Federal judge strikes down restrictions on Florida felon voting
BY Herschel Smith
A federal judge on Sunday dismantled Florida’s restrictive felon voting rights law in a ruling that could open the door to hundreds of thousands of new voters being added to rolls just ahead of the 2020 presidential election.
U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle declared key portions of the state’s felon voting law unconstitutional, ordering the state to put in place a new process that would help people register to vote in the state.
And just like that, he likely handed Florida to the democrats in the upcoming election.
Plan accordingly.
On May 25, 2020 at 8:40 am, X said:
“And just like that, he likely handed Florida to the democrats in the upcoming election.”
Translation: Trump loses in November.
On May 25, 2020 at 10:44 am, I R A Darth Aggie said:
Nah, it’ll be tied up in the courts well past November.
All proposed constitutional amendments in Florida go before the Florida Supreme Court for a vetting that the title and summary are factual and reflective of the contents. When the restoration of voting rights came up, the proponents in sworn testimony said that to be restored, the felons would have to be out from under court sanction, including restitution, fines, and fees.
I’m not surprised a judge tossed that, but that’s a high hill to climb. And it certainly isn’t a “poll tax”.
On May 25, 2020 at 2:32 pm, Fred said:
Understanding that the notion of a debt to society is anti-Christ and communist, all crime being personal where an actual victim exists, I actually agree that once a man has completed his repayment in full he is fully restored gun rights, voting rights, driving, property ownership, misdemeanors becoming misdemeanors again instead of new felony tack-ons, etc.
If they can’t be trusted with a gun and a vote, what are they doing out of jail in the first place? It ain’t like getting a gun is even an issue on this planet, and who even knows, except in TN where the ballot is NOT secret, who votes and who doesn’t.