Ammon Bundy Comes Out in Support of BLM, Calls to Defund the Police
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 5 months ago
Ammon Bundy, an anti-government activist who lead the 41-day armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge back in 2016, expressed support for the Black Lives Matter movement and for defunding the police in a recent Facebook video.
He said in the video that he had considered attending, near his home in Boise, Idaho, “a rally with the Black Lives Matter in support of defunding the police because yes the police need to be defunded.” He decided not to attend the rally, citing concerns about potential violence from fellow “Patriots” who have criticized his stance on the issue.
Anyone who doesn’t understand his support for the movement “must have a problem,” he said.
“You must have a problem in your mind if you think that somehow the Black Lives Matter is more dangerous than the police,” he said. “You must have a problem in your mind if you think that Antifa is the one going to take your freedom.”
Ammon Bundy was always a kook, and will always be a kook. A cursory review of my own posts shows that I’m no friend of tyranny, and I have spoken out against militarized police (like SWAT teams) and the ridiculous war on drugs on so many occasions that I’ve been called names via email by cops writing to me. I’m not a fan of law enforcement officers. I’m a fan of peace officers and constitutional sheriffs using posses, as long as they are true to God, their word, the constitution and the people who elected them.
That’s not the point. Ammon Bundy’s mind has been so poisoned by his ridiculous belief in the constitution being inspired by God and his war with the BLM that he can’t see the truth. He also believes that God gave him ownership of the land he’s on. Not you, not me, but him, and him alone.
Antifa and BLM having declared war on white man, western society and everything Christian doesn’t matter. Bundy can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. The poison in his mind causes him to ally himself to Antifa and BLM. He is no patriot.
But I can walk and chew gum at the same time. Antifa and BLM have clearly made themselves my enemy and stated as such. I didn’t do that – it was their choice. I want to see an end to militarized police, and I want to see an end to police who do the bidding of the pols who pay their salaries.
Why is this so hard? It isn’t hard for me.
On August 4, 2020 at 1:47 am, Franklin said:
Lavoy Finicum’s family doesn’t support his position on this either.
On August 4, 2020 at 10:29 am, Fred said:
Defund, disarm, and disband the police. Police are an unelected standing army run by local/state/and federal tyrants. There is no way around that. You can’t wiggle your way out of it.
I want the po po defunded, disarmed, and disbanded so that we can have duly representative sheriffs. BLM and particularly Antifa want this because they want to be the power. This is important; the whole defund police thing is to get local compliance from pols and po po and/or to get rid of those pols and po po that don’t support the Revolution. Antifa loves the police state, look at their actions, they just want to be the ones running the police state and so do their funders political operatives. as to BLM, they are going to find out that Antifa ain’t their comrades, but that will be too late for many.
On August 4, 2020 at 11:35 am, Sanders said:
Just don’t confuse my hatred of commies and commie organizations (BLM, antifa, etc. etc.) with support of “the blue line uber alles”.
Ammon Bundy lost me way back with Malheur. It made no sense to me back then, and still makes no sense to me today. LaVoy Finicum paid for that with his life. While LaVoy chose to die on that hill, what did he actually die for? What was accomplished?
Big ranchers, like farmers are some of the biggest welfare recipients in the country – all while claiming to be so independent, and of the earth. I’ve yet to meet one who doesn’t love them some government money, whether it be in the form of subsidies or reduced rate grazing fees on public lands.
As for the police, they are, for the most part, a mercenary army with no loyalty to their community. Their loyalty goes as far as their paycheck and pension and who signs those checks. They will arrest a law-abiding person who accidentally stepped over the line way faster than a career criminal who might just fight back and keep them from going home safely after their shift.
On August 4, 2020 at 5:04 pm, Sheepdog said:
My gut tells me pay checks, subsidies and promised pensions far outweigh the ideals of the American Revolution to any of those feasting on the labors of the common Deplorable.
Getting right with the Almighty will provide everything one needs when the time comes to face them, this life is much more than their narrow perspective allows.
The Tree of Liberty requires watering, long past due…
On August 4, 2020 at 10:29 pm, Andrew Phillips said:
I was not expecting him to endorse Marxists, but perhaps I should not have been. He is a Mormon, after all. Adhering to theology that kooky has to have repercussions.
On August 5, 2020 at 10:25 am, Jorge said:
An organization getting universal praise by the system, supported by soulless international megacorps is not going to truly get rid of police. They may be reorganized/reduced/renamed/federalized, but there will definitely be a paramilitary force to enforce the will of the state. Even CHAZ/CHOP had their gun toting goon squad. The idea that this nebulous “defunding” will be of any benefit to the right-libertarian minded crowd is ridiculous.
On August 5, 2020 at 11:19 am, Bob said:
>I want the po po defunded, disarmed, and disbanded so that we can have duly representative sheriffs. BLM and particularly Antifa want this because they want to be the power.
I keep telling people this, so it’s wonderful to hear it from someone else, too.
Andrew Phillips:
>He is a Mormon, after all. Adhering to theology that kooky has to have repercussions.
For good or ill, Ammon Bundy isn’t representative of most of his coreligionists. I know exactly one LDS person who likes him, a hundred who want him dead, and the rest haven’t heard of him.
On August 5, 2020 at 2:52 pm, Andrew Phillips said:
It’s not really a question of whether other Mormons know or approve of him. The false theology they share is the problem. Their view of God is badly wrong, therefore their view of everything else is liable to suffer in the long run. Many of them are lovely people, but that can’t make up for bizarre nontrinitarian theology.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
On August 5, 2020 at 4:22 pm, Fred said:
@Bob, I study my enemies.