“Before There Were Cops, There Were Just Americans”
BY Herschel Smith
Here, and David Codrea also has video.
However, you’d better watch yourself. The cops don’t like it one bit. How do I know this?
Rieple’s arrest came after Libor Jany, a journalist for the Minneapolis Star Tribune, reported, via a police source, that Rieple had shot and killed a suspected looter at his business. Police confirmed in their first press conference on the shooting that they were investigating the theory that the owner of the Cadillac Pawn & Jewelry store shot a suspected looter, but they said they were also investigating other theories they wouldn’t describe. Police spokesman John Elder confirmed at midnight that one person was in custody and one person was dead but named neither.
Elder also said he believes Minnesota’s “duty to retreat” law means a businessowner doesn’t have a right to defend their property with lethal force because it’s not their home. You can read more about the duty to retreat law here.
Records obtained by Heavy show that John Richard Rieple, 59, of Galesville, Wisconsin, is being held in the Hennepin County jail.
In a state like that, if a thug comes in to steal your property, you have to retreat and let them do it. In other words, you have to trust that stealing is all they really intend to do.
Make sure of the laws in your state, and be prepared to do – or not to do – whatever is necessary to do what it is you intend to do.
In other words, don’t back yourself into a legal corner you can’t get out of.
On May 29, 2020 at 5:30 am, S said:
This is the kind of thing that makes Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up more and more appealing. If I knew I was going to face legal trouble for legitimately defending myself or my loved ones by using lethal force, I’d probably just deal with the “cleanup” myself.
On May 29, 2020 at 7:14 am, Arthur Sido said:
By the end of the 2020s the “duty to retreat” will be law across America, with the net result of leaving Americans the choice between letting their property be stolen and perhaps their family assaulted versus protecting themselves and their property and risking jail.
On May 29, 2020 at 9:20 pm, Chris Mallory said:
It would be interesting how arson is treated in “duty to retreat” states.
Note, I am not a lawyer and the following should not be construed as legal advice.
MN law declares that 1st Degree Arson is a “Forcible Felony”.
MN law says “Subd. 2. Circumstances when authorized. (a) The use of deadly force by an individual is justified under this section when the act is undertaken:
(3) to resist or prevent what the individual reasonably believes is the commission or
imminent commission of a forcible felony.”
MN law : “First degree arson: A person commits first degree arson if they unlawfully/intentionally destroy or damage one of the following:
Dwellings (regardless of the presence of the inhabitants) or any building appurtenant to or connected with the dwelling;
Other buildings besides dwellings if the person knows or should know that there is a person inside at the time; or
Other buildings besides dwellings if a flammable material is used to start or accelerate the fire.”
So if the citizen reasonably believed he was preventing a 1st Degree arson, he might have a defense.
On May 29, 2020 at 11:23 pm, Nicole Williams said:
Chris Mallory, could you please contact me. John is a decent man and I doing what I can to help him, but I am out of my league. Any non-legal advise would be o much appreciated! Please, please, please contact me. nicole dot super at ymail dot com. Thank you!
On May 29, 2020 at 11:25 pm, Longbow said:
I think that cops all over the country are going to take the wrong lesson from this iteration of riots. They will become more rigid toward the public, more militarized and behave even more thuggishly.
What needs to happen if for their entire culture to take a LONG look in the mirror and understand that this is what loss of legitimacy looks like.
That “One bad apple” in the Minneapolis Police department killed a man unnecessarily. The “Vast Majority”, who are good guys and would never do such a thing, pulled security for the “One bad apple” while he did his killing. The “Vast Majority” stood by and let him do it.
Not one of the “Vast Majority” stepped up and said, “Hey, Joe… you’re steppin’ on yer dick. Sit the guy up and let him breathe.”
This is a cultural problem. Unless they police themselves intensively, they will not change until the people force them to change. I say again. The veneer of legitimacy has already cracked, indeed it is crumbling. You cops need to look in the mirror. The man staring back at you is the reason why.
I doubt many will. Narcissism prevents it.
On May 30, 2020 at 6:58 am, Differ said:
Chris Mallory has a good point, however, if the law has a contradictory, or more restrictive part, that will be what he is prosecuted under. And the process is part of the punishment; even if acquitted, he’ll still be bankrupt.