It’s Really All About The Money
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 7 months ago
To the Antifa thugs running around destroying things, they want nothing less than a Bolshevik revolution. Not so to many others in this concoction of miscreants.
“We cannot stop our demonstrations until our voices are heard and our demands for police reform are met. We must not stop until white supremacist policy and practices are no longer the order of today,” King’s daughter, the Rev. Bernice King, said. “We will not stop until voter suppression is a thing of the past. We will not stop until reparations set us on a path to be free at last.”
She’s not the only one in leadership in her community who’s said that.
Black Tulsans are owed reparations for the 1921 Race Massacre and systemic economic and social oppression in the 99 years since, a panel of local and national advocates said Sunday evening during a YouTube conference.
“They want to talk about healing and reconciliation,” said local attorney Damario Solomon-Simmons. “You cannot have reconciliation without reparations, period.”
Not to be outdone, another “leader” wants not just money, but a change to the way you think, or something like that.
Reparations, by Coates’ definition, is comprehensive. “What I’m talking about is more than recompense for past injustices — more than a handout, a payoff, hush money, or a reluctant bribe,” he wrote. “What I’m talking about is a national reckoning that would lead to spiritual renewal.” Ray told me much of the same — “it’s more than just a payout. It also includes an awakening and reconciliation that doesn’t just include black Americans. It includes white Americans.”
That awakening is the step on which America finds itself. The nationwide protests serve that purpose. But if that leads us to believe that racism is strictly interpersonal — that simply being kind and humane to each other will fix it — we’re missing the mark. Human dignity does not erase four centuries of oppression. Only comprehensive reform will do that.
Starting on a federal reparations plan that would level the playing field for descendants of slaves could take many forms. Ray and Perry suggest awarding them individual financial support, when needed, while attending college, purchasing a home or starting a business. Others, like David Brooks and Howard Rahtz, suggest strategic investments in black communities instead of individual payments.
As if all of that isn’t already done.
So plan for this: empty your bank account, prepare to become impoverished sending your children to college while others go for free, turn over your retirement accounts, and turn over your 401K to the FedGov.
That would be a start for your corporate sins.
On June 23, 2020 at 10:20 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last” – Sir Winston S. Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain and widely-regarded as the greatest statesman of the 20th century
The folks at BLM, Antifa and the rest of the communist revolutionary cadre cannot be bargained with. If one set of demands is met, another more-stringent set of demands will be placed before the intended victim. In their own words, they have already told us that they cannot be placated, cannot be satisfied. So why bother to try?
Mr. Churchill’s proverbial crocodile is ever-hungry. Feeding it only brings the meal where you are the intended main course – that much closer. Why not resist instead? Force – strength if you will – is the only language a bully understands. Backing up and giving in only strengthens him. This is contest of wills. Theirs must not be the stronger.
On June 24, 2020 at 6:17 am, penses said:
Ten trillion $ in affirmative action programs, set asides (keeping a job open in case some “special person” comes along with the necessary knowledge to perform a specific task), quotas, federally mandated zero interest home loans and no down payment (which drove the economy into the ground in ‘080) is not enough. But then, like crocks, it’s never enough.
Much like snakes, crocks should be shot and the remains dealt with at your convenience.
On June 24, 2020 at 6:54 am, 41mag said:
The power of the word “No” is refreshing sometimes.
On June 24, 2020 at 11:48 am, Wes said:
I reject the premise outright.
Solution set = 0.