Are There Cracks In CHAZ?
BY Herschel Smith
Uh oh. Reality sets in and threatens rainbows and purple unicorn farts in CHAZ.
In addition to still utilizing the city’s power, water, and porta-potties, the occupiers called the Seattle Fire Department after a dumpster fire was started just outside the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” as it threatened to set a nearby building on fire.
Without the presence of police in the area, things can be dangerous for people accused of wrongdoing. In one instance, a young man was accused of stealing a phone from another protester. A crowd quickly surrounded him and tried to interrogate him, with one individual brandishing a baseball bat in the man’s face. The accused thief was clearly frightened and explained he did not steal anything, to which the crowd asked why did he run away.
The situation was resolved after it was discovered the phone was never stolen, but it only came after the man was able to once again run away from the crowd.
Truck drivers say they won’t deliver to locations with defunded PDs (that’s a real drag for ’em, huh?).
But there’s more.
Police have repeatedly said they have “heard, anecdotally, reports of citizens and businesses being asked to pay a fee to operate within this area” while others have complained about armed guards asking to see identification for people to enter their homes, according to Assistant Chief of Police Deanna Nollette.
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One agitator group on Twitter posting photos inside CHAZ showed a list of items needed by demonstrators including cigarettes, tents and bedding.
Aw, say it ain’t so – CHAZ cops demanding protection money. But wait, there’s more.
But in an ironic twist of fate, a cancel notice may soon be coming for Raz Simone, the “warlord” of the radical Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in Seattle, Washington as old homophobic tweets from his Twitter account have surfaced that appear to be legit based on various web archive websites (language warning).
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Here’s the archived version of the above screen grab, available for viewing as of this writing. [there’s more]
Here’s the archived link for one of the tweets in the above four-tweet screen grab.
In spite of evidence to the contrary, Simone is employing the Joy Reid “I was hacked” defense.
Now I couldn’t care less how he views anything, including gays. But listen, warlord. The interwebz and its metadata are forever. You can’t hide behind lies.
So their “hero” of purple unicorn farts, utopia, the grand new society where everything belongs to the cooperative commune, and reparations for all except whitey, doesn’t really fit the narrative.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
Give it another week. It’ll be like Lord of the Flies. Porta Potties will be running over, trash will be collecting in the streets, it will stink, it’ll be filthy with flies, fleas, roaches and disease, Coyotes will have begun to encroach to get at the trash, gunfire will be routine, people will begin to complain about the overbearing “justice” of the warlords, they’ll hate the CHAZ police as much or more than the real police, and they’ll begin to go home, one by one, fives by fives.
Raz and a few diehards will be the only ones left, until Raz gets a disease of his own making, and then he’ll wind up in a hospital bed paid for by hard working taxpayers.
Governance is a drag, huh Raz? You actually have to have the smarts to know how to pull it off.
On June 13, 2020 at 7:30 am, ragman said:
“Filth, fleas, roaches, disease, random gunfire” sounds to me like a description of any inner city in the US. Without a “Raz Simone” running the show. We have been paying the blacks not to riot. EBT, welfare, section 8 and other wealth transfer programs have obviously failed so they should be stopped immediately. Trillions of dollars wasted since 1965 and our situation is worse than ever. We could have established a colony on the moon and quite possibly ventured to Mars and beyond, if we so desired, with these resources. Instead, we have a sub society of tens of millions of violent, utterly dependent individuals that hate us. Their goal is to burn, rape, pillage and ultimately kill us. A sad state of affairs, indeed.
On June 13, 2020 at 7:39 am, Bob M said:
Well, this was inevitable…
I saw a video a couple months back which portrayed Seattle as a real sh*thole city because it coddles the homeless and drug users and won’t enforce laws. I asked my nephew who lives in Seattle if it was accurate and he said yes, that they couldn’t even go for walks with their kids without having to watch out for syringes.
So, Seattle deserves whatever happens… the sad part is that the few decent people will suffer and the socialist idiots in local government will skate away
On June 13, 2020 at 9:54 am, Sid Checkado said:
Turning off the water, electric and WiFi will expedite things. Just my thoughts.
On June 13, 2020 at 10:46 am, scott s. said:
I guess this is just a continuation of occupy. Expect similar results, though with so many more “woke” shaking in their boots maybe not.
On June 13, 2020 at 11:25 am, Jack said:
Nixon should have napalmed woodstock, thats history.
And Trump should Dresden Seattle. There would be Absolute Zero Loss.
Alas…just more coddling will happen and the problem will not be solved….
But Worsen
On June 13, 2020 at 12:22 pm, dad29 said:
Yes. Best thing to do about CHAZ is……nothing at all!! Let them rot with the rats. Only drawback is that eventually most of them will be back in civilization to continue their game.
On June 13, 2020 at 12:27 pm, penses said:
The biggest cracks are in the heads of Conservative Inc., whose response has been…(crickets.). No pushback at all. Conservatives conserve nothing.
“Democracy means voting ourselves to death”
“Seattle is fine. Don’t be so afraid of democracy.”–Mayor Jenny Durkan
The ruling commie elite are not cutting off the utilities. They want this to succeed. In Minneapolis a fire truck would show up and the firemen sit and watch the building burn down. They do not care for the homes or businesses destroyed because that is part of the plan. Complete economic destabilization. The food desserts created by the left will lead to a migration of inner city residents into the burbs and rural areas and the military and police will be called in to protects them not you.
“If you’ve been getting your news from right-wing media, you probably think armed militant Antifa activists have seized a section of Seattle. But the mayor’s office tells me, “City officials have not interacted with ‘armed antifa militants’ at this site.” The MSM is gaslighting for the left and wants the country to believe nothing is happening. ANTIFA is not capitalized to soften its effect by making it less likely to arouse alarm amonst the sheep.
This IS a world wide PLANNED event. Before the fake flu, in the event that Rump would shut down the country, all the blue state Dictators (the Democrat Party is communist) got together in meetings not reported by the MSM to coordinate their reign of terror. It is not a coincidence that all the blue commissars have issued the same totalitarian edicts, in some cases word for word. Right wing peaceful protests were condemned and people arrested and told they were a threat to national security. The leftist terrorists have been given “full discretionary power.” Meanwhile the “Commander in Chief” tweets.
“This fight is coming to your door. All of us will be forced to pick a side. I wish it weren’t so, but it is. The left will not leave you alone. You’re not their opponent, you’re their enemy. The sooner you recognize this, the better prepared you’ll be for the moment it hits home.”–Dan Bongino
On June 13, 2020 at 4:14 pm, Danny said:
CHAZ in Seattle, no surprise. Analog to CHAZ to where I live in SC suburbia, not so much. Yes, I do see the coproach sycophants tooling around town in their pups with Blue Line flags and US flags and bars and stars none of them grok the dissonance. Short a New South Starbucks New Womyn John Brown Red Neck Revolt Antifa neighborhood assoc, I will side with the historically ignint bubbas. Why? Cuz enemy of my enemy….
Where I live on the edge of the incorporated city I hear gun shots, EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. Am I scared, nope cuz I know its bubba shooting coyotes at dusk or just making bang. But you know what? They are my Scotch-Irish BFYTW kin. I can ride my beach cruiser all over town, I can ruck walk all over town and never fear getting, mugged, shivved, or my wife gang raped why?? Because we are a 95% white community and there IS.NO.CRIME.HERE. Why, because we are civil white Southrons who say yes ma’am to the nice black lady at the Harris Teeter, QT gas station, USPS office, DMV, yadda, yadda, yadda. All lives matter heayah cuz we is decent folk. We dont patronize our black neighbors, shit I fed them for 3 years but stopped because I grokked I was only enabling.
Nice town but I am going back to the coast, New Bern, Edenton, Columbia, Plymouth, Topsul – oysters and tuna arr a callin,
On June 14, 2020 at 11:51 am, James said:
I tried to book a vacation to chaz,visit new country and all.My agent could not get me flights/book me rooms but didn’t even have a “must see sites”list for Chaz.
On June 14, 2020 at 8:02 pm, Ned2 said:
Lord of the flies should be required reading for our young’uns.