Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

When The Mob Attacks Your Car

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

See them?  Reveling in the destruction of property and the harming of an old, disabled man?

“I was at the intersection, and I got the green light. I was trying to toot my horn, thinking, ‘Hey guys, look at the light,'” Hawkins told the station.

He was blocked — and video of the incident shows he tried backing up his car and hit a person on a bicycle with the rear bumper.

“He tried to get away from the situation and in doing so he accidentally struck — and I emphasize accidentally struck — an individual on a bike,” witness Phillip Hurst told WBNS.

Video shows the bicyclist, who didn’t fall to the ground, quickly began beating on Hawkins’ car — and a bunch of other left-wing George Floyd protesters followed suit and swarmed the vehicle.

“They threw a bicycle on my windshield and started kicking my doors and windows,” Hawkins said during last week’s city council meeting, the Dispatch reported. “It scared the life out of me.”

But you see, they weren’t really “George Floyd Protesters.”  They were Bolshevik communist revolutionaries, who want your sons to be sisgendered, your girls to act like men, to destroy your property, and to burn your houses to the ground.

Stay away from crowds.  But if you get into this situation, use your vehicle as a weapon.  Run them over.  You life may depend on it.

The Progressive’s Problem With Guns, BLM and Police

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

The rate of gun background checks and purchases has skyrocketed.  Writers Phillip Levine and Robin McKnight explain the data, but the graph below show virtually everything you need to understand this.

But this doesn’t explain the real problem that the progressives have with all of this.

You see, the schedule got mixed up, and it’s causing no end to the hand-wringing among the social planners and elitist chattering class.

There are more guns than people in the United States (400 million are in circulation for a population of 330 million).  In just the first six months of 2020, approximately 19 million firearms have been sold, representing more than one firearm for every 20 Americans.

The presence of so many guns complicates discussions of public policy. Injustices committed by the police, and systemic racism in society more broadly need to end. It is concerning that the necessary national discussion regarding racial injustice is leading to even more firearms in the hands of Americans.

This concern is particularly relevant in the context of discussions regarding defunding the police. When public goods are not provided by the government, or are provided on a scale that some consider to be inadequate, individuals turn to private provision of these services.  For example, parents often turn to private schools when they perceive public education to be inadequate.

Similarly, it would not be surprising for some citizens to respond to perceived limitations on police services with private provision. This may include purchasing more firearms. In a society fraught with racial tension, it is not clear that dismantling the police and seeing more private citizens purchase guns will lead to a safer world. Increased firearm sales are a potential – if unintended – consequence that merits attention as we endeavor to create a more equitable society.

They said this with about as much adroit skill as can be managed, but the mask slipped down nonetheless.

To begin with, it’s always been a myth that the police were there for protection.  Regular readers, and most other educated men and women, already know about cases Warren versus D.C. and Castle Rock versus Gonzales.  There are more, but these two cases demonstrate that police are not duty bound to offer anyone protection.

But at least it’s a myth that many people have believed.  The riots, looting, pillaging, beatings and murders of late have convinced many uninformed folks that maybe they do need protection in lieu of police.  In short, that myth has been shattered.

Here is where schedule comes in.  The social planners want America to be disarmed, and see it as an impediment to their plans that men and women can defend themselves.  To these writers, this is all an obstacle to be overcome.  T. S. Furey at NRO explains a related problem.

June has been marked in recent years by a flurry of orange-clad marchers promoting National Gun Violence Awareness Month. This year’s planned gatherings, however, fell victim to the COVID-19 pandemic and were overshadowed by Black Lives Matter’s nationwide protests against institutional racism within policing. But the gun-control lobby’s reticence isn’t out of respect for the lives of George Floyd or Breonna Taylor but rather concern for its own preservation.

For decades, gun-control advocates promoted greater police power as well as known practices of institutional racism within police firearms-licensing divisions. Now that there are calls to “defund the police,” many leaders of the gun-control lobby, who are mostly white, should rightly fear that their history of siding with the police and promoting policies now deemed racist by progressives may make them the next casualty of cancel culture.

Progressives tend to eat their own.  The next most progressive manifestation uses the previous generation as food.  What is a good progressives to do?

On the one hand, they are pro-police, since that is the backstop for their gun control plans.  Pushing the myth of police protection has been their staple for decades.  On the other hand, siding with the police makes them anathema to the current manifestation of wokeness.  On the one hand, most progressives have sided with the rioters, looters, thieves and arsonists, and on the other hand, as that metastasized in America it has led to even more guns in the hands of men and women who now know that they have to defend themselves.

The good news for the progressives is that this is all just a fabricated problem.  Yes, many guns have been sold in the last few months, but hundreds of millions were already in the hands of men and women who already knew or are learning how to use them.  In addition to that, trillions of rounds of ammunition are in the hands of civilians in America.

It’s far too late for the progressives to worry over a few more guns.  That battle was lost years ago, and no law or social planning can turn it around.

Here is the real worry that should be keeping the progressives up at night.  I said earlier that police protection is a myth.  Yes, to some degree, at least in theory and law.  But not in practice.  In practice, most of the police protection in the last two or three months has been for the rioters, looters and arsonists.  The police are there to protect the criminals from the otherwise peaceable men and women, not the peaceable from the criminals.

The worry for progressives is that this abates one day soon, and the police turn their backs on the rioters.  That will be an awful day for the rioters, because they have subsisted on the backs of police protection these last months.  That’s the ultimate irony.  The police have worked thus far to protect the rioters and arsonists because of local politicians.  But local politics is a fickle thing.

The writers can actually take solace in the fact that their hand-wringing is to no avail, and they should just try to get some sleep rather than worrying over any of this.  These wheels were set in motion long ago, and more violence will only lead to bloodshed.  Violence can take many forms, from rioting and looting, to theft of property for so-called “reparations.”  More pressure by the social planners to change anything will eventually lead to more problems.

Portland Antifa Gets A Surprise When They Open Man’s Car Door

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

Uninvited, by the way.  Breaking and entering.

Soibois with lisps, every one of them.  Using video equipment to encourage their followers when they show a cowering car owner when he gets beaten up, turned to use against anyone who doesn’t cower by telling them, “You’re being videoed.”  Hypocrites, every one.  Then when the man takes action, they call for more help from fellow rioters, hoping recover from their fright over a man defending himself.

And then there is this: “Is there a lost and found?”  Good Lord.  Lost and found?  Is this grammar school?

What you learn (again) about this crowd is that it is effeminate and frightful.  If the cops ever stop protecting the rioters and actually let people deal with them, this would all be over in a day.

But you have to admit.  That is an epic leg sweep and takedown.  Just epic.  Good job, buddy.  Nicely done.

This is an embedded tweet.  If the video doesn’t work, go to Andy Ngo’s tweet.

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U.S. Army Patents New M4A1 Rifle Barrel

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

American Rifleman.

The barrel features spiral fluting in three distinct areas that increase exterior surface area to increase heat dissipation during firing. Fin height gradually tapers but widens toward the muzzle end, providing an unusual profile to the design. Barrel weight is a quarter pound less than that of the currently issued M4A1 version.

CDCC indicated the design may be applicable for other weapons systems currently fielded by the U.S. Military. Enthusiasts may soon see versions available on the commercial market because, “The patented design is available to companies that would make, use, or sell the barrels,” according to the announcement.

Well, it will certainly increase surface area, and thereby lead to increased rate of heat dissipation (or heat flux).

However, each spiral is a stress concentration point.  I prefer to wait on proof before I make a judgment on this, and I would likely never purchase this design.  Time will tell.

This “Marine” Is In The Wrong Line Of Work

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

Via reddit/firearms.

I actually cannot find this particular tweet, but there are others very similar to it.

Actually, if you look at his political musings along with his constant criticism of his CiC, I wonder that the USMC let’s him stay active and doesn’t prosecute him under the UCMJ.

It should also be noted that he doesn’t believe in the oath of enlistment.  He’s a liar.

If he really is an active Marine, then the Corps has changed so drastically since my son got out that I don’t recognize it any more.

This is shameful.  Shameful to the USMC, that is.

UPDATE: David Codrea sends the link in question.

The Origin Of Rights

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

Via WiscoDave, this trivial missive on the origin of rights by Alan Korwin at America Handgunner.

Was Thomas Jefferson wrong? Not about everything, just this: “Rights are unalienable.” If rights are unalienable, the Chinese people, all one-and-a-half billion of them, would be armed. Women living in oppressed countries would be free. In fact, all peoples would be free, and armed, and tyrants would be under the gun — not the other way around. Sorry, Tom, rights are not unalienable.

Rights are easily lost. That’s the truth. With apologies in advance to my wild-eyed, dyed-in-the-wool libertarian friends and their utopian ideals, your rights and your property are neither unalienable nor derived from the natural order of the universe. Your right to your life, your guns, and everything else you think you own is based on pure and raw power.

You own what you own because you can exercise dominion over it, you can demand it. The moment you lose or relinquish that power, or someone with greater power takes it from you, your home or your pencil is no longer yours. This is the ugly truth of life on planet Earth. Jefferson was wrong. What he said is nice, it has served us well in its own way, it’s just not the case.

This sounds like the Nietzschean will to power, with a dose of philosophical ignorance sprinkled in.

There is one commentary on this at Zelman Partisans, but I thought I would add by saying that rights have as their origin and basis the Almighty.  The writer doesn’t even know against whom to turn his shots.  Libertarianism has nothing at all to do with this, as they don’t ground rights in God’s law-word.

He is confusing the ground of rights with the recognition of those rights by the state.  It matters in the extremum, because a man will answer for both his beliefs and his actions and behaviors in eternity.

If you believe that your rights have as their basis something other than the eternal, immutable law-word of God, that is a cosmic offense to your maker because He has ordered you to take every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ (2 Cor 10:5).  Your beliefs matter that much.  God cares what you think and believe.

He also cares what your “rulers” think and believe, and their actions don’t have an iota of effect on God’s decrees.  Oh to be sure, that may mean war on your rulers if the oppression becomes severe enough, but it matters whether that is a just war, you see, because you will answer to your maker.

Eternity, and the state of your soul there.  That’s why this is important.  If a piece of paper, honored or not, is the basis for what you do, then you are to be pitied.  But if the basis for what you believe and do is the Holy Writ, God is on your side, and there can be no better place to be, dear reader.

Pistol-Mounted Red Dots Under $300

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

Shooting Illustrated.

The only one I’m somewhat familiar with is the Holosun.  The Holosun is quickly gaining a very good reputation.  But where are the FDE models?  They don’t exist.

If you want a FDE model, you have to go with the Trijicon RMR.

Shaming Yourself While Trying To Shame Your Heritage

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

David Codrea.

“I’m a direct descendant of Thomas Jefferson,” Salon columnist and novelist Lucian K. Truscott IV wrote in a Monday opinion piece for The New York Times. “Take down his memorial.”

[ … ]

At least in his case, Truscott claims “I grew up in an Army family, and … I never saw a goddamned human silhouette target until I was on a United States Army firing range with an Army-issue M-16 in my hands.” His Salon bio further reveals he is “a graduate of West Point.” Neither qualification claim brings up an earlier admission that he  “got a general discharge under other than honorable conditions, generally known as a ‘bad discharge’” (not quite enough to “legally disqualify” him for gun ownership, but enough to get a foreigner “denaturalized”)

Blah, blah, blah.  This sounds sort of like “I’ve been in the military, and let me tell you something about those awful guns …”  To be precise and clinical, it’s called the genetic fallacy, and it revolves around an appeal to authority.

I grant no authority to someone who has been in the military and who now wants to jettison his oaths and vows, especially one who wasn’t honorably discharged.

I’d also mention that this appeal to authority based on genetics isn’t restricted to the military.

“My name is Robert Lee IV; I am a descendant of Robert E. Lee, the Civil War general whose statue was at the center of violence in Charlottesville. We have made my ancestor an idol of white supremacy, racism and hate. As a pastor it is my moral duty to speak out against racism, America’s original sin. Today, I call on all of us with privilege and power to answer God’s call to confront racism and white supremacy head-on. We can find inspiration in the Black Lives Matter movement, the women who marched in the Women’s March in January and especially Heather Heyer who died fighting for her beliefs in Charlottesville.”

I really couldn’t care less about who he can cite as his lineage.  Lineage is as much or more ideological as it is blood.

These men have shamed their heritage, and thus shamed themselves.

Lever Action AR-15 .44 Magnum

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

Or something like that.  This video comes from TFB, and I confess that I’ve never been able to become a fan of the bullpup design.  Don’t like the looks.  Don’t like the explosion occurring near your ear.  But linked at the video was his first design.

I’d spend money for something like this.  I hope he licenses his design to someone and it becomes massed produced.  But I’m not sure why he’s got the scope turned around like that.

The Communists Attack Church In Troy, N.Y.

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

Via PJM.

So don’t buy the lies that any of this is about race.  It’s a communist revolution intent on tearing down Western civilization.  Churches stand in their way.

You’d better attend worship services armed.  This was peaceful compared to what I’m sure they have planned.

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