John Guandolo: Understanding The Communist Revolution

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

John Guandolo (via newsletter).

Friends, things are moving quickly right now and our enemies are out maneuvering the police, military, and federal agencies.  Truthfully, its not even a contest.  Our government at the local, state, and federal level is an embarrassment.  I am sending this quick update to help you put everything you are witnessing into a framework you can understand and by which, I hope, make thoughtful decisions on what is best for you and your family.  Remember this is a war of narratives.  The media is making everything appear worse than it is because the goal is to create chaos so that Americans demand ORDER.  Communists and jihadis know how to bring order to a community, but that order comes with slavery, depravity, and poverty.   Please do not make the mistake of thinking “It can’t happen here” because it IS happening here.  Here are a few things you must know when explaining the danger of where we are to others:

1.  Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a COMMUNIST organization.  From our colleague Trevor Loudon, who is one of the best resources for communist networks in the U.S. has this to say about ongoing events:  “Two pro-China communist parties – Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) and Liberation Road are playing leading roles in coordinating the often-violent protests now occurring across the United States.”  The 3 founders of BLM are Patrise Cullors, Opal Tometi, and Alicia Garza.  These women hold or have held positions inside numerous FRSO organizations.  Alicia Garza has held executive leadership positions in NDWA, POWER, SOUL, and RTTC.  BLM was founded by Marxists/communists born from the leading communist organization in America today – Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

2.  The violent riots are all about control of the state and power.  The riots in the U.S. were never “peaceful protests” which were “hijacked” and they have nothing to do with a black man who died in police custody in Minneapolis.  The riots have always been communist led riots – Black Lives Matter – working with the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist groups like Hamas doing business as CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations).  Other MB groups like ISNA and ICNA are also working with the communists at the ground level.  The Communist/Islamic Counter-States were waiting for a flash point to use to launch their offensive.  The incident in MN provided that.

[ … ]

5.  The Brown Shirts will be replaced by the Black Shirts.  Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs are today’s “brown shirts.”  They are the leading edge of the violent revolution in America.  As the communist/jihadi movements advance, there will come a time they will need to appear as if they are normalizing their activities.  The Brown Shirts (Antifa/BLM) will be eliminated by the Black Shirts, who most likely will be the jihadis as the jihadis prepare to take over.

6.  Believe what you are seeing.  In Minnesota, the Minneapolis City Council is poised to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department.  Jihadi Attorney General in MN is Keith Ellision.  If the police department is defunded and shut down, a “civil security” group will be formed that will, initially, have a happy face on it.  Rapidly, however, it will become an overtly sharia-police force and Minnesota will become an Islamic State under the control of Keith Ellison.

This analysis dovetails with George Webb’s analysis of the kingpin role of Keith Ellison in all of this.


  1. On June 9, 2020 at 6:56 am, ragman said:

    If the police departments are dismantled who will confiscate our guns? Also, you can expect to see Ellison in a prominent position in the upcoming Biden administration. Probably as Attorney General.

  2. On June 9, 2020 at 8:30 am, penses said:

    Back in the 60’s there was a cliche that capitalism and communism were two sides of the same coin. Today communism and islam are two sides of the same coin. The capitalists have moved into one of these camps and are working with them to remove the last vistiges of freedom anywhere on earth.

    If you take a closer look at the anitChristian Freemasonic One World Religion the key players are mussies (Farrakhan, Brennan, Ellison) or mussie sympathizers (the deep state, corporate America, most policitians).

    Kneeling, genuflectrion, veils for both sexes, acts of public mortification (kneeling to the people that want you dead), confessions of fake sins, demanding the commission of actual sins, paeans to health care workers in empty hospitals for fighting a plague that doesn’t exist, human sacrifice, (abortion, sterilization, euthanization of the elderly by any means necessary), the desolving of public order by the abolishing of the police (soon to be replaced by Sharia Law}, and the crimminalizing of the one true faith by banning the worship of God have all been accelerated by the fake flu “guidlines.”

    “who will confiscate our guns?”
    Federal agencies with armed tactical teams:
    The US Marshals
    The ATF
    The Bureau of Prisons [trained riot squads]
    The DEA
    The Bureau of Land Management
    Dept. of Agriculture.
    Dept. of Education.
    The Railroad Retirement Board
    Office of Personnel Management

    Thats who. All of these agencies were armed by the deep state and the globalists with the intentions of removing “the greatest threat to the security of the United States”, palefaces. Waco was a dry run. It worked. No protests, no riots, no rebellion.

    The planneddemic was the last test. It worked beyond the Lefts wildest expectations. The whole country locked down with each family confined to the gulag of their homes and told “your job is not essential” allowing the deep state to confine and restrict any freedoms they found offensive. No protests, no riots, no rebellion. The end of white nationalism and the Constitution and the take over of the country by the new world order and the diversity mob–the new Red Guard.

  3. On June 9, 2020 at 9:29 am, Ron W said:

    Ilich Ramirez Sanchez — aka Carlos the Jackal — communist convert to Islam, in his 2003 book, “Revolutionary Islam” called on “all revolutionaries, including those of the left, even atheists,” to accept the leadership of Islamists:
    “Only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy the United States,”

  4. On June 9, 2020 at 9:31 am, Herschel Smith said:

    @Ron W,

    Fascinating. Source?

  5. On June 9, 2020 at 10:15 am, Paul Bonneau said:

    I doubt a communist takeover has been attempted in so heavily armed a country before. We are definitely in uncharted waters.

    I don’t think we should get too hung up on what we call these people. The labels are irrelevant. They simply want to replace the current corrupt ruling class with their own, so they can parasitize the productive class and project power around the world. It’s the same old story.

    “who will confiscate our guns?”
    Federal agencies with armed tactical teams:
    The US Marshals
    The ATF
    The Bureau of Prisons [trained riot squads]
    The DEA
    The Bureau of Land Management
    Dept. of Agriculture.
    Dept. of Education.
    The Railroad Retirement Board
    Office of Personnel Management

    No, any agents who try such a thing will be killed. We vastly outnumber them; they cannot even trade us one for one. What’s more it’s becoming hugely obvious, even to the most clueless normie, that surrendering one’s firearms is madness. The trend in gun sales makes that clear. People are not buying just to turn around and hand them in.

  6. On June 9, 2020 at 10:46 am, ragman said:

    Paul: I agree 100%! My question was more rhetorical than serious.

  7. On June 9, 2020 at 12:23 pm, penses said:

    “…any agents who try such a thing will be killed.” It has been tried and proven successful. Red flag laws are the toe in the door. Most of the deaths are of law abiding citizens. No protests, no riots, no rebellion.

    Florida Gov’ner Richard Lynn Scott, labeling young white men as the greatest threat to public safety (the shooter was hispanic), signed a Red Flag law passed by the state legislature in response to the Black Flag high school shooting at the Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, complete with Crisis Actors and FBI complicity. Scott also stated his support of raising the minimum age to purchase any firearm from 18 to 21. At the time of the shooting, 21 was the minimum age to buy a handgun, but rifles could be purchased at age 18. Scott announced his support of a ban on bump stocks. Scott also stated, “I want to make it virtually impossible for anyone who has mental issues to use a gun,” requesting $500 million in funds for mental health and school safety programs. In March 2018, the Florida Legislature passed a bill titled the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act which incorporated many of the issues Scott supported. It raised the minimum age for buying firearms to 21, established waiting periods and background checks, provided a program for the arming of some teachers and the hiring of school police, banned bump stocks, and barred potentially violent or mentally unhealthy people arrested under certain laws from possessing guns. The only item the NRA objected to was the minimum age provision. No protests, no riots, no rebellion.

    Such laws are now on the books in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia. No protests, no riots, no rebellion.

    In Fla alone over 2000 citizens have had their guns seized. In several states gun owners have been murdered having their guns stolen by the state. No protests, no riots, no rebellion.

    So far resistance to the seizure of guns has been minimal. The Constitution, which is a dead letter to be ignored, is being used in court to push back against a lawless government that has decided that a communist rebellion if OK but going to church is “unconstitutional.” No protests, no riots, no rebellion.

    In 1775, King George sent an army to the colonies to seize arms and gunpowder in anticipation of a rebellion by his Anglo-Saxon subjects. He failed in his endeavor. The thirteen independent states were invaded and successfully defeated the worlds strongest empire.

    Today subjects of another empire are told that [fill in the blank] is for your own good and willingly comply. Out of 300million subjects of that empire in North America there are probably 100million that are the descendants of the original revolutionaries. The percentage of those willing to fight [10%?] has never been defined and as we have seen in recent weeks a large number [50?] are willing quislings and back stabbers. At least one hundred million are the sworn enemies of Anglo-Saxon civilization.

    The FBI labeled “white supremacists” as the greatest threat to the Empire for the same reason King George labeled them rebels. Palefaces are the most successful of God’s children at fighting for and achieving and maintaining their freedom.

    I hope you are right about “who try such a thing will be killed” and if the children of Albion are successful it will be a much smaller but freer country that comes out of the collapse of the empire.

  8. On June 9, 2020 at 9:50 pm, Danny said:

    I mention my earlier reference to the Netflix Waco character’s (Mitch Decker) statement about the 5000:1 ratio of citizens to LEO. That was the 90s and I am not sure of its accuracy and even so, since I would think the ratio of armed citizens if not the arms themselves is much higher. You need to decide now what your response will be if arms, whatever flavor or config, are deemed illegal. They know they dont have the numbers. Why so you think they rolled 6000 storm troopers in the wake of the Boston bombing – to project the illusion of power. So, do you decide tonight, right now to only bend the knee to King Jesus and accept the ramifications of that decision even unto death. As for my house…

  9. On June 9, 2020 at 9:52 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ Herschel

    Re: “@Ron W, Fascinating. Source?”

    People of a certain age or older, certainly those of us north of fifty, probably recall the 1973 film “Day of the Jackal,” starring Edward Fox in the title role and based upon the Frederick Forsyth novel.

    The novel and film, although containing a few factual elements, were mostly fictional. However, the “Jackal” himself was very real.

    Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, a.k.a. Carlos the Jackal, was born in Venezuela in 1949 to a Marxist lawyer and his wife. He joined the Venezuelan communist party in 1959, and by the mid-1960s, the young Sánchez had thoroughly been indoctrinated as a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist, and had attended guerilla warfare training at Camp Matanzas in Cuba. Later, he went to the USSR where he attended the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, also known as Patrice Lamumba University.

    After leaving the USSR in 1970, he traveled to Lebanon and later Jordan, where he became active in radical causes in the Middle East, alligning himself with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, or PFLP. At this time, he received further training in guerilla warfare and other methods of irregular conflict. After graduating, he joined the notorious terrorist-jihad group Black September, distinguishing himself as an able fighter according to eyewitness accounts.

    It was around this time that Sánchez participated in his first operations. Though inexperienced, he was an apt pupil and was lucky-enough to escape several close shaves with death during various kidnappings, hijackings, terrorist attacks, and other operations. In 1975, on 21 December, he a six-person team on a raid against the OPEC meeting then occurring in Vienna, Austria. Taking nearly sixty hostages, Sánchez managed to ransom them off for a tidy sum estimated by some to be as much as $20 million dollars (USD), perhaps more. A substantial portion of which he kept for himself.

    Ultimately, after a wave of similar acts of terrorism and political violence over two decades, the Jackal became one of the most-wanted men in the world. His long running flight from the authorities came to an end in 1994, when he was captured in the Sudan, and then transferred to French authorities for detainment and trial back in France. His trial began in 1997, and with its conclusion and his conviction on charges of murder, Sánchez was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.

    From his cell, Sánchez maintained a varied correspondence with figures such as Hugo Chávez and later, American President Barack Hussein Obama. In 2001, Sánchez converted to Islam and later married his female attorney despite still being married to another woman.

    In 2003, Sánchez published a book entitled “L’islam révolutionnaire” (Revolutionary Islam), in which he extoiled the virtues of his newfound beliefs, and stated that only by combining forces with Islam could Marxists win their battle to overthrow the United States and western civilization. He also defended Osama Bin Laden and the attacks by al-Qaeda against the U.S.

    Elsewhere in the book, he defended the Iranian Revolution of 1979, saying, “Today, confronted by the threat to Civilization, there is a response: revolutionary Islam! Only men and women armed with a total faith in the founding values of truth, justice, and fraternity will be prepared to lead the combat and deliver humanity from the empire of mendacity.”

    Since the early 2000s, Sánchez has been charged and convicted of additional crimes, and has had several life terms added to his sentence. Having spent considerable time in solitary confinement, Sánchez petitioned the European Court of Human Rights at the Hague, for relief, in 2005. He was moved to Clairvaux Prison high-security prison in 2006, where he still remains today.

  10. On June 10, 2020 at 7:27 am, penses said:

    Danny said: “They know they dont have the numbers.”

    Until they bring the “mercs” home. Which all empires do, sooner or later. Mayors, police chiefs, DAs, and gov’ners have all praised the rioters and condemned the white vigilantes. This crescendo of hate for anyone who opposes the new world order will increase with the RINOs (who have unanimously condemned the white race twice), civnats and conservative inc. not far behind, doing what they do best, villifying their base and virtue signaling the left. The drunk rolling whore will not tolerate any resistance, bringing the “troops” home from their “nation building” overseas with all the armament they posses to maintain the Republic of Diversity and if that means genocide, then so be it. They did it to the Native Am; one million Southern civilians murdered and starved to death during the war for Southern Independence; Filipinos; various tribes in Central America; German civilians starved to death and dying from exposure at the end of WWII; etc ad nauseum. And don’t forget the recruting pool of 100 million immagrants who already have a cadre organized and armed (Muslim Brotherhood, La Raza, Black Panthers, BLM, ANTIFA to name a few).

    This has been the plan since LBJ signed your country away to the third world with the passage of the sweeping Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, the country’s immigration system was reformed and all national origins quotas dating from the 1920s were removed. The annual rate of inflow doubled between 1965 and 1970, and doubled again by 1990, with dramatic increases from Asia and Mexico. Without the foreign invasion the population would be 200 million, maybe less. A country worh living in. No protests, no riots, no rebellion.

    There is no comparison of the Balkans to any present day situation. That war was a thousand year struggle of Christians to regain their freedom from the tyranny of Islam, with NO help from any of the European powers due to their alliances with the Ottomans. Spain spent 400 yrs ridding their county of Muslim tyranny. In 1856, France and England, allied with the Turks, went to war with Russia to protect the Ottoman Empire. The only country in the 19th century to oppose and defeat the Muslims was the United States under the leadership of Thomas Jefferson in an undeclared war against the Barbary Pirates and their slave trading Empire on the northern coast of Africa. Millions of Europeans were kidnapped and sold into slavery while the British fleet numbering in the hundreds sailed in and out of the Mediterranean ignoring their allies human trafficking. Today the American empire is doing the same thing. Ignoring slavery in Africa and the Middle East to avoid “offending” its muslim allies and not lifting a finger to stop the human trafficking at home.

    It has been estimated that between 100 and 200 million lives will be lost in the conflagration to come. A drop in the bucket when compared to the 7 billion Bill gates wants to “vaccine” to death.

  11. On June 10, 2020 at 8:44 am, Fred said:

    @Herschel, if you really want the source, CA might have it, I’ve seen posts there with the same info. Of course his site got nuked so…

  12. On June 10, 2020 at 2:05 pm, penses said:

    Some of the deep state operatives running the show.

    Redneck Revolt: Behind the Anarchy of BLM,

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