Protester: “We Are Peaceful, You Pointed A Gun At My Face.” Armed Resident: “That’s Why You Are Peaceful”
BY Herschel Smith
Protestors on their way to harass the Seattle police chief @carmenbest at her home, encountered locals who were not in the mood to host protests in their neighborhood.
Protestor: “We are peaceful! You pointed a gun at my face!”
Resident: “That’s why you are peaceful.”
— Mike (@Doranimated) August 4, 2020
This is worthy of news today, but mark my words. This will be the norm shortly. Armed neighborhood watches, as it once was, as it should be today. As it always should have been. Men policing and protecting their families and neighbors.
Let me make it clear. I wouldn’t be protecting cops, for a whole host of reasons too involved to catalog. To me, this is exemplary of the future for every neighborhood.
On August 4, 2020 at 10:31 pm, 41mag said:
Puts the Seattle police chief in a tough spot for future events.
On August 5, 2020 at 10:38 am, Jorge said:
On the one hand, cowardly cops who don’t do their duty to the community don’t deserve citizen protection. On the other, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if these people would rob/burn/vandalize other houses in the vicinity just because they’re there. Might actually be in your best interest to protect them in this case.
On August 6, 2020 at 9:56 am, revjen45 said:
A Volks Kampfgruppe in action.
The militia deployed ad hoc as req’d.
Just like it’s supposed to.