Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]


BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

It looks like the whole noose thing with driver Bubba Wallace is a hoax, or at best, a contrived misunderstanding.  The “nooses” are ends of ropes to open and close garage doors.  Look carefully at the pictures.

The FBI, who had a dramatic 15 “special agents” on the case, announced that nothing happened.  As stupid as NASCAR and the whole Wallace team must feel, and deservedly so, the real village idiot award goes to CNN and the Richard Petty team (the Petty team for ever making a big deal out of this, and CNN for printing this claptrap).

Although the noose is now known to have been in garage number 4 in 2019, nobody could have known Mr. Wallace would be assigned to garage number 4 last week …

Or what?  If anyone had known that Wallace had been assigned to garage number 4, what then?  Would you have removed ropes from the doors so they couldn’t be pulled up and down?

What an idiotic statement.

Ann Barnhardt observes, “EVERY NASCAR team went along with this slanderous calumny of their entire fan base.”  They did indeed.  I saw them do it, and I saw Wallace get out of his car crying, with Richard Petty giving him a hug.

Good Lord.  Gone are the days of fights between Dale Earnhardt and Rusty Wallace.  He kid, there’s no crying in NASCAR.  At least not the real NASCAR.

Not that I watch it anyway.  As far as I’m concerned, just like pro football and every other pro sport, they can go bankrupt.

Primary Arms 2x Prism Optic Review

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

It’s Really All About The Money

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

To the Antifa thugs running around destroying things, they want nothing less than a Bolshevik revolution.  Not so to many others in this concoction of miscreants.

“We cannot stop our demonstrations until our voices are heard and our demands for police reform are met. We must not stop until white supremacist policy and practices are no longer the order of today,” King’s daughter, the Rev. Bernice King, said. “We will not stop until voter suppression is a thing of the past. We will not stop until reparations set us on a path to be free at last.”

She’s not the only one in leadership in her community who’s said that.

Black Tulsans are owed reparations for the 1921 Race Massacre and systemic economic and social oppression in the 99 years since, a panel of local and national advocates said Sunday evening during a YouTube conference.

“They want to talk about healing and reconciliation,” said local attorney Damario Solomon-Simmons. “You cannot have reconciliation without reparations, period.”

Not to be outdone, another “leader” wants not just money, but a change to the way you think, or something like that.

Reparations, by Coates’ definition, is comprehensive. “What I’m talking about is more than recompense for past injustices — more than a handout, a payoff, hush money, or a reluctant bribe,” he wrote. “What I’m talking about is a national reckoning that would lead to spiritual renewal.” Ray told me much of the same — “it’s more than just a payout. It also includes an awakening and reconciliation that doesn’t just include black Americans. It includes white Americans.”

That awakening is the step on which America finds itself. The nationwide protests serve that purpose. But if that leads us to believe that racism is strictly interpersonal — that simply being kind and humane to each other will fix it — we’re missing the mark. Human dignity does not erase four centuries of oppression. Only comprehensive reform will do that.

Starting on a federal reparations plan that would level the playing field for descendants of slaves could take many forms. Ray and Perry suggest awarding them individual financial support, when needed, while attending college, purchasing a home or starting a business. Others, like David Brooks and Howard Rahtz, suggest strategic investments in black communities instead of individual payments.

As if all of that isn’t already done.

So plan for this: empty your bank account, prepare to become impoverished sending your children to college while others go for free, turn over your retirement accounts, and turn over your 401K to the FedGov.

That would be a start for your corporate sins.

Congressmen Question ATF Brace Restriction Plans

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

David Codrea.

“[W]e have determined that firing a pistol from the shoulder would not cause the pistol to be reclassified as an SBR,” ATF’s Firearms Technology Branch Chief replied. “Generally speaking, we do not classify weapons based on how an individual uses a weapon. FTB has previously determined that the firing of a weapon from a particular position, such as placing the receiver extension of an AR-15 type pistol on the user’s shoulder, does not change the classification of a weapon. Further, certain firearm accessories such as the SIG Stability Brace have not been classified by FTB as shoulder stocks and, therefore, using the brace improperly does not constitute a design change.”

Then in 2015, NRA-ILA reported on ATFs “Open Letter on the Redesign of ‘Stabilizing Braces’.”

“Any person who intends to use a handgun stabilizing brace as a shoulder stock on a pistol (having a rifled barrel under 16 inches in length or a smooth bore firearm with a barrel under 18 inches in length) must first file an ATF Form 1 and pay the applicable tax because the resulting firearm will be subject to all provisions of the NFA,” the reversed position stated.

Suddenly we had a problem. A huge problem, with life-destroying felony implications for anyone innocently caught up in a ridiculous bureaucratic net cast by people who either can’t make up their minds or have their minds made up for them by hidden, politically-motivated string pullers.

Fast forward to 2017 and it appeared everyone was happy again. Per a press release from SB Tactical:

“An NFA firearm has not necessarily been made when the device is not reconfigured for use as a shoulder stock – even if the attached firearm happens to be fired from the shoulder,” the reversed (yet again rule) assured everyone. “To the extent that the January 2015 Open Letter implied or has been construed to hold that incidental, sporadic, or situational ‘use’ of an arm-brace (in its original approved configuration) equipped firearm from a firing position at or near the shoulder was sufficient to constitute ‘redesign,’ such interpretations are incorrect and not consistent with ATF’s interpretation of the statute or the manner in which it has historically been enforced.’”

Go read the rest.  Now they’ve got their pink panties in a wad over “length of pull.”

My beloved dog Heidi, the best dog on earth before she passed, was all about “let’s fight, let’s fight, let’s fight, nap time, love me, love me, love me, let’s fight, let’s fight …” until the day was over.  Wake to do it all over again.  One neighbor remarked that it must be like having a girlfriend on crack.

The ATF is no girlfriend.  They’re like that obnoxious, troubling, unfriendly neighbor on crack.  This way one day, the other way the next day.  Isn’t there a medical diagnosis for this kind of behavior?  Shouldn’t these people be medicated by a professional?


Brownells Match Precision Optic (MPO) 5-25x Scope Review

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

Raz Simone Blames Others For The Failures Of Communism In CHAZ

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

Oh no, Raz, I think you’re just trying to Raz-a-daz people with this one, but I’m not going to let you get away with it.  It just doesn’t work this way.  You can’t blame others for this failure.

I’ve always hated it when pro-anarchy rock and roll groups sing about the destruction of everything, and then get on board airplanes to fly to the next concert, aircraft that were design by engineers and fueled by gasoline and flown by pilots; those pilots having to spend a lot of time and money to learn to fly, that gasoline having to be processed from crude oil, and those engineers having to spend quite literally the first 20 – 24 years of their lives learning to be an engineer, all mentored by engineers who have even more experience.

It’s an inconsistent world view.  It’s just as inconsistent as the notion of an autonomous region without your own water supply, medical resources, food, means of waste disposal, or governance (other than thugs who like to beat people up for disagreeing with them).

You see, for me to believe that you mean business, you need to create schools where young, smart kids can learn engineering, mechanics and CNC manufacturing, and make tools that can drill for water.  You need to grow your own corps of medical professionals in colleges that you start.  You need to have a viable means of disposal of your waste so that rats, coyotes and diseases don’t come into your area.

You have none of that.  I know, you’ve tried to deflect by saying “Not autonomous.”  But it’s too late for that now.

You called it “your currupt (sic) system.”  You take no ownership of it, you want to overturn it all.  Very well, if you want to use that system, the system from literally another country, then open negotiations through an embassy.  Promise protection, promise payment, learn patronage.  It all takes time, work, effort and humility.  In the mean time, treat your own medical cases.

I know this will be hard for you as a rape pornographer.  People have been shot in your autonomous zone, girls have been raped there.  It’s all rather a thuggish project to date.  So you’re going to have to grovel a little, you’re going to have to put down your guns, you’re going to have to stop attacking people.

So write me a note, Raz.  Let me know how all of this goes.  Let me know whether you’re able to swallow your pride a little, or if this continues to devolve into Lord of the Flies II.  Or perhaps this is all just a false flag run by the controllers.

Politics Tags:

Antifa Watch

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

Via WRSA, this useful web site should be perused from time to time.

It’s good to know your enemies.  This is an intelligence source.  Use it as such.

Politics Tags:

The Yankee Marshal Meets Up With Something Called Irony

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

Watch this video, or if you don’t want to watch it in the entirety, watch it from 8 minutes to the end.

His words were, “I’m an ally, I’m an ally.”  I’m just trying to show you “in a positive light.”  The thug bois mistake him for an actual somebody, and assault him.

How rich is this.  Supposed gun blogger/videographer goes to CHAZ to show them in a good light, and gets his ass handed to him.

This videographer is pro-abortion, supports BLM, supports DACA, and is married to a man.  These causes align him squarely with the controllers on all social issues, and he votes for them.  In doing so, he votes for gun control every time.

How is that summer of love, massive utopia, rainbows and pixie dust from purple unicorn farts thing working out in CHAZ, Yankee?

How does it feel to be slapped around by the boy called irony?


Politics Tags:

Paul Harrell On AR Platform Barrels: 10.5″ vs 16″ vs 20″

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

Raz From CHAZ Is An Islamic-Supported Thug And Rape Pornographer

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

That’s quite a hero they’ve selected for themselves.

We reported yesterday that the mysterious RAZ is the new Warlord and a gun runner in CHAZ.  We also know that he is connected to the Dubai government and appears to maintain a lavish lifestyle.  He also has a studio in Seattle where he no doubt produced his films.

What we can further report today is that RAZ was the lead in the movie about a white girl being gang raped by a group of black men.  This is sick!

In the production RAZ stars in, we find aggravated and sexual assault, gang rape and murder as the key components of this work of progressive art.

In the movie, RAZ is the lead role as a gansta.  He meets a young white girl at this place at a party.  The party quickly turns into a sexual assault.

The victim is choked, tries to resist, gets punched in the face and passes out.

The passed out victim is then carried to the bedroom where she is repeatedly gang raped.

Then comes a disagreement and a shootout.  Yes, and RAZ is confirmed as the lead character.

He’s not a lone actor.  He has support.

Raz somehow received a grant for $82,000 from the city of Seattle to open his own studio in a building he purchased with another loan.

And Raz owns multiple luxury cars, including a Tesla, a BMW and a Jaguar XJ.

He also owns some prime real estate and rental properties.

He owns the RAZ fashion line, the Aurora Smoke Shop, a social club called “The Spot”, the Black Umbrella Corporation.  All this came from funding in sweetheart deals.

Raz’s public relations team has done a lot of work to portray Raz as a gangsta’.  Oliver Darcy from CNN has helped him in shaping his image.

Finally, and most importantly, Raz is connected to Islamists.  He is involved in the manifesto, Washington State – the first black Muslim independent state.  He also is being sponsored and has been hosted by the Dubai government.  Raz’s anti-white and anti-America rants are supported.  He also has been spotted attending the Sheik Zayed mosque.

So he has not only support, but Islamist ties.  Is anyone really surprised by any of this?

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