Churches Report Chicago Officials are Threatening to Bulldoze Their Facilities for Not Complying with COVID-19 Mandates
BY Herschel Smith
The lawyer for two Chicago churches has reported that city officials informed his clients that they would consider bulldozing their facilities if they do not comply with COVID-19 edicts.
Matt Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said on Wednesday that the city is classifying his clients as “public nuisances.” He said they were issued a letter declaring that the city “has the power and duty to cause all nuisances affecting the health of the public to be abated.” The letter threatened a “summary abatement,” which would mean the destruction of the facilities without due process.
Staver said during an appearance on the “Todd Starnes Radio Show” that he is seeking an emergency injunction and hopes to take the case to the Supreme Court. The motion for the injunction is headed to the desk of SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh right now.
Rev. Cristian Ionescu, one of the pastors being represented in this case, also told Starnes that he has received citations from the city for violating COVID-19 policies. Metro Praise International’s Pastor Joe Wyrostek reported receiving the “summary abatement” threatening his facility with destruction if he holds a service with more than 10 people.
“We are very disappointed with all of this, including not being considered as essential in the beginning, as a church,” Wyrostek said to NBC Chicago.
Even as violent crime spikes, Chicago city officials use limited police forces to snoop on churches and enforce shutdown mandates in Christian places of worship. This is part of a nationwide trend of left-wing government bureaucrats using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to attack Christianity.
So let’s assume that Justice Kavanaugh does nothing with this (I think that’s a fairly good bet). Then what?
Here’s the best bet (I would actually wager money on it if I was a gambling man, but that runs contrary to my beliefs).
The local police, I assume CPD, will be involved in eviction and the protection of workers while they tear the church building to the ground. I watched some videos taken by Christians in China while the Chinese government razed their buildings to the ground. I assume this will look somewhat like that.
But fear not. Even if your local hardware store has been run out of business in the war on the middle class, you can pack Home Depot and Lowe’s wall to wall with people. So you can spend your Lord’s day sabbath throwing money at lumber and beautification projects with all the other Lemmings.
On July 22, 2020 at 9:19 am, Fred said:
Did these churches register as government corporate entities under the IRC? Good, bulldoze them. Let’s find out who the real Christians are.
On July 22, 2020 at 9:22 am, AZM said:
I bet the Dems are drooling at the possibility of ruling like the ChiComs, with the power to just “remove” dissent. Tiananmen Square X 10.
On July 22, 2020 at 11:34 am, Lori G said:
Persecution will make the real church grow, and the false church die. Bring it.
On July 22, 2020 at 11:39 am, I R A Darth Aggie said:
Hold services in Home Depot.
Or in the middle of the street and call it a protest.
On July 22, 2020 at 1:18 pm, penses said:
@Fred You hit the nail square and drove it home. The commies would do the world a favor by eliminating the judeochurchianity emporiums of demon worship. It’s ironic that those churchs are leftist and support the NWO agenda. Do a search of refugee placement supporters and find out what “churchs” want to replace you.
@Lori G Amen and pass the ammo.
AZM said: “I bet the Dems are drooling at the possibility of ruling like the ChiComs.” They already are. Big cities with blue mayors are letting criminals out of jail by the hundreds and blame Trump for the crime wave that ensues. Lenin did the same thing in 1917. He opened the jails and prisons knowing the chaos that would ensue. Mao’s red guard revolution was with high school and college students brainwashed with propaganda. Lenin on steroids. The left is using Mao’s recipe and throwing in a dash of Lenin to spice things up.
In Kalifornication the parents of a ONE yr old had a “private” birthday party with 20 guests. THIRTY-TWO police showed up without masks to break it up.
The RINO/conservativeInc party is no better. The neocon gov’ner of AR mandated wearing masks including private homes. Yesterday Trump all but mandated mask wearing by “suggesting” that everyone do it. There is NO pushback at all from the fake right. And all those feds in camo are defending their own turf while your homes and businesses burn.
Corporate rules. Muh Constitution is a dead letter and should no longer be capitalized. Private property is also a dead letter. The government has all the deeds locked away in bank vaults waiting for the right moment to take possession of every parcel. What most property owners have is a copy of the original deed. And the people with the deeds are going to do the bulldozing.
People keep buying tickets to sporting events to watch corporate Orks play children’s games. Paying big money for seats to cheer on athletes that hate their guts and want them dead. With that kind of mass cooperation by the sheep just think how easy it will be to fill up a stadium where no weapons are allowed and then march everyone of them off the the boxcars. Those sycophants in the bleachers should be at home cleaning and oiling those guns they bought and head to the gun range. I guess they think the guns will do the fighting for them. The 1% in their corporate high-rises are drooling.
The empire of Ancient Rome was brought to its knees by real epidemics. Marcus Aurelius wrote of caravans of carts and wagons full of dead bodies leaving the cities. Wars were halted, campaigns suspended for lack of manpower and needed supplies. In 169 when the war against the Marcommoni was resumed the Roman army found its enemies already dead on the field, the bodies of warriors, women and children strewn everywhere, stricken down by the epidemic.
In 251 another epidemic hit. At its height historians estimate that 5000 people a day were dying in Rome. The rural areas suffered the worst. Towns and hamlets wiped out.
Rome’s only recourse was to repopulate with outsiders. The economy had to be kick started with the barbarian tribes they were trying so hard to keep out. They had no other choice. And the infection festered bringing Rome down from within.
Today the American Empire spans the globe from North and South America across Africa, Europe and the Middle East and includes billions. Future historians will look back and be stunned that it wasn’t enemies foreign or domestic; no natural disasters; not a plague to be seen; but fairy dust and unicorns, masks and social distancing that brought it to its knees. A Tumpslide into oblivion.
On July 23, 2020 at 7:03 am, Fr. John+ said:
I have been monitoring ‘friends’ we have known for a long, and a short time. Some, as much as forty years, others, four years. And it’s not confined to race or denominational stance- though there are trends….
This tribulation (the ‘beginning of birth pangs,’ but NOT ‘the’ Biblical Tribulation- that already happened with the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 66-70- the ‘this generation’ as Christ said) has made more and more people show that their ‘faith’ is either in [sic] science, or the [sick] government. Xtianity is merely a veneer with them- cheap, only skin deep, and ready to peel away as soon as it’s convenient.
Has no one else even realized that we are like the White Russians, looking to leave St. Petersburg on the last train, when the border (Thanks, Plandemic) is closed? Either to us departing with our own money (FATCA), or by the EU not allowing US citizenry in!) God is clearly judging the USA for our corporate sins- the primary one, being democracy.
“In the Book of Deuteronomy, we read: ‘“You shall in anywise set him king over you, whom the Lord your God shall choose: one from among your brethren shall you set king over you; you may not put a foreigner over you, which is not your brother.” It proves the immense importance of ethnicity to the prophets. The faith unifies a people, but there has to be a people to unify first. It so happens that this passage is also cited by St. Jerome where he speaks about the love that racial unity provides. It’s not the ultimate love, but an important one. Like all these prophetic utterances, it is directed at both racial and religious foreigners.” – Dr. M.R. Johnson