Riot Police, National Guard ‘Completely Abandon’ Perimeter in Minneapolis, Chased Away by Protesters

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 9 months ago

First, there is this news from

Guard members are carrying rifles, sidearms and ammunition in response to a “credible threat” aimed directly against them as reported by the FBI, Army Maj. Gen. Jon Jensen, adjutant general of the Minnesota National Guard, said in a phone briefing with reporters.

So regular readers know I’m a wonk for such things.  This means that there were arming orders.  There had to be, or else they would have had no ammunition or weapons.

Next up, via David Codrea, this interesting news.

Townhall’s Julio Rosas is on the ground in Minneapolis this week, reporting on the protests and riots. Tonight he’s reporting that the riot police and the National Guard have abandoned a perimeter they had set up earlier in the day, chased away by the rioters.

[ … ]

Minutes ago Rosas, who’s a tough Marine, by the way, tweeted video of the protesters/rioters cheering as police and the National Guard abandoned their post near the third precinct, which rioters torched on Thursday night.

So much for arming orders.  So much for weapons and ammunition.  So much for ROE.  I guess it’s better to let looters destroy businesses, throw bricks, smash windows and hit people over the head with boards.


  1. On June 3, 2020 at 4:22 am, penses said:

    Normal SOP. During the Watts and Rodney King riots the Nat’l Guard was never “armed”. There was ammo available but never distributed to the troops. The only alternative if attacked was run or use the weapon as a club.

    After Kent State the Nat’l Guard was disarmed. The only solution to the present situation is armed active military intervention. Never happen with the coward in the White House. Threats and tweets, tweets and threats.

  2. On June 3, 2020 at 6:59 am, Fr. John+ said:

    “George Floyd and now-former Officer Derek Chauvin both worked security at the El Nuevo Rodeo club on Lake Street, according to Maya Santamaria. Santamaria owned the building for nearly two decades, but sold the venue within the last few months.”

    “The peaceful protests were given “space”. Which is another word for permission. The “protests” are simply a way to finish off what the lockdown failed to accomplish. There sure are a lot of people out of work and who haven’t returned to work. This further swells the ranks of those who are available to go protest. The protests have predictably turned into riots but with a new twist, this time attacking police stations and city halls-in addition to the usual department stores which are prime targets for achieving social justice. And all of it happening in a coordinated effort in cities in all 50 states.”

    “If you consider that El Nuevo Rodeo might likely be a front for a three letter national security agency; or at the very least a valuable inside source for domestic intelligence and surveillance, things start reconciling rather quickly.”

    And the reality that there are even godless, graceless ‘Impastors’ out there, leading the sheeople astray, BIG TIME with this crap- – I must say, Thank God for this response!

    “Now that your mind has been poisoned with stupidity, here is the antidote from R. J. Rushdoony, “Institutes of Biblical Law.” ” … the Biblical doctrine is, as Deuteronomy 24:16 makes clear, one of individual responsibility … guilt cannot be shifted to others or passed on to the people around a man. Guilt is non-transferable; a disposition or nature can be inherited, but not guilt.” Mr. Floyd is dead as a result of something, presumably what the cop did to him. It is therefore not my fault or your fault or the fault of a collective, whomever that might be in your mind.” –

    First we had ‘Covid.’
    Then, people began to point out the holes in the ‘worldwide pandemic’ – and that 95% of those dying already were octogenarians, had pre-existing health concerns, etc. JUST LIKE THE seasonal FLU.
    Then the Government was told to label ANY death, ‘COVID.’ Why? So the CDC, Fauci, and Bill Gates could appear correct, or to make Billions profiting off a pandemic?
    Then we had ‘peaceful protests’ – because heartland America (not the multinational corporations, but the small businesses) was made to go out of work.
    We were told by the higher-ups, not to wear masks, then to wear masks. And now, as rates of infection plummet, we are ‘mandated’ to wear masks by demagogic Governors?!? Huh?
    Now we are having ‘active protests’ – and by the ‘usual suspects.’ And it all seems CO-ORDINATED.
    And we continue to have collective GUILT MONGERING (see the ass above). Sorry, I only worry about MY sins, not some made up ones by some ‘Karen’ out there, be he/she male, female, or ‘other.’

    Whether or not someone died, the point to be made is, someone who is NOT a friend of the USA, has said, and I quote: ‘Never let a crisis go to waste.’ And then, you need to stop and realize: all of this has happened in less than six months. AS IF IT WERE PLANNED.

    “if you can get people to consent to the state of affairs in which they’re living. The state of servitude, the state of being, having their differences ironed out, and being made amenable to mass production methods on the social level, if you can do this, then you have, you are likely to have, a much more stable and lasting society. Much more easily controllable society than you would if you were relying wholly on clubs, and firing squads, and concentration camps.”

    People in my sleepy little village are scared witless, worried about the bogeyman, as if they were six years old. Now, I can understand old ladies and liberals being this infantile, but serious people? Hardly comforting to see how easily the “COVID Burqa” has become fashion wear in America…

    Some tweets: “80% of the RIOTERS in Minneapolis last night were from OUT OF STATE.” – DJTrump tweet
    AG BARR: “In many places, it appears the violence is planned, organized & driven by anarchic left extremist groups—far left extremist groups using Antifa-like tactics.”
    “Incendiary materials and accelerants (like water bottles filled with gasoline) have been found hidden in bushes and throughout neighborhoods in Minneapolis. If you find or see anything like this, please call 911.” #MACCMN Minneapolis P.D. tweet12:06 AM · Jun 1, 2020

    As another writer has noted: “people can call me a “conspiracy theorist” if they want to, but all I am doing is observing what is happening and then describing it.There is no argument to be made that the cops in all of these cities don’t have the option to stop these riots.It is an absolutely indisputable fact that they are choosing not to stop these riots. We can theorize as to why they’re choosing not to stop the riots, and we probably should theorize about that, but the basic fact of reality is that this is an artificial event.Furthermore, we can see as a matter of fact that all of these various cities are making the same decision to not stop the riots, which can only mean that it is coordinated.’

    ‘The best explanation I can come up with – and this is a theory, but I believe it is true – is that they want the people to demand the military be sent out on the streets.” This quote [from Andrew Anglin, ] concludes with the following (and I pray he’s WRONG) “What we know: by the fall, we are going to have military on the streets of America, and then the second wave of the coronavirus hoax is going to come.”

    Martial Law- the abolition of every right the Founding Fathers fought and died for, in order to achieve some ’temporary safety.’ From what? Paranoia? Oh, and your ‘freedom of religion’?? A ‘conservative’ USSC Justice just said, ‘Nope.’ What the hell are they ‘conserving,’ anyway???

    “A divided Supreme Court on Friday rejected an emergency appeal by a California church that challenged state limits on attendance at worship services that have been imposed to contain the spread of the coronavirus.
    Over the dissent of the four more conservative justices, Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court’s four liberals in turning away a request from the South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista, California, in the San Diego area.”

    Not on my watch.

  3. On June 3, 2020 at 8:18 am, Fred said:

    “in response to a “credible threat” aimed directly against them”

    This is a glaring reminder of the failed post war UN instituted rules of engagement. Look, in war you either hold territory or you take it, you don’t protect yourself as though you were a civilian CCW holder. You can’t police everybody and everything everywhere all the time. The normies are watching and starting to realize that fedgov in reality, doesn’t and can’t control anything. Think about that. As ugly as it is to say, and it smites a man’s heart to think about, you have to kill the enemy, and kill enough of them so that they stop fighting. There is no other way.

    Note to FedGov: Texas, tonight! or you lose the country. Choose.

  4. On June 3, 2020 at 11:11 am, Bram said:

    Former Guardsman here –

    They do what they are ordered to do. I guarantee they have ammo – if they weren’t issued ammo, many have brought their own mags and store-bought 5.56. And / or many are carrying their own pistols concealed. Governors think it’s a terrific idea to send Guard troops out in the world unarmed – Guardsmen disagree.

    They will never use that illicit ammo unless they think they are fighting for their lives.

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