The FedGov Outed The Role Of The House Of Saud In 9/11
BY Herschel Smith
In a portion describing the material sought by lawyers for the 9/11 families, Sanborn refers to a partially declassified 2012 FBI report about an investigation into possible links between the al-Qaida terrorists and Saudi government officials. That probe, the existence of which has only become public in the past few years, initially focused on two individuals: Fahad al-Thumairy, a Saudi Islamic Affairs official and radical cleric who served as the imam of the King Fahd Mosque in Los Angeles and Omar al-Bayoumi, a suspected Saudi government agent who assisted two terrorists, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, who participated in the hijacking of the American Airlines plane that flew into the Pentagon, killing 125.
After the two hijackers flew to Los Angeles on Jan. 15, 2000, al-Bayoumi found them an apartment, lent them money and set them up with bank accounts.
A redacted copy of a three-and-a-half page October 2012 FBI “update” about the investigation stated that FBI agents had uncovered “evidence” that Thumairy and Bayoumi had been “tasked” to assist the hijackers by yet another individual whose name was blacked out, prompting lawyers for the families to refer to this person as “the third man” in what they argue is a Saudi-orchestrated conspiracy.
Describing the request by lawyers for the 9/11 families to depose that individual under oath, Sanborn’s declaration says in one instance that it involves “any and all records referring to or relating to Jarrah.”
The reference is to Mussaed Ahmed al-Jarrah, a mid-level Saudi Foreign Ministry official who was assigned to the Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C., in 1999 and 2000. His duties apparently included overseeing the activities of Ministry of Islamic Affairs employees at Saudi-funded mosques and Islamic centers within the United States.
Relatively little is known about Jarrah, but according to former embassy employees, he reported to the Saudi ambassador in the United States (at the time Prince Bandar), and that he was later reassigned to the Saudi missions in Malaysia and Morocco, where he is believed to have been serving as recently as last year, having been promoted to the position of cultural counselor.
Jarrah has been on the radar screen of the lawyers for the 9/11 families for some time and is among nine current or former Saudi officials who they suspect have important information about the case and have sought to either question them or get access to FBI documents that mention them.
The families have also tapped former agents to help investigate the activities of the potential witnesses, including Jarrah.
Jarrah “was responsible for the placement of Ministry of Islamic Affairs employees known as guides and propagators posted to the United States, including Fahad Al Thumairy,” according to a separate declaration by Catherine Hunt, a former FBI agent based in Los Angeles who has been assisting the families in the case.
Hunt conducted her own investigation into the support provided to the hijackers in Southern California. “The FBI believed that al-Jarrah was ‘supporting’ and ‘maintaining’ al-Thumairy during the 9/11 investigation,” she said in her declaration.
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“There were definitely people at FBI headquarters who wanted this closed,” the former official said.
You live in a country run by criminals, who invite foreign criminals into the country and give them credentials. You don’t have credentials because you’re not special.
On May 13, 2020 at 3:03 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
It has been an open secret for years now – since the 1990s, certainly – that the Sunni Arab nations have been engaged in support of the so-called “civilization jihad.”
We owe that awareness in no small part to such courageous and intrepid investigators as David Gaubatz, Steve Emerson, and their colleagues, who have infiltrated mosques and jihadist training centers, conducted surveillance of them, collected and analyzed still photographic and film images, documents and other evidence. Recorded fiery pro-jihadist imams in their mosques. And much else which cannot be listed here.
What is civilization jihad, you ask? To answer that question, we must also understand its inverse, namely the jihad of the sword. Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, said almost 1,500 years ago that jihad was so important to Islam and Muslims that it ranked second in importance only to being a Muslim in the first place.
Apologists for Islam and Muslims themselves often brush off such statements by claiming that jihad is only an internal spiritual journey, and not a call to wage holy war upon non-Muslims. The facts do not bear out this claim. As usual, the hajjis are telling half of the truth, dissembling about what Islam is and what Muslims are expected to do.
True, Mohammed preached a tolerant and apparently non-violent version of Islam during his younger,earlier days in Mecca. The verses which document this period are said to be part of the Meccan Koran. This is the basis for the claims that Islam is non-violent and harbors no aggression toward the infidels (non-Muslims/unbelievers). During this time, Mohammed had only a small number of followers, and possessed little real military/geopolitical power.
However, in 622, Mohammed gathered his followers and they traveled some 300 miles across Arabia to the city of Medina (then called Yathrib), adding followers along the way. They were undertaking what later became known as the hegira (hijrah), an Arabic term to describe conquest by migration. Around this time, Mohammed’s followers began to multiply rapidly, drawn into the fold by the increasing aggressiveness and militancy of their leader.
Mohammed and his men conquered Medina, inaugurating the Medina or Medinan period of the Koran, which contains some thirty “verses of the sword” and other calls for his followers to go forth and wage jihad in the name of Islam. Mohammed’s metamorphosis from pacifist to war lord, conqueror, raider, slaver, and killer of the infidels – was complete.
The key to drawing the correct conclusions about the content of the Koran lies in the fact that the holy book of Islam is was not presented chronologically, but in order of length of verse. Moreover, a second key is the doctrine of abrogation, whereby the earlier peaceful verses in the Koran are superseded or overruled by the later violent ones. This is settled doctrine within the umma, as it has been handed down for more than a thousand years by the ulema (wise old ones) at al-Azar University in Cairo, Egypt, the seat of Islamic jurisprudence virtually since the time of the prophet.
Islam wages jihad in a variety of ways. Muslims who are too old to fight, for example, are enjoined to support those who are fighting the infidels – by whatever means possible. By raising money for them, by helping them, by securing food, shelter and other necessities for them, and so forth.
Broadly-speaking, there are two main types of jihad most-evident today: jihad of the sword, which many ill-informed western/non-Muslim analysts call Islamic terrorism,” which commits actual acts of violence, ranging from kidnapping and enslaving young women and girls, to beheading captured infidels, to stealing the wealth of their enemies, hijacking aircraft, setting off bombs, and committing assassinations.
“Civilization jihad” is another form, one much more subtle and difficult to identify, since it is clandestine in nature,and those who wage it generally take extensive steps to remain incognito and unknown, insofar as it is possible. Which is why Steve Emerson has termed this form “stealth jihad,” for its gradual and steady progress beneath the surface of normal life.
The actual act of crashing jet airliners into the World Trade Center Towers was an act of jihad of the sword, whereas the ongoing effort by Muslims to undermine, collapse and eventually destroy the United States and western civilization within – is an act of stealth or civilization jihad.
Although involved in acts of jihad of the sword – via intermediaries and cutouts -the far-greater danger lies in the support of the Sunni Arab nations for the civilization jihad, which is now ongoing around the western and developed worlds. This effort to silently conquer the non-Muslim world is being spearheaded by the Saudi Arabian government and the royal family of the House of Saud.
Much remains to be learned about the origins of the 9-11-2001 attacks, but it is now known with a high degree of certainty that elements within the Saudi royal family have been engaged in acts of jihad -of both varieties – for many decades now. Two individuals have been instrumental in leading this effort, namely Prince Bandar – Saudi envoy to the U.S. and also head of the Saudi intelligence service, and billionaire and Islamic supremacist al-Waleed Bin Talal.
Bringing these men – both here in the U.S. and abroad – and their confederates to some sort of justice, is going to be tall order, given the degree to which the Arabs have insinuated themselves into the machinery of our government, economy, and banking/financial systems, over the last half-century. They own, literally, a very large number of people in prominent positions both inside and outside of the government, from presidents and members of both houses of the U.S. Congress, to CEOs and titans of industry, to university faculty and members of the largest electronic/print media companies and organizations.
Because of the petrodollar system, when the Saudi king tells the president – or one of his senior advisors – to jump, that person must ask “How high”? and then carry out whatever the Saudis wish to be done. The Saudis possess enormous clout. In the wake of the 9-11 attacks, the House of Saud called upon their old friends the Bush family, to help protect their relatives still insider the U.S. and wanted for questioning by the F.B.I.
Under orders from President George W. Bush, they were spirited away and the American public was none-the-wiser. Not long after that, the so-called leader of the free world went on TV and told the American public the baldfaced lie that Islam is a “religion of peace,” and that the 9-11-2001 attacks had nothing to do with Islam. This is the extent of the problem.