Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Is An AR-15 Now A Machine Gun In Nevada?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago


The defendants in Parsons v. Colt et al. asked a federal district court to dismiss the lawsuit. On April 10, 2020, US District Court judge Andrew P. Gordon (Obama appointee) refused to dismiss the plaintiffs’ wrongful death claim. The case will now move forward in Nevada state courts.

Gordon used a set of lies regarding the design and history of the AR platform to rationalize his finding that the manufacturers somehow knew they were making arms that could easily be converted to machineguns, despite the fact that even the ATF claimed otherwise, until they changed their pseudo-minds in late 2017 (and didn’t make it retroactively official until 2019).

Carl then cites from the ruling, made by an Obama-appointed judge.

26 U.S.C. § 5845. Nevada’s definition of “machine gun” mirrors the federal definition. NRS § 202.253. The ATF has defined “designed to shoot” to include “those weapons which have not previously functioned as machineguns but possess design features which facilitate full automatic fire by simple modification or elimination of existing component parts.” ATF Ruling 82-2.

I read the judgment.  It’s as bad as Carl is suggesting in one way, but not in another.  First, the good news.  This isn’t a ruling that is determinative for Nevada.  He is only referring this to the Nevada supreme court.  See the final two pages of the ruling.

Now for the bad news.  If this indeed goes against the plaintiffs, that’s big trouble.  It might not be so in states other than Nevada (can you imagine this happening in Idaho or Texas?), but this is a wrongful death lawsuit, and it could cost big.

The suit is against Daniel Defense (and other manufacturers) and Sportsman’s Warehouse.  What happens now if you want to buy a Daniel Defense rifle?

The cost goes up due to [a] legal expenses, and [b] awards.  That’s the whole intent behind this.

Forsake Not The Assembling Of Yourselves Together

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

Newsletter 027 (T.L. Davis).

Had things not been state ordered, what I think would have happened is those who could remain at home and still do their jobs remotely, would have. Schools could have gone online and actually should have long ago, with parent-approved curriculum, rather than the state-ordered curriculum that makes our children accept liberal and communist principles in order to pass their classes and graduate. Online higher education has been effective for nearly a generation.

Church, on the other hand, is not the same. It is a Christian expectation that those of the flock will gather together. Matthew 18:20 says: “Where two or three gather in my name, I am with them.” Common sense can dictate the distance one keeps from others or the judicious use of self-mitigating practices. But, common sense is the one thing the liberal and communist education curriculums try desperately to eradicate. Communism doesn’t work logically, to common sense it is irrational so common sense is the one thing that must be done away with.

The Apostles declared that they must obey God rather than man.  A congregation of believers doesn’t cease to exist because they don’t meet once a week, and at the moment the church in suffering these rules with patience and forebearance.

But there must come an end to this, and that, very soon.  We must not forsake the assembling together that the writer of Hebrews discussed (I believe to be Apollos, some theologians believe Paul).

Why .22 WMR And .17 HMR Doesn’t Exist In Semi-Auto

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

But it does, in rifles.  There are plenty of them, and good ones.

In the comments he had to amend (refine or clarify) what he was saying to indicate handguns.

Raleigh Police: “Protesting Is A Non-Essential Activity”

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

Legal Insurrection.

Our Founding Fathers never once said that the rights given to us by our Creator go out the door in the case of a viral pandemic.

In other words, the Constitution still exists and it still protects us from tyrants.

The Raleigh Police Department had the nerve to tell someone on Twitter that protesting is a non-essential activity.

[ … ]

Do you know why the Founding Fathers added the freedom of assembly into the amendment? The tyrannical English monarchy also did not find protesting or freedom to assemble an essential activity. Quaker William Penn faced charges for simply preaching in public in 1670. The jury found him innocent, but it made the citizens realize that they have a right to assemble.

Then right before the Revolutionary War, the monarchy made the British forces use their power to restrict protests after Parliament passed stupid taxes.

The British forces did just that. In 1770 these forces committed the Boston Massacre. The British army quickly ended protests in New York and *gasp* North Carolina.

It’s precisely in times like this that the bill of rights DOES apply.  It’s easy to acquiesce to God-given rights when times are easy.  When the .gox Ox gets gored is precisely the time those rights matter.

If those rights are dishonored when the .gov decides that it’s inconvenient, then the rights are dishonored all of the time.

And as I’ve said before, the circumstances in which we find ourselves has turned the lights on and instead of the cock roaches scattering, they’re fighting.  They self-identified, and hopefully, Americans will remember.

And just a reminder that if the Raleigh cops will dishonor the right of peaceable assembly, and the cops in Kentucky will ticket peaceable men and women for attending worship, they will follow orders to confiscate firearms under the pretext of “public safety.”

You can bet on it.  As regular readers know since we’ve discussed this many times before, you’re never in more danger than when the police are around.  If you don’t get shot by one of them intentionally, you’re in danger of a trigger-happy boob sending a round down range by an ND or because he’s a scared little boy, or in this instance, you’re in danger of being arrested or ticketed for exercising your rights.

Gas Versus Inertia: Which Semiautomatic Shotgun Is Best?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

Outdoor Life.

The debate over inertia-driven autoloaders vs. gas-operated semiautos has been going around the shotgun world since the conclusion of World War II. For more than a century, inertia guns have been in the hands of hunters, thanks to John Moses Browning’s Auto-5, and a Danish gunsmith, Christer Sjorgren, who created the inertia system Benelli and other gun manufacturers utilize. Gas-operated guns came about after WWII with the development of the M1 Garand, the battle rifle U.S. troops used in combat. Starting in the 1950s, Browning, Winchester, and Remington all began producing gas guns. The arguments amongst hunters and competition shooters over who did it best—inertia or gas—have swirled around late-night campfires ever since.

One system isn’t inherently better than the other, but there are benefits and drawbacks of both. And honestly, you shouldn’t pigeon-hole yourself into shooting gas or inertia. My three favorite modern 12-gauge shotguns are the Beretta A390 Silver Mallard, Winchester SX3, and Benelli Super Black Eagle 2. The first two are gas-operated, and the SBE2 is an inertia gun. I like using the guns for different times of the year and different shoots. The Beretta is for clays, ducks, pheasants, and turkeys. The Benelli is my go-to dark goose gun because it patterns so well beyond the edge of the decoys on fickle/stubborn honkers that don’t like to finish in the kill hole. For spring snow goose season, I wanted an affordable, soft-shooting autoloader, and the SX3 fits that bill.

There are few modern inertia-driven shotguns that have unmanageable recoil. Yes, they are going to pound you harder than most gas guns, and if you shoot a 2-ounce 3.5” turkey load out of an A5, it might well rattle your bones. If you hunt and shoot a lot, and you’re an old or smaller shooter, a gas gun might be for you. Two to three months straight of shooting is a lot for one shoulder to bear, and a gas-operated auto will soften some of the felt recoil.

There is more at the link.

I’m not a shotgun aficionado.  But I do value lack of recoil would pay a premium for the pleasure of shooting a gun that has less recoil.

Readers who have more knowledge than I do may wish to weigh in on their favorite shotgun, and reasons why.

How To Master Shooting A Red Dot Sight On Your Handgun

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

Outdoor Life.

One of the first things I noticed when I began firing a red-dot-equipped pistol was my trigger control and grip were not as refined as I thought they were. I noticed the dot would ever-so-slightly dip or slide to the left during my trigger press, ultimately resulting in some 9-ring hits instead of 10- or X-ring impacts on an NRA B8 bull’s-eye at 25 yards. Feedback from the sight allowed me to focus on these shortcomings and make adjustments to my technique.

Dry-fire is the best way to shorten the learning curve, all in the comfort of your home. With the sight turned off (and the pistol empty, of course), practice framing your target within the window of your red-dot sight. On press-out, level the pistol as soon as possible, pick up the target through the glass, and ride it out to extension. Next, try this from the low-ready position, and then from the holster. Once this feels comfortable, activate the sight, and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you pick up the dot upon presentation. Speed and efficiency will come with practice.

I guess it’s like anything else – practice.  But first, must get guns that have mount for optic.  This means new guns in most instances.

And money.

Dr. Anthony Fauci Has A Very Dark Past

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

Low Hanging Fruits And Nuts

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago


The court granted the City’s petition. The court acknowledged that Lori could legally “walk . . . into any gun store and qualify to buy a handgun . . . and put [it] in that gun safe.” But it held that the City was nevertheless authorized to take the “low hanging fruit” of the guns the Rodriguezes already owned, irrespective of Lori’s ability to buy more, because of the danger that Edward presented. Stating that it was not “ignoring [Lori’s] Constitutional Rights,” the court concluded that it was not appropriate to return the firearms given the public safety concerns at stake.

Ah, those “low hanging fruit” guns.

The only thing low hanging about this is the moral compass of the fruits and nuts who made this decision.

So Who Has The Authority To Open The Economy Back Up?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

Question from my wife tonight: “What is your opinion?  Who has the authority to open the economy back up – the president or the governors?  There’s a hot debate over that with the talking heads and MSM.”

Me: The premise of the question is false.  You’re asking who has the authority to undo something no one had the constitutional authority to do to begin with.

Below The Radar: HR 6110 – The Defective Firearms Protection Act

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago


This is why HR 6110, The Defective Firearms Protection Act, introduced by Representative Debbie Dingell, should be a very big deal. This very short bill, two pages long in its official form. It has two very short sections and counting the labeling of the section titles, it is all of 79 words long.

But these 79 words mark a monumental shift in power from elected officials that the American people can hold accountable to the administrative state, with grave implications for the ability of Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights. It’s not what the law puts in place, it’s the restriction that it lifts which Second Amendment supporters should worry about.

Under 15 USC 2052, firearms of all types are not considered consumer products, and under 15 USC 2079, firearms are generally excluded from the jurisdiction of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

According to a release from Representative Dingell’s office, HR 6110 will give the Consumer Product Safety Commission power over our Second Amendment rights.

“Because the Consumer Product Safety Commission lacks the authority to recall firearms, faulty guns remain on the market and pose a risk to public and household safety,” said Dingell in the release. She went on to press the nonsense claim that more is done to regulate products like highchairs and bicycles than firearms.

[ … ]

Imagine the CPSC telling Rock River Arms to stop making all of their modern multi-purpose semi-automatic firearms. The company would have to comply or face civil and criminal penalties. Litigation would also be much more difficult that in challenging a law.

I know folks at RRA and I don’t want them or anyone to have to go through this.  The controllers never sleep.  We can’t either.  Oppose it by all means necessary.

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