What Is A Militia?
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 6 months ago
By now you’ve all seen the video of the Antifa/BLM march on Stone Mountain. I’ve been to Stone Mountain. It’s a magnificent sculpture in honor of magnificent men. I won’t embed or discuss the video at length because my initial take on it is that it’s bait. The intent was to bring out attacks, start riots, and catalyze another incident to stir up a race war.
The second take is that it is a concoction and weird assortment of fat girls, soy boys with Airsoft guns, rifles with no optics, and jammed weapons. A better analysis of what actually constitutes a militia comes to us from NC Scout.
I use the term Mossy Oak Militia in the intro to Radio Contra. The guys who are going to save this nation ain’t wearing the latest and greatest gucci-cam. They’ll be wearing Mossy Oak, Realtree and whatever they get off the surplus store floor. They’re what you’d call the good ol boys, the ones you’d overlook in a Wal Mart, look past everywhere else, and pray they don’t get ticked off at the local tap room.
These are the guys who can skin and eat any game animal and do it for fun. They’ve stood by silently and watched everything they held dear- God, Family, Country- be disrespected and desecrated over and over. These are the boys who have stood back and asked themselves “is it really worth me getting fired from my job and losing all I have?” when increasingly, over and over, that answer is becoming a resounding yes. The people I have coming to classes ain’t a bunch of wannabes. They’re men looking for skills in a dirty war. The war that’s coming. They’re not into posturing at some bullshit rally, because they know that’s pointless, and they’re ready to stand up and actually make it count.
It occurs to me that there’s a gigantic difference between having a temporary loudmouth to cycle emotion in the middle of a street, never to see this guy again after the event, and real leadership when this stuff transfers to the suburbs or rural areas.
That’s where it will be won or lost. Suburbanites and rural folk can get by just fine without ever going to the inner city. The inner city, on the other hand, relies on the rural folk for food.
On July 5, 2020 at 10:17 pm, Elmo said:
“I won’t embed or discuss the video at length because my initial take on it is that it’s bait.”
Good call.
On July 6, 2020 at 4:41 am, John said:
Jacksonians. Very dangerous people to set into motion because once they decide it is time
to fight they do not have an “off” switch other than “all of my enemies are dead.so I think I
will go home now”.
Read about them and some others here:
On July 6, 2020 at 7:07 am, Frank Clarke said:
“The inner city, on the other hand, relies on the rural folk for food.”
I said something like that a few years back:
On July 6, 2020 at 8:27 am, ragman said:
A good start would be the refusal to deliver anything to cities that have reduced police presence. Not that I’m a cop fanboi but I don’t blame the police for not responding in dungholes like Chicagostan and New York. Cut ’em off. Let the Antifas and blmers try and grow their own food. After all, Mikey Bloomberg said that there’s nothing to it. I take the Atlanta bunch seriously. The Captain was exactly right, this was bait, a test to see what the reaction would be. There will be blood in the streets at some point.
On July 6, 2020 at 9:57 am, Bill Sullivan said:
Ragman- A couple of weeks back, one of the truckers’ associations said almost the same thing. No police, and no deliveries. They want the right to be armed- reciprocity. Any further mention of this has disappeared.
On July 6, 2020 at 11:19 am, DDS said:
On July 6, 2020 at 4:41 am, John said:
Jacksonians. Very dangerous people to set into motion because once they decide it is time
to fight they do not have an “off” switch other than “all of my enemies are dead.so I think I
will go home now”.
Before the OpFor gets out in front of their skis they need to read up on the Battle of Kings Mountain. It ran exactly as you describe. The Tory forces (no British troops were involved) tried repeatedly to break out or surrender. For the most part the colonists were having none of it.
On July 6, 2020 at 7:05 pm, michael said:
This parade was not BLM or allied marxist militants. It was the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, which is black nationalist. They consider BLM to be an unworthy competitor for the loyalty of the black population. Will they fight? yes. They have made it very clear they intend to wage war. They are very similar to the Nation of Islam except for the obvious religious beliefs.
On July 6, 2020 at 8:47 pm, Ron said:
My uncle told me to never leave a beaten enemy in a condition from which he would dare (or be able) to attack again.
Why live looking over your shoulder for an enemy you whipped once to pull a sneak attack, when you’ve got him down.
Finish it and move on.
On July 8, 2020 at 11:05 pm, morgan hatfield said:
I believe a new organization is starting refered to as TBOC IT STANDS FOR TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY the wars coming and its gonna be a shit sabdwich and we all get to take a big ol bite out of it..though we get to spit it back in the face of blm and antifa and any other race bating Marxist asshole that underestimates the love and commitment americans have for our country,