Violence Is Being Instigated By Anarchists And Antifa Activists
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 7 months ago
“If you look at some of the violence, it’s being instigated by anarchists and Antifa activists,” Nadales, the former Antifa member said, “not by the peaceful protesters who are rightfully angered by what happened.”
If you believe that this is all about social justice, you’re naive. The controllers are always pulling the strings behind the scenes.
This is a black flag event (or a series of them). Why did the cop do it to Mr. George Floyd? We will never really know. We won’t know any more than we will know why Stephen Paddock allowed himself to be used as a cover-up for a gun battle between Saudi royals in Las Vegas (that cover being used to protect the petrol dollar and U.S. alliance with the House of Saud). Bump stocks were a convenient bogey man and it has never been demonstrated that they had anything to do with the shooting. Who uses bump stocks with bipods?
What you can bet on is that very rich men are playing the currency market as we speak, paying violent hacks to foment the violence, just like the brown shirts did, and making plans for more of the same.
On June 2, 2020 at 6:04 pm, penses said:
The running dog lackeys and fellow travelers are always the first to go. Expendable excess baggage.
On June 2, 2020 at 7:46 pm, MN Steel said:
As plausible as anything else…
On June 2, 2020 at 8:08 pm, penses said:
George Floyd was an actor in porn, which makes him an actor.
The police officer who kneed his neck also worked with George at a night club in security, so most likely they knew each other.
A neighbor of Chauvin said she didn’t even know he was a police officer. They were neighbors for a decade and never knew he was a police officer?
Some things aren’t adding up.
On June 2, 2020 at 8:49 pm, George 1 said:
Penses. I have to agree. I have looked at the video many times. You have the cop for many long minutes with his knee on Floyd’s neck. Chauvin has this maniacal look on his face the entire time. He knows that he is being watched and video is being taken.
It does not look right to me. Something strange going on. There are reports that within an hour of the video getting out ANTIFA was activated in Europe. This is 4 generation warfare.
On June 2, 2020 at 10:22 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ George 1
“Crisis actor” has entered the modern-day lexicon for a reason. They freshen up such old chestnuts as the false flag operation. The black bag boys in the deep-state (ours and those of other nations) have been using false-flag operations for many years.
During the last year or so of the Obama regime, the government of Turkey – headed by Obama pal and fellow Sunni Muslim Recep Erdogan – was caught red-handed carrying out a false flag act of terror against the Assad government in Syria. The Turkish intelligence service ran the operation, which was designed to use chemical weapons (poisoned gas) against several hundred Syrian civilians, whereupon the death toll would be blamed upon Assad.
However, the op went sideways when independent observers noticed a series of irregularities and began playing detective. Soon, the trail of evidence led back to the Turkish intelligence service, which – when confronted – admitted to concocting the operation. The officer who admitted to the false-flag shrugged his shoulders and said words to the effect of, “Sometimes these kinds of operations work, sometimes they do not.”
Going further back in history, in September 1939, a team of SS-Gestapo operatives staged a false-flag attack upon a series of German radio stations along the disputed German-Polish frontier along the Danzig Corridor (the city of Danzig is now known as Gdańsk, Poland). Concentration camp inmates were dressed in appropriate clothing, and then machine-gunned to death by the SS. Their corpses were arranged in a manner consistent with the story (“legend”) being developed for public consumption. The stations themselves were shot-up, and a number of the dead were clothed in Polish Army uniforms.
Citing a series of “unprovoked attacks” upon German facilities and radio stations, the next day, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler ordered the blitzkrieg invasion of Poland. Thus beginning World War Two in the West.
U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said that in politics nothing happens by accident. If something happens, you can bet that it was meant to happen.
A number of years ago, around 2013-2014 or so, a little known provision was appended to the annual National Defense Authorization Bill, the annual measure funding defense spending/appropriations – which removed the legal barriers preventing agencies of the U.S. government from developing and directing (targeting) propaganda at American citizens. Heretofore, that legal barrier had provided at least some protection; now that it too is gone, anything goes. The black bag boys will not only work their game on people in other nations, but in folks right here in the U.S.A. Bet on it….
This most-recent episode – the so-called George Floyd murder – is only the latest in a series of shall we say, “highly convenient” happenings and events which play right into the hands of the deep-state boys and their masters. Either the event was staged in some manner, or Soros, Buffett and company are the luckiest sons-of-guns around. Either way, they’re riding this thing for all it is worth.
One more tidbit of evidence is highly interesting, at least to this amateur sleuth – did you know that there are companies, which is to say private sector for-profit firms – which will cater your demonstration, protest, what-have-you? Just tell them what you need, and they’ll supply it – props, people, expertise, the whole enchilada. Long as you have the dough, they’re at your service.
These days, everything is for sale. Even the truth.
On June 2, 2020 at 10:44 pm, George 1 said:
Georgiaboy61. Yes. There were just too many chess pieces in place in too short a time for this to be about Mr. Floyd. Interesting about the agi prop companies. I was not aware of that. How far we have fallen.
On June 3, 2020 at 3:42 am, penses said:
There are no coincidences. Everything happens for a reason, especially when it comes to the deep state.