Get Some Training
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 6 months ago
So it’s not just “gun nuts” adding to their “arsenals,” as the gun-grabber groups would have us believe. A significant percentage are women or are from restrictive states like California, where, feeling threatened by what they see on the news, have started discovering just what they’ve been missing.
The thing is, with all these new gun owners, the chances for negligent discharges and other bad things happening through ignorance go up. Like “Gunners’ Guru” Jeff Cooper famously observed, “Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”
David recommend a specific book, and that’s great. Reading is the first step. Owner’s manuals are great too, but if you’re a new gun owner and new to this blog, I recommend that you get some training.
You can even write me and I’ll make some recommendations for training. The point is, while you’ll occasionally find arrogant gun owners like you find in any discipline, most of us are very nice, willing to help, and anxious to teach.
Don’t be shy.
On June 30, 2020 at 7:44 pm, Fred said:
I regret having not had time for this post today. It’s an imperative. I have, as you know Herschel, loads of info to impart to the newbies. This reminds me, I thought the one on Gab got away but, she talked to her husband and they both got professionally trained, then decided what application they each wanted, and then selected the appropriate weapon each for the tasks. They, last I heard, are looking at what the next gun they will buy will be. Heh. And another who claims to be a minor, has shot some with family, but now has ideas to talk with family taking their saftey seriously getting further and professionally trained. You don’t have to be 18 to get trained on weapons!!! But any trainer worth his salt will want it to be a parent child journey together. Anyways…
Anybody, please ask. This is one of the very few places in the world where you find the heart of a teacher instead of know it all gun nut tough guys and jerks. I don’t have time for this now, sadly. I’ll try to make time to post some comments with easy-peasy plans to get professionally trained starting with the very basics and working up from there. The training that folks need, for their own situation; basic handgun for home defense, concealed carry permit, basic rifle for self and property defense, women only, legal resources to know the law, I’ve got all the things for these and more just for the beginner.
And even if you haven’t purchased a gun yet, I can help especially with that because getting a gun is not the first thing that you do, it’s the last, so you’ll know before you buy, what gun to get.