Tom Cotton Compares Portland Antifa To Confederate Rebels
BY Herschel Smith
“The federal government cannot allow anarchists and insurrectionists to destroy federal courthouses, federal buildings, or other federal property,” Cotton began, speaking on Fox & Friends. “These insurrectionists in the streets of Portland are little different from the insurrectionists who seceded from the Union in 1861 in South Carolina and tried to take over Fort Sumter. And just like President Lincoln wouldn’t stand for that, the federal government today cannot stand for the vandalism, the firebombing, or any attacks on federal property.”
That may very well show the most extensive ignorance of American history of any statement I’ve ever read.
On July 21, 2020 at 4:45 pm, George said:
You are absolutely right. I thought he was smarter than that.
Too bad.
We are constantly disappointed in the folks up in DC.
On July 21, 2020 at 4:54 pm, Mark Matis said:
Except these terrorists are fully supported by the tribe-run Media!!!
On July 21, 2020 at 5:14 pm, scott s. said:
I’m going to have to disagree with you all on this. Seems right on to me. The Buchanan administration with its traitor Sec War Floyd failed to protect and defend the federal government’s installations as they had a duty to. Even if you believe secession was somehow legal, this insurrection was carried out before any so-called secession. Antifa and the “fire eaters” as they were known; two sides of the same coin.
On July 21, 2020 at 5:26 pm, Tennessee Budd said:
Sorry, but this got to me:
“Even if you believe secession was somehow legal…”
This adheres to a view of the United States as less an group of sovereign states, able to associate or disassociate with others, than as a view of them as a Mafia-type organization: “Join us! You can leave anytime you like–of course, then we will have to kill you”.
I mean no offense nor disrespect, Scott S., but we have very different views of the country and what it was designed to be.
I do respect your literacy: it annoys the hell out of me, the number of people who think the term is ‘succession’.
On July 21, 2020 at 5:33 pm, AZM said:
The south weren’t anarchists. They had slavery but didn’t want to burn it all down.
On July 21, 2020 at 5:37 pm, Chris Mallory said:
Since Lincoln was trying to invade Southern waters in order to keep collecting taxes at Fort Sumter the sovereign state of South Carolina had to remove the enemy hard point that was a dagger at their heart.
Ever since Cotton has been in the spotlight he has been bad. Never seen a war or welfare to other nations bill he did not like.
On July 21, 2020 at 6:10 pm, penses said:
Tom Cotton is a Forever warrior neocon pos. Always has been a supporter and cheerleader of the Empire. He has blood on his hands and will answer to God for it.
South Carolina legally seceded on December 20, 1860. At West Point and other institutes of higher learning secession was taught as a legal right of each state and Constitutional. It was not an insurrection but a completely legal and at the time a Constitutionally recognized recourse which any state could pursue. Michigan and New York were two Northern states that debated that same action themselves. Mr. Lincoln took measures by making sure there were enough federal troops in both states to discourage any northern “insurrection.” The war lasted longer than it should have because of all the dissent up North which required a constant armed presence. These policemen sapped the Union front lines of needed manpower. These “policemen” were also responsible for snuffing out dissent by shutting down and destroying the presses and equipment of over 300 opposition newspapers. My country tis of thee, sweet land of felony.
From the Southern point of view the war started at Harpers Ferry in 1859, when John Brown attacked a Federal Armory. This was a wakeup call for the South. From that point on, just like the riots that are going on today, Southerners knew it was just a matter of time before the shooting would commence in earnest.
South Carolina did not try to take over Ft. Sumter. The government of the Confederacy after a lackluster inept bombardment took possession of the facility after Anderson surrendered.
And last, but not least, Cotton, the typical RINO, invoking the god Lincoln.
@scott s. Thomas J. DiLorenzo and Locklain Seabrook are just two of many authors you could look up if you want to know the historical facts about the “Great Emancipator’s” unnecessary war. Real history is far more interesting than the fake stuff taught in the government indoctrination centers. The fire eaters were up north and they were called abolitionists, the political fore bearers the Weather Underground, ANTIFA, SDS, et. al. The lefts roots are long and deep.
On July 21, 2020 at 7:21 pm, Ned2 said:
Virtue signal of the year.
Is he up for re-election?
Wake up those of you that consider yourselves Conservative/Republican. Do you know what that is? Didn’t think so.
On July 21, 2020 at 7:27 pm, Ned2 said:
Agreed. Slavery became the cause du jour after most wanted merely to be left alone and determine their own destiny. Slavery would have been phased out by the South eventually.
They just didn’t want people from Washington telling them when, and regarded their right to autonomy as a God given one, not some dictate from another state.
The war started as a states rights issue.
On July 21, 2020 at 11:03 pm, George1 said:
No Senator Cotton. Confederate soldiers were nothing like the antifa and blm communists of today. You may not agree with their cause but they were committed and mostly honorable men. Many of their officers were very educated . Read some of writings of Confederate generals and tell me they have anything in common with the communist pukes trying to destroy the country today.
On July 22, 2020 at 8:13 am, Ron W said:
Secession is totally legal and Constitutional by “free and indpendent States”. According to the clear wording of the 10th Amendment, the United States (Federal Government) may LAWFULLY do NOTHING without delegated powers. And there are NO powers delegated in the Constitution to prevent a State or States from leaving the Union. Not so long, there was a significant secessionist movement in California, “Calexit” which would have been totally legal. ANTIFA and BLM are seditionists and insurrectionists who are domestic terrorists. They are trying to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. The Southern Confederacy was a Constitutional movement which was peaceably seceding from the Union which was a creation and an agent of the States.
In August 1862, Lincoln stated in a letter to Horace Greely: “If I could save the union without freeing any slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.”
The oath of office taken by our elected officials is NOT to save the Union, but to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution”. Secession for that reason or to protect Liberty and Sovereignity it’s is perfectly legal according to the Constitution and especially the principles enunciated in the Declaration of Independence.
On July 22, 2020 at 8:39 am, JoeFour said:
Penses said: “Tom Cotton is a Forever warrior neocon pos. Always has been a supporter and cheerleader of the Empire. He has blood on his hands and will answer to God for it.”
Never liked Tom Cotton and I’m doubling up on my dislike after this latest pontification from him.
On July 22, 2020 at 8:53 am, Frank Clarke said:
It warms my heart to find so many others who realize that the Union was not and is not guaranteed to be permanent and that secession was and is perfectly Constitutional.
On July 22, 2020 at 10:44 am, Wes said:
Your summary judgement at the bottom is exactly what I posted in a comment at another news site – smack-dab in the middle of those genuflecting to the RINO law & order types. Didn’t stick around for the fallout. But Cotton’s ridiculous comment did keep me limber with head-shaking and happy with chuckling.
On July 22, 2020 at 10:57 am, Michael (from Utah) said:
Tom Cotton is a nut. Period. To add to that, he apparently knows nothing about US or Cofederate history. I’m not an expert, but I know enough to know he’s flat out wrong.
On July 22, 2020 at 10:59 am, Michael (from Utah) said:
“It warms my heart to find so many others who realize that the Union was not and is not guaranteed to be permanent and that secession was and is perfectly Constitutional.”
Me too, Frank! Apparently not everyone was brainwashed by the government education camps. :)
On July 22, 2020 at 6:58 pm, penses said:
@ Frank Clarke, Michael (from Utah) The demographic South extends into southern Ill., Ohio, Indiana and western and southern Penn. Upstate New York and Michigan get an honorable mention for their “bad attitude” during the War for Southern Independence. Crackers everywhere.
On July 23, 2020 at 7:07 am, Fr. John+ said:
Amen to that! As a Yankee, I now know that the South was right- in almost everything. And such a fool, who dares drag the name and race of the honored dead through the mud of Jewish Bolshevist anarchist crap…. is no American.
On July 23, 2020 at 4:18 pm, Ron Bass said:
Lets look at some possible solutions. The States of Oregon and Washington are doing nothing to stop the sedition and insurrection from some of their citizens. In fact they’re supporting this insurrection. Lets suspend them temporarily or permanently and have all the eastern counties succeed from those two states and join Idaho for example or form a new state or states as West Virginia did. This has already been discussed with counties seeking to join with Idaho. Likewise the rural counties of Virginia have recently discussed separating them selves from the two highly populated urban counties like Richmond and the county adjacent to DC which gave them a democratic governor who went after their guns.
On July 23, 2020 at 4:27 pm, Herschel Smith said:
A peaceable separation is the best possible solution. But that would deprive the socialists of their most coveted thing, i.e., the wealth of other Americans.
On July 23, 2020 at 7:23 pm, penses said:
@Herschel Smith They are babies with teeth and they have a firm grip on the government teat.
If any blue states choose separation it won’t be without a fight. Not likely when most Republicans are Democrats in drag.
The South was willing to walk away and leave the Union to its own destiny. Lincoln, the abolitionists and the Radical Republicans were totalitarians. In the mind of a communist there is no peaceable solution. The same scenario is being played out today. Submit or be destroyed.