Violent Armed Communists Have Seized American Territory
BY Herschel Smith
I think this is actually fairly easy. If the city decides not to shoot them (which is the approach I would take), they can just cut off power, cordon off the perimeter and disallow supplies, cut internet, cut cell phone service, cut off gas, and cut off water, and as they come out one-by-one, arrest them and put them in jail. Send the morticians to pick up the remaining bodies of the die-hards.
So either way, shooting them or starving them out, this is easy, and the fact that it hasn’t been done shows that they don’t really want it to end.
On June 11, 2020 at 5:07 pm, 2bfree said:
And …….Antifa is charging a fee to the buisness owners in that new country, and requiring the residents show their Papers at the militarized checkpoints.
If the Police, or the military goes in to restore order, the Antifa scum will likely use the situation to further smear Law Enforcement as Murderers by using the tactics of the “islamic State” who did the same thing……..setting up checkpoints……Levying Taxes……arranging garbage removal……and Protection Surcharge……..purging all dissenters from their ideologically Pure State.
Antifa will likely shoot some of the citizens, or set fire to buildings and blame the burned bodies on the Cops or Military. It is a Terrorist tactic to gain sympathy for their Cause.
Spit at and assault the cops and military in all mannner of ways and then film every response from the police and Mil Forces for wide dissemination by the leftist Media, who will edit, and selectively report to portray the Communists as peacefully Defending the puplic against the Oppressive State.
On June 11, 2020 at 5:20 pm, penses said:
When axed the gov’ner said he didn’t know anything about it, laughing the whole time.
On June 11, 2020 at 7:48 pm, William said:
Nice, articulate guy, but what he fails to realize is that the culture war is over, and our side lost. The enemy controls all of the cultural high grounds.
What’s going on across the country is the beginning of the enemy’s mopping-up operation. He needs a change of perspective, IMO.
On June 11, 2020 at 8:23 pm, Elmo said:
Seattle’s mayor, who is a lesbian Democrat and was the Obama nominated U.S. Attorney for the western district of Washington, stated today that the occupiers in the autonomous zone have a right to safely express their first amendment rights.
In other words, she’s not about to ask her police chief, who is a woman of color, to take her city back from the thieving thugs who are now in control of Seattle city government.
On June 11, 2020 at 9:56 pm, Fred said:
This guy is ok, I’ve seen some of his vids but why does he keep saying “crazy” “insane” etc. He failed to articulate why it’s wrong.
On June 12, 2020 at 6:12 am, Justsomeguy said:
The Oathkeepers have several tenants on their website, one of which is the promise to not barricade a city. I’ve disagreed with that one and this is just one situation that I can see where it could e necessary.
On June 12, 2020 at 7:03 am, Bob M said:
A perfect solution, Herschel.
And Trump should NOT get involved and should stop threatening to send in troops. It’s a no win situation for him..he will be pilloried for the deaths and injuries, and he doesn’t have the support of the city or state leaders.
I say let the city keep doing nothing until maybe..maybe…the residents get tired of it. Or just let Seattle rot -it’s a sh*thole city anyway.