Mark McCloskey Has To Defend Home And Family With An AR-15
BY Herschel Smith
By now every one has seen the viral video pictures and discussion about Mr. Mark McCloskey and his wife outside having to defend home and hearth with firearms. What happened leading up to this is very important.
… [A]s soon as I said this is private property, those words enraged the crowd. Horde, absolute horde came through the now smashed down gates coming right at the house. My house, my east patio was 40 feet from Portland Place Drive. And these people were right up in my face, scared to death. And then, I stood out there. The only thing we said is this is private property. Go back. Private property. Leave now.
At that point, everybody got enraged. There were people wearing body armor. One person pulled out some loaded pistol magazine and clicked them together and said that you were next. We were threatened with our lives, threatened with a house being burned down, my office building being burned down, even our dog’s life being threatened. It was, it was about as bad as it can get. I mean, those you know, I really thought it was Storming the Bastille that we would be dead and the house would be burned and there was nothing we could do about it. It was a huge and frightening crowd. And they were they broken the gate were coming at us.
The man in the picture above is trespassing, and if he threatened Mr. McCloskey, he deserved to be shot until dead. One must take seriously verbal threats, especially if the one threatening has already trespassed on to private property.
This is called self defense, and it’s covered in the commandments of the Almighty. It’s not only a right, but a duty. Mr. McCloskey would have been neglecting the commandments of God had he abandoned his home and wife to the mob. One cannot assume that he can retreat fast enough to escape danger, and Mr. McCloskey is responsible under Biblical law not only for his own life, but the lives of those under his responsible charge, in this case, his wife.
There is a video embedded below, but before we get there, I do have a few tactical suggestions that future victims like Mr. McCloskey might want to consider. Nothing says back away and leave my family in peace like an AR-15. It gives the ability for rapid target acquisition, quick recovery of sight picture, and ability to produce heavier volume fire than if he had to chamber another round (e.g., as with a bolt action rifle).
Furthermore, a shotgun would have been limited in magazine capacity, even a tactical shotgun like an M4 Benelli. Readers can claim until they’re blue in the face that they just want their .308 or 30-06, but when it comes to CQB, there is nothing like the carbine. You can have your M1, there is nothing like an AR-15 in this circumstance. Everyone knows this is true, and it’s a good thing that Mr. McCloskey had that go-to weapon at his disposal.
I would suggest some training for him though. The particular stance, holding at the hip, is worthless and counterproductive, and could actually convince the assailant that you didn’t know what you were doing. He needs some practice at the range, holding at the low ready, and proper use of the sling. A tactical vest, along with at least Kevlar armor, able to hold additional magazines, would also have been handy in this circumstance.
If Mr. McCloskey intends to continue allowing his wife to carry a weapon, she needs some training in proper muzzle discipline and grip technique. There is deep fear in her eyes, and some training could have added confidence to her presentation. She also needs a legitimate weapon.
None of the things I’ve said above should be interpreted as mocking the gentleman and his wife. I think he acted bravely, even if I might have done things a bit differently.
You can expect to see video and pictures of this event shown, brought up, and discussed from now on until and through the election. This was a big deal, because it wasn’t someone who approached the violent mob intending to make trouble, it was a home owner defending his life. Similarly, the poor lady who was under threat by the mob in Fredericksburg, Virginia, is an event that should stick in the minds of readers for a very long time.
The self righteous circuit attorney, Kim Gardner, has her panties in a wad over this. It doesn’t matter since Mr. McCloskey was acting in self defense. Exactly why she would act the way she has concerning this might be confusing to someone who doesn’t understand the mob, but the important thing to grasp concerning Kim is that she is part of the mob. Glenn Reynolds says it best.
That’s why they don’t want you to own guns. And that’s why the Ken-and-Karen case has the left and its media enablers so upset. They want you cowering in your home, calling for police protection that their political action has made sure won’t come. Or worrying that that might happen so that you yield to their demands. If you’re out on the steps with guns in your hands, suddenly the script has flipped. Either they’re intimidated, which is bad for morale when you’re running a mob, or they escalate and become so violent that the “deniable” part of the intimidation is gone, because they can’t pretend even to themselves that this was a “parade” of “peaceful protesters,” and a more violent response to the mob becomes certain in the future. And while mobs can dish out violence, they usually don’t take it very well, lacking discipline and cohesion. That’s why the goal is to keep the violence ongoing, but at a low enough level that it seems easier to go along than fight. Open resistance interferes with that, and sets an example for others.
They want you to be disarmed before the violent mob. Kim Gardner wants that too. Resolve not ever to be disarmed, and resolve to be like Mr. McCloskey, at least in spirit.
Other coverage:
On June 30, 2020 at 10:24 pm, Herschel Smith said:
One more thing. They threatened to kill his dog.
On July 1, 2020 at 3:43 am, Tony said:
Not wanting to fedpost. But the first one is expensive. Every one after that is free. If you go and survive you’re going to lose everything you have including your freedom. Make it count
On July 1, 2020 at 8:21 am, Dental Floss Tycoon said:
The words private property triggered the comrades.
In the Great Leap Forward Fundamental Transformation there is no private property because that is for capitalist pigs.
All goods and supplies will be redistributed in the autonomous zone by the cargo cult czar. Forward! Yes we can.
Communism doesn’t work because people like to own stuff.
Frank Zappa
On July 1, 2020 at 8:36 am, Bram said:
I respect them both. When the mob broke down their gate, they grabbed weapons and confronted them. How many would have cowered in a closet hoping the mob didn’t kill them?
On July 1, 2020 at 9:40 am, Ned2 said:
Hopefully their actions will embolden others to act accordingly. They showed remarkable restraint.
On July 1, 2020 at 11:20 am, dad29 said:
Anybody else notice that Law School Graduate Gardner has great difficulty with English?
On July 1, 2020 at 11:25 am, Herschel Smith said:
But at least she’s with the woke mob – until they come for her because they don’t like how much money she happens to be making.
On July 1, 2020 at 12:36 pm, Name (required) said:
Hard to tell whether the far-left McCloskeys were actually trying to defend themselves, or setting up an anti-gun photo-op for their Antifa masters. It might have started as the second and devolved into the first when Antifa lost control of their dusky pets.
On July 1, 2020 at 1:55 pm, Elmo said:
If you read the story of their home you’d see why they were so willing to defend it. There’s a lot of history in that place and the McCloskeys have invested a lot of blood, sweat, tears, time and money in the renovation of an amazing place.
Yes, Leftists. They actually DID build it, or at the very minimum rebuild it. And I’m convinced they were willing to die to prevent you from attempting to destroy what they had spent over 30 years building.
On July 1, 2020 at 5:50 pm, Ron said:
I’ve read smug comments about her finger on the trigger, he needed tacticool vest, lots of mags, etc etc.
Look at the picture of him on the porch in the background.
Note how he has the sling in a marksman’s wrap around his arm..
He knows something about shooting.
That’s a very basic AR, no rails, A1 carry handle receiver, A1 fixed stock, no red dot, no farkles hanging all over it.
He probably has other stuff, but in the heat of running inside and grabbing a weapon, he did grab a RIFLE with a 30rd STANDARD capacity magazine instead of a pistol.
I say he done good.
On July 2, 2020 at 5:20 am, Fr. John+ said:
Tucker Carlson is at a minimum, correct. We either TELL the GOP that they will vote the way WE tell them, or we will have a Bolshevik Jewish Revenge State.
Knowing Russian Orthodox History as I do, you DON’T WANT THAT.
On July 5, 2020 at 1:14 am, Hudson H Luce said:
None of the photos in the press show the far larger wrought iron gate across the road which was also torn down by the mob. A friend who had lived in Portland Place about a block away went down to view the wreckage and he was shocked by it, and he said they had every right to do as they did. A mutual friend of ours’ family owned the place from 1963, when they bought it for $25,000, and sold it to the McCloskeys for just under a million dollars in 1988, about the time the white exodus from St Louis City was getting into gear – the city population dropped from 850,000 to 350,000, where it is now. They’d done quite a bit of restoration themselves but concluded that the city was far too risky to remain. The house is roughly two blocks away from a very poor black neighborhood. The private security force for Portland Place, having had advance warning about the mob, decided to take off for their personal safety, no private security company could be persuaded for any amount of money to take their place, and the St Louis Police Department only showed up after the mob had left. Basically, they told the McCloskeys that they were on their own as to personal security. His status as a liberal Democrat and civil rights lawyer – he’s currently suing the St Louis PD on a police brutality case, amongst other matters – gave him neither credibility with, or protection from the mob. And I doubt that his statement supporting the “peaceful protesters of Black Lives Matter” on the day after the mob action will have any effect, either. If he’s smart, he will move the entire structure out to West County, along with everything inside, as it stands, it’s not exactly a defensible position.
On July 5, 2020 at 9:00 am, Fred said:
Glenn Reynolds hasn’t been paying attention to antifa street action C3I. Their “mob” is very well structured, has strategic goals for each action, follows tactical orders on ground very well, and uses an interesting variety of signalling and comms means during their actions. American partisan has some info on this as does forward observer. One thing nobody has picked up on is the use of fireworks as signaling devices. I’ve seen enough to know when it’s time to either get aggressive or skidaddle if you end up around them. Woke mobs, not so much, but the mobs only start rioting after the honkie antifa gets aggressive. But l’m the one on multiple watch lists.