Richmond Leftist Rioters Torched Home With Children Inside Then Blocked Fire Department
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 7 months ago
Richmond Police Chief William Smith broke down while speaking about the horrible night of chaos after an occupied building was torched by rioters.
The chief of the Richmond, Virginia, police department said Sunday that rioters set fire to a multi-family home with a child inside while blocking access for firefighters to get through to save the child.
Richmond Police Chief William Smith: “One incident that is particularly poignant, that truly illustrates the seriousness of the issues we’re facing. Last night protesters intentionally set fire to an occupied building on [West] Broad Street. This is not the only occupied building that has been set fire to in the last two days. But they prohibited us from getting on the scene. We had to force our way to make a clear path for the fire department. The protesters intercepted the fire apparatus several blocks away with vehicles and blocked that fire department’s access to the structure fire. Inside that home was a child.”
Nice folks they are.
Hey, I’m left wondering if that baby had any rights? I guess no more than the 70,000,000 who have been killed so far in America, or the tens of thousands of elderly who have been massacred by having Covid patients sent to nursing homes in New York and Michigan.
What’s important is for the controllers to terraform America with communist uprisings. Let nothing get in the way of that.
Related, if somebody could catch a video of these guys being shot, I’d post it, laugh, and drink a glass of wine.
On June 2, 2020 at 4:26 pm, Artorius Brutus Maximus said:
I hate to hijack this comment section, but I just clicked on the link for Western Rifle Shooters and got a message that it had been taken down for “violation of terms of service.”
On June 2, 2020 at 4:40 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Sigh …
This is what happens when your blog is owned by WordPress. I use the WordPress addin, but WordPress doesn’t host my blog. It’s not even on a server located in America.
On June 2, 2020 at 6:16 pm, Fred said:
CA is up on
On June 2, 2020 at 8:33 pm, TheOtherGeorge said:
Thanks for the link to CA!
On June 3, 2020 at 9:58 am, penses said:
If your children have a device it would be advisable to confiscate them immediately if not sooner.
Chris Menahan
Jun. 02, 2020
“‘Have You Lost Your Minds?’ CBS Outlet Targets MIDDLE SCHOOLERS Over Un-PC George Floyd Joke, Contacts Police
“CBS Pittsburgh’s KDKA is helping lead a social media mob to go after two middle schoolers and even contacted police over the kids making a joke reenactment of George Floyd’s death with their friends.
“KDKA reporter Meghan Schiller ran this despicable piece on Monday in an article titled, “‘Disgusting’: Video Shows Middle Schoolers From West Jefferson Hills School District Allegedly Reenacting Death Of George Floyd”:
“The little kids were also targeted for destruction by 25-year-old Steelers running back James Conner, a millionaire who shared the video to his 420,000 followers.
“This rich millionaire NFL player thinks he’s oppressed by some random white middle school boys because they made a politically incorrect joke.
“Meanwhile, he’s being hailed as some sort a hero while the middle school boys are being reported to police for a joke and harangued by the political establishment.
“The kids were also doxed on social media and their home addresses were widely shared so they could be inundated with death threats.
“In the minds of our parasitic ruling class, these little kids are evil oppressors yet the grown ass men rioting in the streets are innocent victims just by nature of their race.”