Explanation Of Head Space
BY Herschel Smith
I stumbled on this explanation of head space by a gunsmith, and it seemed like a good one. If any gunsmiths want to add to it or modify it, feel free.
I stumbled on this explanation of head space by a gunsmith, and it seemed like a good one. If any gunsmiths want to add to it or modify it, feel free.
On May 21, 2020 at 3:35 pm, Paul Bonneau said:
I know that a lot of people want to neck size their brass using a full length die, turning it down a little bit at a time; however there is a problem to this procedure. Your press has some springiness to it, and this sizing procedure can leave some variation in the headspace measurement. I think the better way is to get some Redding Competition Shellholders, and set your sizing die to cam-over. This will give a consistent headspace measurement with just enough slop so you will not have problems closing the bolt.
Also, after neck sizing a few times, you need to full-length resize anyway because otherwise the case becomes too tight in the chamber. Rather than bothering with keeping track of this, just use the Redding shellholders every time.