Who Is Responsible For Mr. George Floyd’s Death?
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 7 months ago
From a reader, this uneducated pastor.
The white pastor of a large Christian church in Pennsylvania is taking personal blame for “the situation” leading to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and says all white churches are collectively to blame.
“The situation we find ourselves in is my fault, and it is a gospel issue, with the credibility of the gospel on the line,” said Bob Myers, pastor of Covenant Church in Doylestown, Pennsylvania.
In his blog post titled, “Is It My Fault?,” Myers cites white privilege among American Christians as a main factor leading to the death of Floyd, who is black. The event has sparked riots and protests in major cities across the United States this weekend.
Now that your mind has been poisoned with stupidity, here is the antidote from R. J. Rushdoony, “Institutes of Biblical Law.”
” … the Biblical doctrine is, as Deuteronomy 24:16 makes clear, one of individual responsibility … guilt cannot be shifted to others or passed on to the people around a man. Guilt is non-transferable; a disposition or nature can be inherited, but not guilt.”
Mr. Floyd is dead as a result of something, presumably what the cop did to him. It is therefore not my fault or your fault or the fault of a collective, whomever that might be in your mind. The ignorant pastor should go back to seminary.
On May 31, 2020 at 10:03 pm, Ozark Redneck said:
Disgusting! In my neck of the woods, he would be sent packing back to Illinois!
On June 1, 2020 at 2:33 am, Greg Wilson said:
Herschel thinks that this pastor needs to go back to seminary. I’ve been to three of them. Two would be considered very conservative. I think I’ve largely recovered from the experience. I will say this: Almost every seminary I know of would only make things worse.
On June 1, 2020 at 4:25 pm, s said:
THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS! I’m seeing that same sentiment from multitudes of church people that I know, “I’m sorry for what I have/have not done…” “I’m part of the problem because…”, “Please forgive me for…” and on and on. I don’t know what kind of guilt complex they have, but I’m tired of seeing white people apologize for things in which they played no role. It’s like antiracism is the “in” thing right now, and people are tripping all over themselves to climb on board that wagon as fast as they can, just to prove how virtuous they are. To be sure, I do not condone racism or the hatred of anyone, but I refuse to join in on the self-flagellation party. I will give that pastor credit for one thing though: it is a Gospel (capital G) issue, but probably not like in the way he means (little g). The social gospel of man’s attempts at reform, legislation, social programs, etc. will never solve the issue. Racism and hatred of others have been around since time immemorial, and they won’t ever be eradicated through man’s agents of change. Only a heart change through the true Gospel will change men and cause them to love God and one another.
On June 1, 2020 at 4:40 pm, Papa said:
The four officers are responsible for the death of George Floyd.
If it wasn’t for others recording the arrest and death, would it have been swept under the rug?
Could, or should, have other witnesses have stepped in more forcibly to stop the death?
Are we conditioned now to watch, record, and give a feeble rebuke while watching another be killed?
Preaching to myself.
On June 2, 2020 at 7:11 pm, penses said:
The Southern Baptist Seminary in Texas, purged all believers from their faculty this year finishing the SJW convergence agenda. Protestantism has joined the Catholic Church in its celebration of diversity and perversity.
On June 3, 2020 at 6:51 am, Todd said:
Perhaps he, like many CEO’s was overcome by the need to “make a statement in support of BLM” as clearly, if you Just mind your business, you must actively support police brutality. I guess the part where false teachers are dealt with harshly by God wasn’t on the syllabus at whatever diploma mill he was educated at?
On June 3, 2020 at 6:55 am, Todd said:
To answer the question who is responsible: Since body cam footage hasn’t been released, either it shows exactly what other video shows, Mr. Floyd being murdered by cop, or, the body cam was conveniently turned off or “technical issues.” I’m wondering if this murderer and his cohorts are masons, thus influencing the situation towards a more positive outcome for the perpetrators? Inquiring minds and all that.