Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Ralph “Kill The Babies Give Me All Your Guns” Northam Encourages Snitches

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

From the land of Ralph “Kill the babies give me all your guns” Northam, news from hell.

The Virginia Department of Health under Gov. Ralph Northam (D-Va.) is encouraging Virginians to file an anonymous report to snitch on various establishments for violating the governor’s restrictions to fight the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic that came from China. State Sen. Mark Obenshain (R) pondered whether Northam is trying to turn Virginia into a “society of … snitches.”

[ … ]

The “society of snitches” form, entitled “Online Complaint Report for Violations of Executive Order 63 (Face Coverings) and Executive Order 65 (Phase Two Easing of Certain Temporary Restrictions)” and first reported by the Washington Free Beacon, indeed includes a drop-down menu listing eight different types of establishments, including “Indoor Gun Range” and “Religious Service” as options.

A note to readers in Virginia.  Listen to me.  I see that a number of pastors have signed a letter pleading with him to change his mind.  Don’t appeal to this communist.  Ignore him.  Don’t fear the anonymous snitches, and don’t fear illegitimate rulers.  Only fear God.  A note to LEOs in Virginia.  Refuse to enforce this abomination.  As I’ve said before, the desire to control others is the signal pathology of the wicked.  Don’t be a part of his wickedness.  God will judge you for it.

A quick note to kill babies Northam.  Blow it out your ass, communist.

Barr: DOJ has 500 investigations into rioters and destruction of statues

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

One day ago I said this.

Most people have left CHAZ. Only a hard core remain. Meanwhile, drones have video in preparation for the hundreds of arrest warrants to be issued for: looting, vandalism, murder, rape, kidnapping, brandishing weapons, carrying weapons to the “terror of the public,” interfering with the police in the performance of their duties, assault, assault with a deadly weapon, defacement of public property, and anything else crafty lawyers at the DoJ can come up with. It won’t go down as a muzzle flash in the night at CHAZ. It’ll happen when the people go home, with the help of facial recognition, signals intelligence, news reports, and deep plant witnesses. Look for it over the next few months. Raz-a-daz will be in prison soon. Raz was even so stupid to livestream him trafficking in weapons, handing out rifles to people he didn’t even know. Not even the best lawyer can turn that video into “gifting” a firearm to a loved one. Thus, even the ATF will be involved in this affair.

You can go ahead and pile on top of this: arson, littering, illegal threats, battery, illegal possession of firearms (how many of these folks filled out form 4473?), and crossing state lines with criminal intent. This is a short list.

And don’t you know that the FedGov is fisking Raz’s business dealings at the moment, wondering how all of that money from Dubai got into his bank account.

That’s why only a handful were there to protest his actions to dismantle the mess.

Today, Barr said this.

Attorney General William Barr said the Justice Department had “scores of indictments” filed against people who committed violence during a wave of protests across the country.

During Thursday’s episode of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s podcast, Verdict, which is co-hosted by conservative commentator Michael Knowles, Barr said his agency was using 35 joint terrorist task forces across the country to investigate criminal activity, which has taken place since the Memorial Day death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man.

“When the real violence started around May 25, 26, and so forth, we started using our joint terrorist task forces around the country. And there are 35 of them around the country,” Barr said.

“And now they are starting to go full bore, cranking out investigations, indictments against the people who are involved in this violence. So we’ve had scores of indictments already for such things as arson, destruction of federal property, things like that. And we have, right now, about 500 investigations underway,” he added.

The taxpayers and ratepayers will also bear some of the burden.  Or actually, all of it.

Just as I said.  These are the repercussions of that kind of behavior.  Most of these are children whose parents never spanked them and who never had a chance to grow up and become responsible.

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The Communists Are Coming For Everybody

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago


Woke mobs are coming for you if you are an elected official with conservative values. In cities and towns all across America, organized and well-funded protest groups have begun attacking city councilors, mayors, county commissioners, and members of school boards. It’s not just the big cities. Increasingly, small towns have faced similar harassment. The woke mob has targeted local elected officials for the sin of not being sufficiently woke. Its goal appears to be to intimidate conservatives from getting involved at any level of government. It also appears that the mob efforts are expanding faster than anyone realizes.

Here in Oregon, the small, rural, conservative-leaning towns of Estacada and Mollala have recently seen elected officials threatened with recall. In Oregon City, a medium-sized city south of Portland, a protest group has organized a recall against the mayor. The suburb of Gresham saw resignations from its mayor, city manager, and chief of police. And in Salem, the state’s capital, several school board members have been targeted for destruction.

This trend is growing and expanding and it appears to be the work of well-funded progressive groups on the local level with ties to large national non-profits pushing a radical agenda.

In Estacada, Mayor Sean Drinkwine was forced to apologize after he posted in a Facebook group, “I would not and have not condoned these BLM Vigils in our community. All city staff and I are working tirelessly to shut these Vigils down … Our number one concern is to keep our city safe and free from conflict.”

Disagreeing with the Marxist goals of BLM and opposing looting and violence will get you in trouble no matter how small your town is.

How ridiculous.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  No one “forced” the mayor to apologize.  He decided to do that all by himself.

For heaven’s sake, people.  Grow a spine.  Stand up to these people.  Thus far this is easy.  If you don’t think so, wait until the shooting starts, they take all of your possessions, and they make it clear they want to load you and your family on the train to the “reeducation center.”

Stand up now or suffer later.  It’s your choice.

Bullet Deflection While Shooting Through Brush

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

The Conspiracy To Subvert The Constitution Goes All The Way To The Top Of The Obama Administration

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

News about the den of demons.

Former Vice President Joe Biden appears to have “personally raised the idea” of investigating Michael Flynn for potentially having violated the obscure Logan Act during his phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, according to newly filed court papers Wednesday.

The previously sealed document also says that former President Barack Obama told top members of his administration that “the right people” should investigate Flynn.

But then-FBI Director James Comey acknowledged during the meeting — which also involved Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and possibly national security adviser Susan Rice — that Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak “appear legit,” according to the Washington, DC, federal court filing by Flynn’s defense lawyers.

The revelations are contained in handwritten notes prepared by disgraced ex-FBI Agent Peter Strzok that Flynn’s lawyers called “stunning and exculpatory evidence” in the government’s since-abandoned case against President Trump’s former national security adviser.

A partially blacked-out copy of Strzok’s notes is attached to the filing and includes a mention that appears to say: “VP: ‘Logan Act.’”

“According to Strzok’s notes, it appears that Vice President Biden personally raised the idea of the Logan Act,” defense lawyers Jesse Binnall and Sidney Powell wrote.

”That became an admitted pretext to investigate General Flynn.”

The revelation contradicts Biden’s claim of total ignorance regarding the Flynn probe when he was vice president, which he was asked about during a May 12 interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.

“I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn,” he said at the time.

But then, a conspiracy to subvert the constitution is nothing new with the Obama administration.  Virtually everything they did subverted the constitution.

And violated God’s laws.

David Petraeus On Renaming U.S. Military Bases

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

The Atlantic.

As I have watched Confederate monuments being removed by state and local governments, and sometimes by the forceful will of the American people, the fact that 10 U.S. Army installations are named for Confederate officers has weighed on me. That number includes the Army’s largest base, one very special to many in uniform: Fort Bragg, in North Carolina. The highway sign for Bragg proclaims it home of the airborne and special operations forces. I had three assignments there during my career. Soldiers stationed at Bragg are rightly proud to serve in its elite units. Some call it “the Center of the Military Universe,” “the Mother Ship,” or even “Hallowed Ground.” But Braxton Bragg—the general for whom the base was named—served in the Confederate States Army.

The United States is now wrestling with repeated instances of abusive policing caught on camera, the legacies of systemic racism, the challenges of protecting freedoms enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights while thwarting criminals who seek to exploit lawful protests, and debates over symbols glorifying those who fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War. The way we resolve these issues will define our national identity for this century and beyond. Yesterday afternoon, an Army spokesperson said that Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy is now “open to a bipartisan discussion” on renaming the bases. That’s the right call. Once the names of these bases are stripped of the obscuring power of tradition and folklore, renaming the installations becomes an easy, even obvious, decision.

I wonder if this has weighed on him as much as his decision to become an adulterer and be unfaithful to his wife, violating her trust, his own vows, and God’s laws?

I wonder if this has weighed on him as much as putting into place a set of rules of engagement in Afghanistan and Iraq that killed and maimed American boys?

I wonder if this has weighed on him as much as his involvement in creating the completely bogus talking points about Benghazi, or leaving those American fighters there to perish without help?

I wonder if this has weighed on him as much as the violation of his oath to the constitution by advocating gun control?

I wonder if this has weighed on him as much as divulging classified information to Paula Broadwell?

Pardon me if I don’t give a rat’s ass what Petraeus wants to do concerning the names of military installations.

You’re A Racist If You Don’t Agree To Gun Control

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

So says Jeremy Stein.

We are in the midst of an historic opportunity to begin the process of eradicating the systemic racism and injustice that has afflicted black people and other marginalized communities from before the founding fathers declared their intention to form a “more perfect union.” Although their words recognized that achieving justice and equality is a journey, not a destination, history and recent events have again made evident that black Americans were excluded from the outset, and are still not fully part of that journey.

Black Lives Matter protests have swept Connecticut; the conversations they have ignited are encouraging. There are hopeful signs that substantive changes are possible that will address police brutality and improve access to economic opportunity, education, health equity and affordable housing, to name a few. Equally important is tackling gun violence, especially as it impacts black and brown communities.

While Connecticut has the sixth lowest rate of gun deaths in the nation, gun violence in our communities of color is far too prevalent. Just this week in Bridgeport there were five shootings in less than 24 hours. Gun violence in Connecticut disproportionately takes the lives of African Americans; approximately 56 percent of the state’s gun homicide victims are black, five times the proportion who live here.

The conclusion is inescapable: Community gun violence must be a priority if Connecticut is to address racial injustice. The solutions must go beyond policing. Law enforcement-focused approaches are not enough to stop the violence. And as the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks and others have made clear, we must not only admit that police violence exists, we must confront it head on. The simple truth is, police violence is gun violence.

CT Against Gun Violence and a broad coalition of organizations are calling on the state to create a Standing Commission to Prevent Community Gun Violence. The commission would be tasked with identifying, funding, implementing and overseeing evidence-based, community-centric programs and strategies to reduce gun violence, especially where it impacts communities of color.

There are a range of community-based programs that have proven track records of success. The three main strategies are being used in Connecticut’s urban centers: hospital-based violence intervention, on-the-ground violence interrupters and focused deterrence.

Lot’s of words, but no meat on the bones, you say?

You have to look at who Mr. Stein is affiliated with.  He runs Connecticut Against Gun Violence.  You see, they have plans for you and everyone, things like [a] Limit the lethality of weapons​, and [b] Support programs that reduce gun violence by changing the cultural norms and individual behaviors that increase the risk of gun injuries and fatalities.

Those are code words – let me interpret them for you.  Give up your semiautomatic firearms, and agree to regular inspections of your home by the police who will ensure that all guns are locked up and unloaded.

And if you don’t agree to this, you are a racist, you see.  It has nothing to do with the fact that the black community is shooting itself because of cultural problems, it has to do with you.  It’s all your fault.

And as I have mentioned before, my grandfather fought in WWI, came home with barely an elementary school education, worked hard doing manual labor in the railroads his entire life where he broke his back and never missed a day of work, and retired just before he passed away.

But I’m sure that, according to Mr. Stein, he was privileged.  I’m sure we’re all racists for saying, “No, you can keep your gun control and I’ll keep my guns, that you very much.”  Because it’s all our fault, and this is the trajectory the progressives want us on.

Do you understand?

Thomas Massie Renominated For Sixth House Term

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

Via David Codrea, news from Kentucky.

Kentucky Republican Rep. Thomas Massie, a libertarian-minded maverick who often clashes with GOP leaders, was renominated for a sixth House term. Trump savaged Massie in March as a “disaster for America” who should be ejected from the party after he forced lawmakers to return to Washington during a pandemic to vote on a huge economic relief package.

Here’s more.

Liz Cheney woke up with a lot of egg on her face this morning.

The Wyoming Republican and GOP establishment figure has long railed against Rep. Thomas Massie, and initially even backed his primary challenger, Todd McMurtry. However, Republican primary voters from Kentucky’s 4th Congressional District rebuked Cheney and reelected their libertarian-leaning congressman by an overwhelming margin in Tuesday’s primary. He secured a whopping 88% of the vote to McMurtry’s paltry 12%.

Massie, understandably, feels vindicated. “Tonight’s victory sends a strong message that Republican voters in the 4th District of Kentucky want someone to represent them in Washington who will consistently stand up on principle, defend life, and support the Constitution,” the congressman said.

In light of such an overwhelming electoral landslide in favor of a pro-liberty Republican and constitutional conservative, it’s worth rehashing the establishment’s campaign against Massie — if only to show how out of touch the swamp can be with the grassroots.

As an anti-interventionist stalwart and principled limited-government conservative, Massie has always been willing to vote against the establishment line. For example, Massie broke ranks with most Republicans to vote for a War Powers Resolution that reasserted Congress’s war powers and would have restricted the executive branch’s ability to launch unilateral military interventions. He voted against Paul Ryan for speaker of the House and has voted against so many establishment-backed spending packages and bills that he’s been dubbed “Mr. No” by the media.

The GOP establishment can’t stand legislators who aren’t afraid to buck the party line. They remind the GOP base of what it would look like if party leaders actually followed the principles they campaign on.

In particular, Massie angered Cheney, President Trump, and other Republicans when he demanded that Congress actually show up to vote on the $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief bill. (You know, just like how they were asking all essential workers to show up to work). For this apparently egregious insistence that Congress actually does its job as the Constitution mandates, the establishment denounced Massie.

Even Trump blasted Massie, calling him a “third-rate grandstander” and tweeting a call to “Throw Massie out of Republican Party!”

Good.  Anything that throws egg in the face of the establishment is alright with me.  I’ve long supported Massie and called him one of the very few good men in Washington.

Bill Buppert On The Stasi

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

Bill Buppert.

Absent cops, no politician can rob a single human of their liberty. Full stop. Until humankind owns that notion, every pursuit of liberty and freedom will be a forlorn hope. Now we’re even hearing the usual suspects in the deep state media talking about reducing or eliminating police departments (there are currently 19,000 of these Loyalist army units in America from the Federal to the local level). The Bluecoats today are the analog of the Redcoats riding roughshod over British colonials before the divorce proceeding from London started in earnest. The cops are the standing army the Anti-Federalists warned us about.

While I am encouraged by such sober thinking, the government supremacist on the left have failed to grasp that their fetid Sovietopian dreams need cops to be realized. No communist state can exist without two important ingredients: a robust police state and a very large segment of the subject population who are either unpaid or paid informants for the state. These two elements are intimately married to each other and no leviathan can exist absent these things.

The latter notion of an informant society is the glue that terraforms the building of homo Sovieticus. And make no mistake, the iron dream of every [national] socialist and communist is complete control of the physical and mental landscape of the serf populations.

If fear and obedience are the brick and mortar of the state, the informant and casual compliance with state codes may be the foundation of the steel house of the government plantation.

I have no need to choose between the dying liberal order and the Mango Emperor, as I have no need to choose between Lucifer and Baphomet. Both major parties in the US are mere complements of one another. One, the Democrats is nothing more than an asylum structure to house the Bolsheviks while the scolding and invertebrate Mensheviks of the Grand Old Politburo are embarrassed that the gibbering of the Democrats says out loud what they are thinking.

Both parties want nothing more than your chained obedience.

It’s supreme irony that the government supremacists in Antifa, BLM and their Democrat party sugar daddies are calling for defunding the police. The very entity that makes all government shitholes enforceable under their inhuman rule.

Ah, but as I’ve pointed out before, most of the sons and daughters of hippies became communists within a single generation.  Those who didn’t will pass into the night like the brownshirts in the equivalent of the Röhm Purge.

As for the true believers, they have a different end in mind.  While there are some very bad cops, and some bad cops who will cover for the very bad cops, there are still too many who won’t enforce gun confiscation orders, too many who won’t load men onto trains to be spirited off to camps.

To the believers, these cops have to go.  They don’t really want to rid themselves of cops, they want to be the cops just as Raz Simone and his band of thug bois want to rule six blocks of inner city Seattle.  This means forcing out the remaining non-compliant police, and replacing them with true believers.  For them, in order to change the cops, become a cop.

Defunding the existing infrastructure is just the first step in driving out the existing employees so they can be replaced.

The Cost Of Getting Bitten By A Snake In America

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

News from North Carolina.

A 17-year-old was out collecting wood near his home in Hillsborough when he bent down to pick up a branch and a snake bit him on his left hand.

He knew almost immediately that it was a copperhead.

“He knows his snakes; he went to herpetology camp,” said Amy Carabetta, whose son Ian was bitten.

“I was scared,” she said. “His hand started to swell almost immediately.

Carabetta called 911 for an ambulance.

“My hand was really hard to move while I was in the hospital,” Ian said. “It surprisingly wasn’t painful.”

Carabetta was especially scared for her son because he wants to be a carpenter and his left hand is his dominant hand

“It was pretty scary the first night he was in the hospital,” Carabetta said. “I handed him a bottle, and he couldn’t unscrew it with his left hand.”

Ian got the treatment he needed, but when the bill came in the mail a few weeks later, Carabetta was shocked.

“I immediately got it out, put it on the hood of the car and took a picture of it and sent it to my husband,” she said. She then posted it on Facebook.

The bill totaled more than $225,000.

Ian’s hand healed completely, and his father’s insurance helped bring the family’s cost down to $175, Carabetta said.

“I don’t know if it would’ve happened that way if we hadn’t have had the treatment,” she said.

“The patient received 12 vials of antivenom, which cost about $200,000, including the hospital’s markup,” Duke Health officials said in an emailed statement to The News & Observer. “The patient’s insurance paid roughly half of the total amount billed based on its contract with Duke, which provides for a substantial discount. Duke has assumed the remaining balance, and the patient’s total out-of-pocket obligation is $175.”

I happen to know a little about this because I did some research when my Heidi-girl, the best dog ever in history, got bitten by a Copperhead.

The antivenom is made usually south of the border in Mexico.  They make it by injecting a select bovine population with venom, and extracting the antibodies over time to formulate the antivenom for humans.  By the way, this can cause stray bovine proteins to enter the human bloodstream if you have to be injected, and that itself can cause problems.

This antivenom is biological material and has to be refrigerated.  The cost when I looked into it was on the order of $10,000 – $12,000 per vial, or treatment, and the cost of recovery depends on how many vials you need.  Apparently the cost has gone up, and there is also a markup at the hospital (probably for simply investing the capital to have it in stock along with the shelf life of the material).

I don’t know how to advise, except to wear boots and watch your six if you’re going to be out and about in the summer and early fall.  This is one reason I don’t prefer to go hiking and backpacking in the summer.

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