The Strange World Of Seth Jones
BY Herschel Smith
The threat of terrorism — particularly from the far right — should be a major concern for governments on both sides of the Atlantic as coronavirus restrictions continue to ease, according to multiple experts and former law enforcement officials who have experience monitoring violent extremist activity.
High unemployment levels due to the pandemic, poor economic prospects and the spread of disinformation through the internet and social media could accelerate radicalization, they said.
And after a major drive by law enforcement agencies to disrupt the organizing potential of violent Islamist movements in the United States and in Europe, where hundreds of people have returned from the battlefields in Iraq and Syria, recent analysis suggests far-right groups now pose the most significant threat to public safety.
“We see an increasing percentage of plots and attacks in the United States shifting over the past couple of years from jihadist motivations, increasingly, to far-right activity,” said Seth Jones, who directs the Transnational Threats Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington, D.C., think tank.
Jones defined right-wing extremists as “sub-national or non-state entities” with goals that could include ethnic or racial supremacy. They can also be marked by anger against specific policies like abortion rights and government authority, as well as hatred toward women, or they may be members of the “involuntary celibate,” or “incel,” movement.
A report he co-authored recorded 14 terrorist incidents, including attacks and disrupted plots, from Jan. 1 to May 8. Thirteen of them were classified as right-wing, and the other was recorded as being religiously motivated in the context of jihadism.
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“There is a growing trend of right-wing extremism in the U.K., but it is not as significant as the rising right-wing extremism in America,” said retired Maj. Gen. Clive Chapman, the former head of counterterrorism for Britain’s Defense Ministry.
So NBC News managed to cobble together several crackpot analysts to say that the right wing in America is the greatest threat to national security today.
In a time when Antifa/BLM communist insurgency is involved in blinding federal agents with green light lasers, trying to blind legitimate reporters with green light lasers, running through cities pointing rifles at people, blocking traffic, committing arson, pulling people out of cars to beat them for no reason except to perpetrate terror, shooting each other, destroying property, stealing products and goods, trafficking in weapons, threatening to shoot people from rooftops, trespassing and threatening to kill innocent people, declaring white men to be the common enemy, attacking churches, unprovoked shooting at motorists, and conspiring to interfere with the enforcement of the law, the only thing Seth Jones and his ilk can point to is … right wing extremism. Whatever that is.
What color is the sky in your world, Seth?
Oh, I suppose “the phone call” came in to Seth. He had to pen some idiotic missive to detract attention from Antifa/BLM. How much did you get paid for this claptrap, Seth? What does the deep state have on you, Seth? Were you embarrassed when you looked back on what you wrote, Seth?
On August 1, 2020 at 4:50 pm, Wes said:
I hope he didn’t get paid at all. He’s a plagiarist. Except for some literary license in the way he re-works the phrasing, this stuff his straight out of an old National Threat Assessment that came out of the Obama-era Janet Napolitano regime at DHS. I remember when it came down and, during our weekly Force Protection brief with our Garrison Commander, some hapless Staff Sergeant had to brief its existence (felt sorry for the kid). In a mixed room of senior NCO’s, officers and DA civilians who were 90% retired .MIL, it was met with laughter, derision, and the CO tossed it against the wall. This is the one that said all returning vets were just time-bombs waiting to attack the precious government for some perceived slight.
Someone fed him some recycled poop and it wasn’t even good poop the first time ’round.
On August 1, 2020 at 5:48 pm, Elmo said:
Ironic that the NBC correspondent who wrote the article is named Marx.
Wes- If I remember right, those threat assessments you refer to were based on the testimony of a clown from the Southern Poverty Law Center named Richard Cohen. He resigned last year as claims of sexual harassment and racial discrimination at SPLC became public.
On August 1, 2020 at 6:01 pm, Fred said:
If Wes is correct, I wouldn’t bother trying to refute him, this is a (partial) DHS list from the same Obama era
Evangelical Christians
Those that believe in “end times” prophecies
“Anti-abortion activists”
Anyone that is “anti-abortion”
Anyone that is “anti-Catholic”
Anyone that would “seek to politicize religion”
Those that would “insert religion into the political sphere”
Those that would “impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)”
Those that refer to an “Army of God”
King David:
“And David spake to the men that stood by him, saying, What shall be done to the man that killeth this Philistine, and taketh away the reproach from Israel? for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?”
Evangelicals think this really happened. (but sadly they are retarded so they think it’s just children’s story or something)
Both Jesus and David prophesied of (an)”end time(s)” and you can’t get some Christians to shut up about it, not that they should.
Both of them are against abortion and so are Jesus’ followers
Go ahead and whine at me about “anti-Catholic.” Don’t care.
Politicize religion, David was a King, and Jesus overthrew the Jews. It doesn’t get more political than enforcing the Law of God on entire peoples.
Strict religious tenets? Like the 10 commandments that both David and Jesus follow? And real Christians still try to follow, even knowing that they can’t?
And, run for hills Mildred, an Army of God!!!! might wield the sword of His holy word at you by telling you that Jesus rose from the dead, defeating sin, and death, and hell, and if you believe on Him, you too can overcome sin, and death, and hell, *gasp* hide the women and children!!! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha.
They better put these two wacky right wing fundamentalists, David and Jesus on a watch list!!! After all, the Jews called Jesus the son of David. And you might as well put me on one as well since I want a fundamental Christian Patriarchy based upon the Law of God. Oh, wait, that’s right, I’m already on several watch lists while Antifa has been allowed by the FBI’s pedo leadership, and the DHS’ muzlem leadership (but I repeat myself) to build nation wide command structures and do live training in the streets of major cities, and yet, I’m the problem.
I always did love this: “…for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?”
What if, WHAT IF, American Christians really believed the Holy Bible.
On August 1, 2020 at 6:42 pm, Sam Helm said:
You ask if Seth was embarrassed when he looked back over what he wrote. I as if he is embarrassed when he looks in a mirror. . .
On August 1, 2020 at 7:17 pm, Sheepdog said:
Yeah just the bitter clingers holding fast to trad America, certainly worthy of languishing in a cage or worse. I think Big Mike’s husband indicated Bibles and guns in its barely disguised statement of disgust. It said it was going to fundamentally change America, and so it has.
No one is coming to save the trads, prepare accordingly should you define yourself as such…
On August 1, 2020 at 7:39 pm, George1 said:
Of course in the USA 2020, all white males are supremacists based on inherited blood libel and privilege. So we white males are the new Kulaks. When the communists take full control we will be forced to put up or get into the cattle cars.
On August 1, 2020 at 8:37 pm, Wes said:
@Elmo Yep, that’s the stuff; it was infested with SPLC sourcing. Garbage.
On August 2, 2020 at 12:40 pm, Arthur Sido said:
It doesn’t matter if it is true or not, and it isnt, what matters is that most people have been told it is true and therefore believe it is true.