Project Veritas Infiltrates Antifa
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 7 months ago
“Practice Things Like an Eye Gouge, it Takes Very Little Pressure to Injure Someone’s Eyes.” Swell folks, they are.
I’ll tell you what though. That boy had better not go back around those people. His life will be in danger if he does.
On June 6, 2020 at 7:53 am, Tom said:
It only takes 3lbs of pressure to repel an eye gouge attack. By the time they are that close you’ve lost the initiative.
On June 6, 2020 at 4:29 pm, penses said:
People in fight clubs do not have much succes in one on one encounters in real life because the training is not supervised by professionals. They remind me of the fights we used to have after high school where once in a blue moon the bullies would get whipped by a trained amateur. What little hand to hand I got in basic would be enough in a one on one confrontation, sending the red guard wanabe running back to his mommy. But that is not the way these people work.
ANTIFA/BLM and other assorted gangs are cowards. Their incentive is cold hard cash more than ideology. Their success is based on isolating and ganging up on their victims. They will come after you with concrete milk shakes, padlocks on bike chains, baseball bats, etc., in commie guncontroled strongholds (Portland, Seattle, San Jose) where the politicians have weeded out any profesionalism in the deversified police department and have made standdown orders de rigeur to provide open season on law abiding citizens, with any resistance to the thuggery to be punished by a court system overloaded with Soros DAs and judges. In New York they went after some proud boys and they got their butts whipped by four middle class civnats. The New York kangaroo courts sentenced them to four years in jail for defending themselves.
Micah Rhodes, an ANTIFA “wing leader” in Portland, Ore., got no jail time for child sexual abuse. This is the second time in a month that Judge Jerry Hodson has avoided applying state sentencing recommendations for the thug “wing leader.” Just one judge out of thousands running nterferance for the insurrection.
You are up against the deep state in a fight. The thugs are weapons to be discarded upon completion of the mission.
On June 6, 2020 at 6:13 pm, penses said:
“National Guard soldiers have arrived in DC from the 53rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team and have been sworn in as temporary U.S. Marshals in support of citizens at the Nation’s Capital.”
The 53rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team is an infantry brigade combat team of the Florida Army National Guard. The 53rd Infantry Brigade is the largest National Guard unit in the state of Florida. The brigade was one of fifteen enhanced readiness brigades, designed and trained to support active duty divisions. The brigade includes 32 units in Florida and Alabama with 4,166 authorized personnel.
Completely unmarked officers in riot gear holding protesters blocks away from the White House. No badges. No insignias. No name tags. Nothing.