One Dealer’s Perspective On The Guns And Ammo Shortage
BY Herschel Smith
Caraway said, “We get 80 to 150 guns in every day and we sell everything we get. I can’t restock. There’s not enough guns and ammunition available now.”
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Nine millimeter and .380 ammunition are the ones most affected by the shortage, he said.
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For rifles, he said, it’s the .223 and 5.56 mm.
Then there’s this interesting bit.
With Democrat Joe Biden leading President Donald Trump in most polls this summer, is that part of the reason for the shortage?
No, Caraway said.
“The manufacturers do their own polls,” he said, “and they still expect Republicans to keep the White House.”
I hadn’t heard that about the manufacturer’s polls. We’ll have to see if that holds true. Even if it does, I don’t expect it to stop the violence currently being perpetrated by the communists.
On July 26, 2020 at 9:34 pm, Bad_Brad said:
The RSR Group, Lipsey’s, etc, etc, have been dry on any 9mm, 380, 45 acp, 556/223, and 300 acc for over three months. I have no idea where some of these stores are getting their ammo.
On July 26, 2020 at 9:44 pm, Herschel Smith said:
I’m seeing some 5.56 for about 60 – 65 cents per round, but only if you buy in bulk. I seem to be able to get 45 ACP. I haven’t looked for 9mm.
There is also some 75 – 77 grain 5.56 out there, but of course, much more expensive.
On July 27, 2020 at 1:10 am, Archer said:
I’m interested in finding out if the manufacturers’ polls are historically more accurate predictors than, say, Gallup or Pew Research polls.
They can’t be any worse than Chris Matthews’ leg tingle.
On July 27, 2020 at 7:27 am, ragman said:
Don’t forget that Walmart was the #1 ammo seller in the country. No more. Say what you want about Wallyworld, they always had the Winchester white box 9mm and.45 at very reasonable prices. And until recently you could get all you wanted. I typically paid about .19/rnd for 9 and .32/rnd for .45. I bought thousands of rounds of each. Should have bought 10K of each! I’m preparing for a Biden presidency and have started stacking magazines. Glock 19 and Okay Industries milspec 20rnd 5.56 are my first choice. I didn’t mention ammo because I can’t find any except very expensive Federal HST or Speer Gold Dot. A year from now that 5.56 at .60/rnd just might seem like an great deal.
On July 27, 2020 at 8:04 am, Fred said:
I expect them to the leave Trump installed. He’s running the Globalist NWO playbook by the numbers while tweeting about pretending to be conservative or something phony like that. I would rather the dems be in charge; at least the assault will be frontal, and you fake conservatives will actually fight back against your massive and tyrannical governments, fed, state, and local.
People actually still support him and say that the destruction of small biz nationwide and forced mask wearing isn’t his fault. The brain damage, I’m afraid, may be permanent.
Donald J. Trump: “The’re talking about shutting everything down but I shouldn’t talk about that.” Moments later: “It’s going to be a whole new world.” More recently: “They (referring to all Americans) have to take the vaccine.”
Nobody is coming to save you.
On July 27, 2020 at 11:50 am, brunop said:
“Nobody is coming to save you.”
True, until He does. But there is going to be a lot fighting, bleeding, and dying between now and then.
Turns out the Mormons were right: food storage and production are the best things we can all work on. It’s gonna be hard not to get chipped / vaccinated when you’re looking at your starving kids.
On July 27, 2020 at 4:05 pm, Michael (from Utah) said:
@brunop –
I am LDS and while I agree with food storage, I can guarantee that there are a lot of members who will line up to be chipped and vaccinated when order to do so by their governmental leaders.
On July 28, 2020 at 9:47 pm, Randolph Scott said:
If Trump wins the riots and communists, and demoncrats will escalate the terror, rioting, and murders immensely.
If Biden wins riots and communists, and demoncrats will escalate the terror, rioting, and murders immensely.
Its a real Catcha 22 for PDJT. Trump just might win and loose at the same time.
Arm up, practice killing paper targets, keep your weapons ready. The upcoming election is going to produce major results.