CHAZ Update
BY Herschel Smith
A militant Antifa group known as the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club is patrolling the six blocks known as CHOP or CHAZ. In other words, the activists that kicked cops out of the occupied space now have their version of “police,” but with no meaningful police training and stubborn ideological beliefs. What could possibly go wrong?
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When people film any fights or other acts of violence, activists in the crowd presumably “working” under the security personnel, purposefully bump into and block anyone filming with their cell phones. They did it to me on Saturday as I filmed a fight that broke out on stage.
Sounds pretty anti-first amendment to me.
Sons of the French Revolution.
… let’s rewind a little bit. He said, has anyone heard of the French Revolution? Here’s some here’s some wooing like the white girl woo at a concert. Woo! Woo!It’s like if the musician on stage mentions your home city. Anyone here from. Fill in the blank. Anyone here from Omaha? Whew! Except this is about the French Revolution. Were they beheaded people? It was just a bloodbath in France. So he said yes. Back then, people put property and greed over the importance of lives and you know what happened to people who wouldn’t get on board? And a few people said Chope. He says, Say it louder. They chant, Chop. He said, one more time, louder, even louder. Chop. They’re talking about the guillotine, they’re talking about beheading people. This is super radical rhetoric and he’s saying we’re serious about this. That’s the message, we’re not going anywhere. And I think that there’s a bit of a problem, at least some concern when you have a movement that is waxing nostalgic and sort of romanticizing the French Revolution, which was a lawlis, as I said, a blood bath. Where people were brought up on a stage after show trials and their heads were cut off. And here you have a crowd in the Chaz or Tropp Zone of Seattle chanting enthusiastically about the guillotine.
On June 16, 2020 at 11:17 am, Fred said:
Love the Baghdad Bob clips. Very funny.