Portland Media And Antifa Conspire And Cooperate To Try To Blind Andy Ngo
BY Herschel Smith
Great people. Just swell. I say they should be shot on sight when waving green light lasers around. And prosecute the media for conspiracy to commit the crime.
As Zielinski knows, antifa have tried to kill me & have shown up to my family's home. Yet, she stated exactly where I could be found to a mob of hundreds. Immediately antifa tried to blind me w/lasers. It was painful & I still have light sensitivity now. They then confronted me. pic.twitter.com/uMPM3w8cd9
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 29, 2020
On July 29, 2020 at 12:42 pm, Nosmo said:
“I say they should be shot on sight when waving green light lasers around.”
If someone possessed a knife, or an icepick, and expressed an intent to “stab you in the eye,” application of force in self defense, up to and including lethal force, would be acceptable response. No less threat exists from someone armed with a laser.
The way to stop laser blinding is to shoot first; “overwatch” is the position from which such action be performed. When waving a laser around carries an immediately-applied death penalty it will stop.
The possibility exists that in a crowded and active environment someone standing next to to the laser-waver may also absorb projectiles. Whle this is unfortunate, it is “the cost of doing business” in a violent mob. If enough “adjacent supporters” wind up suffering the same fate as the laser-wavers it is possible they may have the presence of mind to stop the laser-waver.
Hysteria, especially from the media, should be expected and disregarded.
On July 29, 2020 at 1:06 pm, John said:
I was never in law enforcement, but doesn’t being lasered carry a clear risk that it is a
targeting laser on a weapon such as a pistol and warrant an immediate lethal response?
On July 29, 2020 at 1:12 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Good points.
Yes that’s another good point, one that didn’t occur to me when I posted this. Why would one necessarily assume that it’s merely a laser? It could be attached to a rifle or pistol.
On July 29, 2020 at 1:17 pm, Grumpy said:
While I deplore Antifa scum, NGO is wearing thin. Where I come from (Desert SW) if you go out looking for Rattlers and keep poking them, don’t come crying to me when you get bit. NGO has become a media whore just like the Portland News Editor, so don’t go crying for Ngo.
They’re all despicable.
On July 29, 2020 at 1:27 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Oh come on, you’re being grumpy. He has as much right to be there as anyone else, and as much right NOT to be assaulted as anyone else.
The point of this isn’t him anyway. It has to do with TTPs. Or didn’t you get that?
On July 29, 2020 at 1:58 pm, Ned2 said:
Grumpy’s got a point. They want us to react to their violence with violence so they can blame us for all the violence.
On July 29, 2020 at 2:37 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Who is ‘us’? And who is recommending to react “violence with violence?”
I certainly have no intention of quitting my job and driving up to that hell hole. I wouldn’t even visit, much less live there.
But I may try to craft a post about laser safety based on all of this.
Why doesn’t anyone get that this discussion is about TTPs?
On July 29, 2020 at 3:08 pm, Archer said:
In Oregon (and I imagine other states), blindness is considered a disability.
By law, “serious bodily harm” (as from a violent assault) includes leaving a person with a permanent disability.
Also by law, lethal force is authorized as a response to an attack that could result in death or serious bodily harm.
IANAL, but it would seem that shooting is a legal response to a laser attack to the eyes capable of blinding (not to mention John’s point about it possibly not being just a laser).
I would vote to acquit if someone were arrested for shooting at the laser-bearers.
On July 29, 2020 at 3:12 pm, Archer said:
As a follow-up, I wouldn’t be out there anyway, but if I had to be there I’d pack a pair of laser safety goggles, designed to block the wavelengths used in commercial and industrial lasers, and I would think they would be issued as a vital piece if PPE if lasers were expected to be used by protesters.
On July 29, 2020 at 3:56 pm, Ned2 said:
“us” is anyone who isn’t a communist.
I’m not recommending violence, just stating what the rioters want. They want “us” agitated to the point we do get violent with them, at which point “we” will get blamed for it.
I am however fully behind any LEO shooting anyone pointing a laser at them. The problem with this tactic is that we are still giving the rioters their desired result. That’s why we invented non-lethal crowd control mechanisms.
Maybe the best tactic would be to simply get out of the area. Let them burn down their own cities. Most of our cities could be mistaken for downtown Sarajevo anyway, and that was before the rioting.
On July 29, 2020 at 9:06 pm, Randolph Scott said:
Believe me, if TPTB take the communists on the communists will immediately wish they had not poked the LEO’s in the eye.
On July 30, 2020 at 7:38 am, Jack said:
And More Domestic Terrorism called “Peacefull Protest”
Democrat ,Corporation, and Hollywood condoned
On July 30, 2020 at 9:44 pm, Uncle Al said:
If you look into that, I believe you will find that any such multi-wavelength lenses would be effectively opaque and not usable.
I own a 2.25 Watt Class IV blue laser for which I have no real purpose other than I wanted one, much the same way I wanted an FN Browning Hi-Power. And much like the HP, the laser is not a toy but a power tool, dangerous if not treated with proper respect. I have a couple pail or safety glasses with lenses that are tailored to block the specific wavelength of my laser and I always put on a pair when I blue-light a cigarette (yes, it lights smokes if you’re careful; takes about 2 seconds). They are VERY dark, much darker than mirrored sunglasses.
And that’s for only a single wavelength. Protection for red, green, and blue would have to be darker.
I suspect that the best you could do for protection from laser-flashing rioters and other bad people would be to wear the aforementioned mirrored sunglasses and look away and/or close your eyes just as soon as you see the flash of any laser.
On July 30, 2020 at 9:46 pm, Uncle Al said:
sorry: “I have a couple
pail orpair of safety glasses…”On July 31, 2020 at 12:43 am, Ron said:
someone should approach the laser wielder obliquely, ease up to him and kick his knee out, then pick up the laser and walk away.
have a friend video the original wielder shining it at people.