Bill Buppert On The Stasi
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 7 months ago
Absent cops, no politician can rob a single human of their liberty. Full stop. Until humankind owns that notion, every pursuit of liberty and freedom will be a forlorn hope. Now we’re even hearing the usual suspects in the deep state media talking about reducing or eliminating police departments (there are currently 19,000 of these Loyalist army units in America from the Federal to the local level). The Bluecoats today are the analog of the Redcoats riding roughshod over British colonials before the divorce proceeding from London started in earnest. The cops are the standing army the Anti-Federalists warned us about.
While I am encouraged by such sober thinking, the government supremacist on the left have failed to grasp that their fetid Sovietopian dreams need cops to be realized. No communist state can exist without two important ingredients: a robust police state and a very large segment of the subject population who are either unpaid or paid informants for the state. These two elements are intimately married to each other and no leviathan can exist absent these things.
The latter notion of an informant society is the glue that terraforms the building of homo Sovieticus. And make no mistake, the iron dream of every [national] socialist and communist is complete control of the physical and mental landscape of the serf populations.
If fear and obedience are the brick and mortar of the state, the informant and casual compliance with state codes may be the foundation of the steel house of the government plantation.
I have no need to choose between the dying liberal order and the Mango Emperor, as I have no need to choose between Lucifer and Baphomet. Both major parties in the US are mere complements of one another. One, the Democrats is nothing more than an asylum structure to house the Bolsheviks while the scolding and invertebrate Mensheviks of the Grand Old Politburo are embarrassed that the gibbering of the Democrats says out loud what they are thinking.
Both parties want nothing more than your chained obedience.
It’s supreme irony that the government supremacists in Antifa, BLM and their Democrat party sugar daddies are calling for defunding the police. The very entity that makes all government shitholes enforceable under their inhuman rule.
Ah, but as I’ve pointed out before, most of the sons and daughters of hippies became communists within a single generation. Those who didn’t will pass into the night like the brownshirts in the equivalent of the Röhm Purge.
As for the true believers, they have a different end in mind. While there are some very bad cops, and some bad cops who will cover for the very bad cops, there are still too many who won’t enforce gun confiscation orders, too many who won’t load men onto trains to be spirited off to camps.
To the believers, these cops have to go. They don’t really want to rid themselves of cops, they want to be the cops just as Raz Simone and his band of thug bois want to rule six blocks of inner city Seattle. This means forcing out the remaining non-compliant police, and replacing them with true believers. For them, in order to change the cops, become a cop.
Defunding the existing infrastructure is just the first step in driving out the existing employees so they can be replaced.
On June 25, 2020 at 11:09 am, MTHead said:
And maybe get the UN to help?
FYI, From the “Freefor training manual”.One should be able to hit a 9 inch diameter, lite blue colored paper plate at 300 yards. from multiple positions.
On June 25, 2020 at 11:16 am, Ivan Brooks said:
Precisely. If ‘defund the police’ meant smaller, demilitarized, less formal police forces, more accountable to the communities they serve, I don’t think any liberty-loving American would raise an objection. That isn’t what the Left wants at all.
On June 25, 2020 at 1:00 pm, Ben said:
The problem is not the police. There are some bad officers, to be sure, but they are attracted to the police because of what police are. The problem is the politicians who pass the laws and allow the police to exceed the limits placed on them, as well as the voters who empower the politicians and don’t vigorously guard our rights and privileges. Blaming the police for the problems is akin to blaming the rain for the storm–it confuses the effect with the cause.
On June 27, 2020 at 2:06 am, Dan said:
Defunding the police is NOT about getting rid of police….it’s about REPLACING THEM. The commie left is intent on taking the $$$ currently
going to LEO and using that $$$ to fund THEIR OWN BROWNSHIRT ARMY
that they can use to impose THEIR GOALS, THEIR AGENDA and THEIR FUTURE on the ALL OF US……that they allow to survive.