373 Workers At Meat Packing Plant Test Positive For COVID-19
BY Herschel Smith
At least 373 workers at a Missouri pork plant tested positive for coronavirus, CNN reported on Monday.
All 373 positive cases were asymptomatic employees.
I’m beginning to wonder if we don’t have many strains of this virus, with some hot spots like New York having the worst of it. I’m willing to bet that it’s mutating form (are there some 33 different forms now?) and many different forms are in America today, with some more virulent and some less.
On May 5, 2020 at 4:07 am, Halvar said:
Do the tests actually differentiate among COVID-19 and other coronaviruses like the common cold?
On May 5, 2020 at 8:14 am, Bram said:
Different strains, the vitamin D mentioned above, and I assume the meat packers are a more robust group than say nursing home residents.
I also think we will find that the level of initial exposure was also important to how people reacted. People probably got huge initial viral loads on those filthy NY subways and trains. (I live in NJ and avoid the place like, well…, the plague)
On May 5, 2020 at 8:27 am, June J said:
It’s not just the meat packers in Missouri. Amarillo, TX meat packing plants also getting high numbers of infected workers. If I had my tin foil hat on I’d say it is suspicious that a particular food industry is so highly infected. Especially those plants owned by Chinese companies.
On May 5, 2020 at 8:44 am, Ned said:
June J – George Webb was asking that very same question about the Chinese owned meat plants. For instance, there’s a low rate of infection in South Dakota, and all of a sudden they have to close a pork plant because everyone’s infected. Pretty convenient – especially since South Dakota didn’t close down the state – and that runs against the statist narrative.
On May 5, 2020 at 8:56 am, Fred said:
Are those people tested specifically and systematically? Probably. That matters.
When they test whole nursing homes guess what, large numbers there also have it. Test your whole church, company, bowling league, whatever, and see what happens…
The news always lies, even in the headlines. And since I can’t get to either linked story because my browsers disallow those infecting websights that have hundreds of trackers and link throughs I’m unable to see how many employees the plant has. Is it 374 or 10,000? That also matters.
On May 5, 2020 at 2:00 pm, dad29 said:
Add Packerland Packing (beef) in Green Bay and Patrick Cudahy (pork) (China-owned) in Milwaukee–and a frozen veggie plant in Darien, WI.
Two notes: generally the infection numbers are a low % of total employees. IN all the cases up here, the labor is predominantly illegal Hispanics but of course, nobody SAYS that.
You’re a stats-guy. As June J intimates above, it’s rather ……..interesting………that all these meatpackers are getting hit with the Chinese Lung-AIDS all at once, ain’a?
On May 5, 2020 at 4:34 pm, JoeFour said:
“All 373 positive cases were asymptomatic employees.”
OK. Let me get this straight.
They classify anyone who has been exposed to the COVID-19 virus (per their “testing”) as being an “infected” person regardless of whether the person is ill or healthy (“asymptomatic”)…and, at the same time, any “infected” person, ill or healthy, is counted as yet another COVID-19 “case”.
I understand that they closed this particular plant and other plants that had just a few “infected” persons have also been closed.
Does any this make any sense?
On May 5, 2020 at 9:02 pm, Jorge said:
There’s not enough testing kits anywhere, any state in the country.
But we have enough to test a random tiger at a zoo in New York, a family pet, and every single person in a meatpacking plant in Missouri (with pretty low per capita fatalities).
Doctors are: 1) killing themselves from stress of the deaths and carnage 2) getting fired because there’s not enough work 3) finding time to make synchronized dance videos on tiktok.
At least get the story straight, people.