Shaming Yourself While Trying To Shame Your Heritage
BY Herschel Smith
“I’m a direct descendant of Thomas Jefferson,” Salon columnist and novelist Lucian K. Truscott IV wrote in a Monday opinion piece for The New York Times. “Take down his memorial.”
[ … ]
At least in his case, Truscott claims “I grew up in an Army family, and … I never saw a goddamned human silhouette target until I was on a United States Army firing range with an Army-issue M-16 in my hands.” His Salon bio further reveals he is “a graduate of West Point.” Neither qualification claim brings up an earlier admission that he “got a general discharge under other than honorable conditions, generally known as a ‘bad discharge’” (not quite enough to “legally disqualify” him for gun ownership, but enough to get a foreigner “denaturalized”)
Blah, blah, blah. This sounds sort of like “I’ve been in the military, and let me tell you something about those awful guns …” To be precise and clinical, it’s called the genetic fallacy, and it revolves around an appeal to authority.
I grant no authority to someone who has been in the military and who now wants to jettison his oaths and vows, especially one who wasn’t honorably discharged.
I’d also mention that this appeal to authority based on genetics isn’t restricted to the military.
“My name is Robert Lee IV; I am a descendant of Robert E. Lee, the Civil War general whose statue was at the center of violence in Charlottesville. We have made my ancestor an idol of white supremacy, racism and hate. As a pastor it is my moral duty to speak out against racism, America’s original sin. Today, I call on all of us with privilege and power to answer God’s call to confront racism and white supremacy head-on. We can find inspiration in the Black Lives Matter movement, the women who marched in the Women’s March in January and especially Heather Heyer who died fighting for her beliefs in Charlottesville.”
I really couldn’t care less about who he can cite as his lineage. Lineage is as much or more ideological as it is blood.
These men have shamed their heritage, and thus shamed themselves.
On July 13, 2020 at 7:54 am, Fred said:
I don’t listen to people who cuss God. They have zero knowledge, effect, or affect on anything of serious consequence that can right our condition, individually or as a country. They are the problem. You cuss God, you put yourself at enmity with Him, and condemn yourself to servitude of the devil. It might seem a trivial thing. It is not. The condemned cannot save us. Beelzebub will not cast out devils. The wicked might win a war but they cannot, will not, and will never return your people to peace and prosperity. The heathen, only lives under relative peace and prosperity when he adheres to the Law of God, whether they know it, or realize it, matters not. The last six Commandments are as immutable as the first four, and they apply to every living soul that every was, is, or ever will be. There is no escape. People who cuss God signal to all that they will not follow the rest of the commandments of Holy God; they will also lie, cheat, steal, rape your daughters, kill without cause, mistreat elders and on and on. They can’t be trusted in any matter whatsoever.
If you are Christian and still cuss God. Stop it. Repent, on your knees and ask Him for help. You are wrecking the entire worlds understanding of what Christianity is by indicating that there is no difference between us and the lost heathen. Quit being of the world.
Herschel, I pray in the future, even when quoting that you would omit or *** that word. Your blog, your property, but I for one would appreciate it. Nothing cuts to the quick faster than cussing God. It ruins any conversation. Thanks.
On July 13, 2020 at 9:07 am, dad29 said:
Other reporting on this “Jefferson descendant” indicates that Thomas wasn’t involved, but rather Thomas’ brother, who was a ‘player’ back in those days. The brother lived at Jefferson’s farm for quite some time and was very friendly with the slaves.
On July 13, 2020 at 10:09 am, penses said:
“As a [blasphemous judeochurcholgy] pastor it is my moral duty to speak out against racism, America’s original sin.” There, that’s better. I mean, after all, lets be honest. If he were a Christian he would know what original sin is, instead of sounding like a babbling brook.
Virtue signaling is getting more and more like spam. It’s had to pay any attention to it. With a little research he could have found out that most slave owners found the “institution” barbaric and criticized it vehemently. George Washington, Jefferson and many others freed their slaves upon their deaths, writing it into their wills. But then doing the necessary research would have destroyed his “scheming, disingenuous act of kindness and selflessness to show” his “solidarity with a cause…all to boost” his “image and reputation.”
The freed slaves were not welcome in much of the South. Some, having heard the abolitionist utopia claptrap, journeyed north thinking they would be welcome. What they found was real hypocrisy. Yankees that condemned slavery in the South were not very good at putting it into practice up North.
“Today, I call on all of us with privilege and power [does this include the NFL,NBA, WNBA,MLB, ANTIFA, BLM] to answer God’s call to confront racism [which was not a word until 1936,invented by a commie for the very reason to create dissention and distrust] and white supremacy head-on. We can find inspiration in the Black Lives Matter [riots resulting in billions in private property damage and a war zone body count], the women who marched in the Women’s [marxist pussyhat] March in January and especially Heather Heyer who died [of a heart attack] fighting for her [marxist totalitarian] beliefs in Charlottesville [by joining ANTIFA, BLM and the Charlosttesville Police, Mayor and City Council in attacking a peaceful protest].”
When asked by a follower during WWII if she had to pray for Hitler, C. S. Lewis responded that, “Yes, you have to pray for Hitler because there is a little Hitler in all of us.” And the further left you go, the more Hitlary you get.
On July 13, 2020 at 5:43 pm, Chris Mallory said:
Lucian K. Truscott IV was involved, as a cadet, in the lawsuit that ended mandatory Chapel at the service academies in 1968.
On July 14, 2020 at 11:33 am, scott s. said:
I suppose it was difficult to live up to his grandfather. Though officers don’t get
“discharged” but get separations that are effectively the same result.