The Austin, Texas, Riot And Death Of Garrett Foster

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 1 month ago

As most readers will already know, the BLM riot became deadly Saturday night, and here is a video of the guy who got shot.

So this interview is a bit confusing, as first of all he says that they are no longer allowed to march in the streets (they shouldn’t be allowed to do that), and so one may presume that the Austin PD didn’t issue any permits for this protest/riot.

He then insults folks who disagree with him, saying that they are too “pussy” to do anything about it, but states his fear of engaging the police.  I guess cognitive dissonance isn’t really something to be avoided by this crowd.

Anyway, the actual shooting occurred during a street riot.

I’ve watched other video and have concluded that this is a simple matter of a motorist trying to get away from a confined space.  He didn’t lurch his vehicle, he didn’t speed, he didn’t intentionally run over rioters. Rioter Garrett Foster discharged five shots with an AK pattern rifle, missing his apparent intended target with every shot, and having just been assaulted, the motorist shot back and killed Garrett Foster.

Case closed.  Besides, BLM/Antifa have made absolutely sure that Twitter and YouTube are filled with videos of motorists getting hemmed into confined spaces, afraid to drive because they might run over someone, and then getting badly beaten.

With that as a backdrop, I think this motorist acted wisely.

Here is more video.

But be sure, Twitter is full of idiots trying to fake the narrative to make this out to be some sort of intended murder of the oh-so-innocent Garrett Foster.  By the way, Garrett Foster now leaves a paraplegic dependent who will need care the rest of her life.

Garrett Foster cannot provide that care from hell.


  1. On July 26, 2020 at 10:03 pm, subpatre said:

    What goes around comes around.

  2. On July 27, 2020 at 7:31 am, ragman said:

    As we used to say in the Navy “Mr Garrett exhibited a below average in headwork”.

  3. On July 27, 2020 at 8:35 am, Ned said:

    There was an article on Buzzfeed indicating that Garrett Foster attended protests for some 50 straight days. So apparently the deceased had no actual job.

    It’s amazing how paying one’s own way creates actual self esteem and removes the coveting that these commies are so inflicted with.

    Foster was in the participation trophy generation. If he’d participated in the workplace, he wouldn’t have had time to create this situation.

    Who is supporting the bolshevik filth who “protest” every damn day?

  4. On July 27, 2020 at 9:47 am, dad29 said:

    Update from Austin police chief: the dead “protester” had pointed his rifle at the motorist who responded by ventilating the “protester.”

    However, the other burst of fire was from someone in the crowd (another CCW holder) who was also subject to interrogation. Like the driver, he/she has been released, weapon confiscated for evidentiary analysis.

  5. On July 27, 2020 at 12:14 pm, blake said:

    Gee, BLMANTIFA figured they could, with impunity, raise the stakes by bringing guns.

    BLMANTIFA appear to have miscalculated just which lines they would be allowed to cross.

    An armed guy impeding traffic represents a clear and present danger and an armed citizen responded accordingly.

  6. On July 27, 2020 at 2:07 pm, Hudson H Luce said:

    “In an update on July 26, Austin Police Chief Brian Manley said reports indicated Foster was carrying a rifle when he approached the suspect’s vehicle. The suspect then shot out of their car at Foster, according to APD. Manley said that the person who shot Foster called 911 to report that someone had pointed a gun at his vehicle and that he fired at the person pointing the gun. That suspect was detained and cooperating with officers, police said Sunday morning.

    The first person, according to Manley, to have fired a weapon in the incident appears to have been driver in the car. Manley said those shots came after the driver said Foster pointed weapon at him.

    Manley confirmed on July 26 that one shooter was the driver of a car and said the other was in the crowd and may have opened fire on the car as it drove away.

    Investigators are trying to determine what charges the two shooters may face. Manley said detectives are reviewing “precise actions” of those involved, investigators are coordinating with Travis County prosecutors, and the two people who fired shots have been released “pending further investigation.” Chief Manley encouraged anyone with photos or information about the incident to come forward and report it to APD.”

    The important fact in this, whether the rifle barrel was pointed at the driver of the car, is unclear at this point. The driver had a valid concealed carry license, and reported the incident once he was in a place of comparative safety, and cooperated with police during his questioning. If video shows the barrel coming up at the vehicle – or going down, instead of being pointed at the ground at all times, then that’s pretty much dispositive, in favor of a self-defense shooting. On the other hand, if the rifle barrel stayed pointed downward, that’s potentially a different story. If the car was being beaten on by the crowd, and a man with an AK steps into view, then that’s something which might reasonably put the driver in fear for his life, it’s a split second thing, .30 calibre rounds can go right through window glass – and what do you do? If it were me, I’d floor the accelerator and get the hell out of there, and hope to God that I didn’t get hit by gunfire. I generally have enough situational awareness to avoid such situations in the first place, but this driver may have needed to get someplace fast and had no other choice but to try to get ahead of the marchers. One reasonable thing would have been to let him go through without beating on his car – just keep things peaceful – but they chose not to do that. That might be a good choice in the future, though. The sorts of violent protest which have been going on frankly scare people, people who don’t usually carry guns may get into the habit. It might be a really good idea to de-escalate tensions in general, because scared people make tragic decisions.” – That was my comment on my facebook page.

    The OODA loop here was maybe two seconds, once the driver saw the guy with the AK standing near his driver’s side door, even if the muzzle was down, it takes a second for the muzzle to come up and two rounds of .30 calibre to come through the window. If the muzzle was pointing at him, that time gets reduced to a fraction of a second. There had been 50 nights of this, so it’s essentially a combat zone at night, and there are two things to do – get out of there entirely, or carry and be ready to fire. He may not have had the first choice.

  7. On July 27, 2020 at 2:29 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    Thanks for the update. Feel free to follow this and send note on status. Or update here.

  8. On July 30, 2020 at 8:35 am, Sanders said:

    Remember Alamosa, Colorado and Provo, Utah. It sounds like maybe the driver was aware of what happened in those towns.

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