What Do Bill And Melinda Gates, The World Bank, Big Pharma, And The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board Have In Common?
BY Herschel Smith
An awful lot. This is a very important video, conveying very important research into the machinations of the global health mafia and their demanded protection money.
Oh, make sure to be able to answer this question when you’re finished. Who said this: ” … conducts at least two systemwide training and simulation exercises, including one covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen?”
On May 11, 2020 at 7:18 am, Mark Matis said:
Well Mr. Gates is responsible for the worst buggy bloatware that this planet has ever seen. Or is that instead bloaty bugware???
On May 11, 2020 at 10:22 am, Tom said:
We must eradicate the virus of eugenicists in our lifetime. As we have heard, it starts with “tracers”. If they want tracers give them tracers.
On May 11, 2020 at 10:42 am, Papa said:
Direct link:
Global health mafia.
On May 11, 2020 at 10:42 am, Papa said:
World vaccine plan.
On May 11, 2020 at 12:16 pm, Fred said:
Random thoughts in order:
You don’t have to launder the money when you own the bank. There is a hint in there somewhere.
When they say “equal access” to vaccines, if I were a sub-Saharan Negro or Central American tribesmen I’d be pretty nervous.
You need to be exterminated but nice and slow like, so you don’t really understand what’s happening. Vaccines sound like a great way to inject health and fertility problems.
It’s fairly amusing, or not, how easily diversity (chicom infiltrators included) has allowed the destruction of the west.
If an organization is “reconstituted” the primary objective would be to find and read this new constitution (charter).
To them, mass killing in the billions is saving life, you are the disease destroying THEIR planet.
That’s a pretty slick funding scheme. Impressive.
Where have I heard the name Chattam House?
If you have no doubt of a surprise, then the game must be rigged. So Trump is in on it, or on a light dose of that which makes one amenable to suggestions. Or what, he’s stupid? Other?
So, go long on big pharma? *snark* or not. Backtrack to another thought, same topic. The big pharma’s are in some respects too big to make massive money in this scheme as a stock investor, in a few short years. Look for connections to fast growing smaller pharma/biotech(s). Remember, these people don’t want good money through sound investing using compounding over years and decades, they want all the money.
eww, melinda gates positively oozes the creepy. Probably has a devil in possession.
No, they smash the window of the pizza joint while the owner watches. It’s about humiliation, same as is communism.
Exposing human networks is how they will fill the camps. Don’t learn this after it’s too late.
So there are now 2 people(s) who must never be named; jews, and now Trump, I guess.
The sub oligarch class all sniffs each others backsides. This isn’t actually news, unless you’re interested in network configurations for purposes other than wasting God’s air by doing nothing but talking about them forever.
OTOH, I do respect the who benefits approach. Remember:
Who benefits from your fear, why and how, show your work? She’s making a good run at it.
I think after mentioning the “respiratory illness” thing, she looks like she has a much a deeper revelation as to what is happening. Not unusual at all, the teacher always learns more than the prospective students. She looks scared. She should be.
How does Trump escape any mention at all, by anybody on the right, for any reason, ever? Nothing about the whole shutdown is more disturbing to me than that. I mean, he’s not of those who must not be mentioned, you can talk bad about him, right?
On May 11, 2020 at 2:16 pm, June J said:
Apparently “they” decided an exercise would be more effective if some people actually got sick and died. This fall expect a “mutated Covid-19” to kill even more.
I used to believe George Soros was near the top of the list of most evil people in the world…..after watching the video and looking into the organizations and documents old George has moved far down the list.
On May 11, 2020 at 2:19 pm, June J said:
Addition to Fred’s random thoughts…Melinda Gates and Michelle Obama are two homely dudes.
On May 11, 2020 at 2:51 pm, GenEarly said:
We elected Trump as President rejecting Both the Marxist democRats and Quisling Repubs. Trump has led effectively, accomplishing more than I expected. He is human, same as you and me, but he is the President, we aren’t. I expect the CW and/or WWIII may break out if the economy tanks any further and Trump is the Commander in Chief to my relief.
In the micro He pardoned the Oregon ranchers, in the macro he has fought the NWO Chicom USSA Deep State to a standstill and is now poised for the Offensive Attack.
If for one have his back, and pray We Win.
On May 12, 2020 at 12:27 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
When pushing their agenda forward, when seeking what they euphemistically call “change,” the globalist elites prefer to utilize manufactured crisis.
In the realm of foreign policy in recent years, we have already seen ample evidence of these methods, namely false flag operations. False flags are a specific and much-used form of social-engineering/manufactured crisis favored by the black-bag experts in various intelligence agencies and like.
Over the last decade, multiple chemical weapons attacks launched against Syrian civilians, “atrocities” committed by various western intelligence agencies and their surrogates – such as the Turkish intelligence services of Recep Erdogan – but blamed upon the government of Syrian President Assad. This is known with a high degree of certainty because impartial and independent observers caught them in the act, and the Turks admitted to killing hundreds of civilians in the name of their little ruse.
Manufactured crisis has been used by the communists with great success for over a century, both here in the U.S.A. and abroad. The communists call these methods the “Hegelian dialectic,” or for short, just “dialectics.”
In brief, the idea is to provoke some sort of crisis out of the materials and circumstances at hand, or failing that, engineer one. The crisis is amplified using propaganda through captive media organs and via other channels. To digress a moment, this is one reason why the elites want so badly to censor or delete entirely, internet content with which they disagree – dissent works to defuse their propaganda, to counteract it.
When the crisis has been built to a crescendo, when nerves are taut and people on the streets are ready to snap from the hardship, this is when the powers-that-be allow a reaction to the event, whatever it happens to be. If the response is an overreaction, or is perceived as one – so much the better. It will be used as justification for what the communists call the “synthesis” – i.e., the “solution” to the crisis/reaction which gives them what they have wanted all along.
In the context of the current event, the “crisis” is obviously the Covid-19 outbreak. Time will tell whether this event was manufactured in some manner, or if it just fell into the laps of the elites by their good fortune. Regardless, the key point is that Gates and company are now off and running with this thing as far and as fast as they can carry it. Rahm Emmanuel said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” and the globalist elites are taking full advantage of it.
The strict, even punitive measures enacted against the virus – far out of proportion to its actual danger – are intended to do several things.
First, in concert with the torrent of propaganda about the event, quarantine, house arrest and all the rest of it are intended to prepare the population for what is coming.
Second, if the powers-that-be can provoke someone into losing their cool, maybe a lot of someones – that can in turn be used as a pretext for tightening the screws even further. Third, all of this commotion is intended to sell the con, the grift, the scam, the massive deception which lies at the heart of this whole event. Namely….
That this isn’t about the virus at all, but about grabbing more power, more influence, more control and more wealth. It is about advancing their agenda. The globalist elites – the richest and most-powerful men and women on earth – mean to rule, and they will let nothing stand in their way. Certainly nothing so inconsequential to them as something like the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Or the wishes of common people everywhere for a different sort of future…
On May 12, 2020 at 7:08 am, Matt Bracken said:
What kind of person wears an upside-down cross for a nationally-televised appearance to discuss the Gates Foundation funding Coronavirus vaccines?
Creepiest interview ever. If I was agnostic on a Coronavirus vaccine before, I’m leaning “hard now” after watching the grinning ghoul Melinda Gates.
On May 12, 2020 at 3:28 pm, dad29 said:
WHO, Gates, and others like them have been pushing eugenics for years. Most of their efforts have been directed at reducing black and brown people through chemical birth controls and abortions. They had a ticket to ride that horse from the US’ State Department and through tacit approval from most “civilized” US and European people (i.e., whites).
Now–just like that–some are realizing the truth of Niemoller’s “….First they came for….” statement. Let’s hope it’s not too late.