchez converted to Islam in prison and later penned the book “Revolutionary Islam,” in which he praised Osama Bin Laden and the 9-11-2001 attacks, and claimed that “Only a coalition of Islamic and Marxist revolutionaries can bring down America”…

    The sheikhs and princes in the fabulously wealthy Sunni Arab Gulf States have spread their enormous wealth around such that plenty of Democrats and Republicans alike have been bought.

    Anyone who believes that being bought-and-paid-for by the Arabs is only a problem in the Democrat Party has obviously never heard of the Bush political dynasty or GOP insider Grover Norquist. However, Islamic payola has penetrated the Left particularly effectively.

    The rot goes deep. Former President Jimmy Carter’s Presidential Library and Center in Atlanta, GA. was funded almost entirely by high-dollar donations from the Middle East. A member of the Muslim Sisterhood, the distaff version of the Muslim Brothers/the Ikhwan, named Huma Abedin, was hired by Hillary Clinton as one of her senior advisors. Clinton says that if she was to have a second daughter,” Abedin would be it.

    Of course, the Democrat Party nominated a Sunni Muslim – Barack Obama – as its nominee in the 2007-2008 election campaign, and he subsequently won two terms in the Oval Office. Quite naturally, Obama appointed many Muslims to senior positions within his administration, such as John Brennan, head of the CIA – who had converted to Islam while posted in Saudi Arabia as a younger man.

    The Islamophilia of the Democrat Party and the Left has continued unabated. The first-ever Muslim Congressional Representative in U.S. history, Keith Ellison, was elected from Minnesota, and today Ellison – an avowed and open Islamic supremacist – is the former Deputy Chairman of the Democratic National Committee and is now Attorney General for Minnesota.

    When Ellison was sworn in to Congress, he did so on a Koran once owned by Thomas Jefferson. The Marxists like to claim that Jefferson’s Koran is proof of the validity of multiculturalism (some even try to claim that Jefferson was himself a convert to Islam), but that’s a lie and utter nonsense. Thomas Jefferson, acting in his capacity as the 3rd President and Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. military, owned a Koran to better know our nation’s enemies, specifically the Islamic Barbary Pirates we were then engaged in fighting.

    There have been other reasons for the striking success of Islamic recruitment on the left, such as their coordinated and well-planned initiative to place imams (Islamic clerics) in prisons across the country. Muslim outreach programs in the prisoners have been especially successful at recruiting blacks who then convert to Islam. The historical irony here is rich indeed, since apparently very few blacks are aware that the Muslims have been the greatest enslavers of their people in history, bar none!

    We see on full display in Minnesota the conquest-by-migration or “hegira” favored by Muslims. Just as Mohammed commanded his followers to do 1,400 years ago, Muslims set forth into the non-Muslim world, looking for places to colonize in the name of their creed. Once established, they strive to build their numbers while maintaining a low profile. As their numbers increase, their assertiveness does also. Eventually, they have the numbers to take over local, regional and eventually state governments. Today, Minneapolis-St. Paul, tomorrow Minnesota.

    It has been amply documented that when Muslims attain sufficient numbers to establish Muslims-only zones, they will do so – and then enforce sharia law within them, as commanded by sharia law. We already see this in European cities such as Paris, where there are entire banlieues (suburbs or ghettos) in which the French authorities fear to enter, unless accompanied by armed police guards or members of the French military. Things have not yet gotten so “advanced” in such zones here in the U.S. – but they will, if the believers and their supporters have any say in the matter.

    Immigration laws have consequences, folks, and the powers-that-be have in mind a (dystopian) future for you and yours that you may not like.

    It is important to an understanding of Islam to realize that a mosque isn’t simply a place of worship or a temple. Westerners accustomed to seeing Christian churches, Jewish synagogues and Hindu or Buddhist temples tend to believe that a mosque is no different. This is a serious error in judgment and a profound misunderstanding of what it means to be Muslim.

    A mosque is a place of worship, true, but it is also much, much more. First of all, it is considered sovereign Muslim soil in the land of the infidels. Muslims do their very best to keep non-Muslims out, although this is sometimes not possible. It is typical for Muslims – including those in the mosque – to present one (typically non-threatening and multicultural) image to the surrounding community and authorities, while spreading an entirely different message amongst themselves. To say one thing in English in the hearing of the infidels (non-Muslims), while believing and saying very different things during conversations among themselves or when the imam addresses them.

    The mosque is also a place where Muslims can hide if they are on the run or threatened. It also functions as a clearing house for information, intelligence and gossip pertaining to Muslims, both in the area and more-widely.

    Ask any 11B (infantry MOS) with trigger time in Iraq or Afghanistan about mosques as military installations, places in which to hide/cache weapons, as well as to launch attacks on the infidels. The hajjis knew that our ROEs discouraged an attack upon any mosque, so naturally their snipers and IED men hide in them when preparing to attack or actually attacking American and other forces. Whereupon a drone, air, or artillery strike could be called in, killing the attacker or insurgent but giving Islamic propagandists the opportunity to blame the kaffirs for killing “innocent civilians.”

    Nor are mosques considered fortifications only in the Middle East and Asia. Swedish authorities/police in that nation have discovered multiple weapons caches in mosques, including small arms, explosives, RPGs, grenades, and other military-grade hardware. Believed to have been smuggled up from the Balkans, leftover from the 1990s.

    Rather than think of a mosque as a place of worship it is a lot more accurate – albeit highly-politically-incorrect – to think of it as something like one of those old Vietnam-era fire bases the U.S. Army and Marine Corps used to have back in “Indian Country.” I.e., a military installation deep in enemy territory. Only this time, they’re the ones building the bases!

    There is perhaps no evidence so damning of our political elites vis-a-vis Islam than the continued existence of Islamic terrorist/jihadist training compounds and camps on U.S. soil. Since the 1990s, brave and intrepid investigators such as Steve Emerson, David Gaubatz, and Brigitte Gabriel have – often at risk to their lives and the lives of their colleagues – collected, analyzed and forwarded evidence of these illegal activities to local, state and federal law-enforcement agencies. Written evidence, photographic evidence, film, samples of jihadist literature, recordings of imams calling, in Arabic, for war against the infidels, etc.

    Very little has been done with this mountain of evidence, even during times when the GOP has occupied the White House and controls Congress. Obviously, during the time of regimes more-sympathetic to Islam and Muslims, such as the eight years of the Clintons and the Obamas, such information was suppressed whenever possible by those regimes.

    When confronted with their failures to take action on these data, typically agencies like the FBI say that they can’t do anything until the Department of State classifies the compounds/camps as terrorist organizations. Since State is full of Islamic sympathizers, dupes and communists, nothing gets done. And if the Feds don’t list them as criminals, then the state, regional and local people can’t do much of anything, either.

    Oh, one more thing: The Red-Green Alliance wants ordinary Americans to surrender their firearms. Can you guess why? A hint for those who don’t know the answer – we passed the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide not long ago, during which the Muslim Ottoman Turks slew an estimated 1.5 million Armenian and Greek Christians.

    And so it goes – civilization jihad against our society, against our civilization.

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