Maine State Police Illegally Create Their Own Gun Registry
BY Herschel Smith
Who says cops want to obey the constitution?
A division of the Maine State Police illegally gathered and handled personal data about Mainers, according to an employment discrimination lawsuit filed in federal court by a state trooper.
George Loder, 50, of Scarborough is suing the Maine Intelligence Analysis Center, and its supervisors, claiming he was demoted after he told his bosses that the center was collecting and maintaining data illegally, including information about people who had applied to buy guns from firearms dealers, those who legally protested and those who worked at a Maine international camp for Israeli and Arab teens. The center is responsible for sharing information with other law enforcement agencies.
The complaint does not say with which agencies the center may have shared the information other than the state police. It also does not say when the center began collecting it. Loder expressed his concerns to supervisors in November 2017.
Loder alleges that staff at the center illegally gathered and kept information gleaned from social media about people who legally protested in September 2018 against Central Maine Power Co.’s proposed transmission corridor stretching from the Quebec border to Lewiston.
State police maintain a database that can be searched to determine if a person is prohibited from purchasing a gun. Applications to purchase firearms are supposed to be destroyed after the sale is approved but the center stored that information in the database, the suit claims.
It’s almost as if they want to know everything about everybody, huh? But the law is for little people. You’re a little person and you have to obey it. They don’t.
On May 15, 2020 at 6:50 am, Wes said:
Once your name is in a record for any purpose at one of these state fusion centers it is there forever. Don’t believe for a minute that someone’s “Best Practices” procedures manual handles the periodic removal of information. “Procedural errors” are what allowed the FBI to illegally surveil Americans. In a previous life I had time to interact with & query the ‘type’ that works in a fusion center. They relish the opportunity, are usually True Believers™ and usually hold the view, “Well, if you’ve done nothing wrong…”
On May 15, 2020 at 7:59 am, Heywood said:
For the 1,670,654th time…universal background checks ARE a gun registry. I know everyone on this site knows it, but I can’t understand why the fudds can’t see that. Oh wait…yes I can.
On May 15, 2020 at 8:21 am, George 1 said:
The powers that be already have all the data. They just lie and say they don’t. As Americans we all have “files” that would make the Stasi blush. Most of the security measures that, in the past, were available to citizens to maintain some privacy have been either made illegal or have been compromised by the usual suspects.
On May 15, 2020 at 11:10 am, Ned2 said:
We caught Brian Frosh in Maryland doing the same thing years ago.
Nothing happened, despite laws being broken. The ruling class is above the law.
On May 15, 2020 at 11:58 am, Longbow said:
Now… come on… Gentlemen,
I’m sure the “Vast Majority” is going to stand up and oppose this. Any second now… Right?
I mean, uhhh… right?
Anyone… anyone?
:( never mind
On May 18, 2020 at 10:33 am, joey said:
This is why all freedom-loving people should be building their own weaponry. Cash transactions for a mini mill, 3D printer, etc. Never trust the pigs.