More Charges Against Houston SWAT Officers In The Raid Against Disabled Navy Veteran Dennis Tuttle
BY Herschel Smith
The raid was based on lies told to the court, about drug sales that never happened, to obtain the warrant. The couple were not drug dealers. When armed men burst into their home, without warning, and killed their dog, Denis Tuttle is said to have fought back with his .357 revolver.
Dennis and his wife Rhogena and their dog were all killed. The organizer of the raid, then officer Gerald Goins, was wounded in the neck. He could not talk. That may be why the coverup fell apart. Three other officers were wounded.
Over the next year and a half, investigations forced onto the Houston police department by citizens, the FBI, the Tuttle family, and the Harris County Prosecutor, unraveled a story of corruption and lack of accountability that lead to the Tuttle deaths.
Now, a year and a half after the murder of Dennis Tuttle and Rhogena Nicholas, a grand jury has come out with indictments for four more officers. All of the officers retired since the investigation into the raid began.
Prosecutors charged six officers, including Goins and Bryant, on 1 July, 2020.
These charges won’t bring the lives back that they snuffed out on a lie. But it may bring some measure of accountability to the corrupt PD of Art Acevedo. Everything Art touches turns to crap, but something tells me that this PD was corrupt from the beginning, and SWAT teams are especially susceptible to this corruption. As I said when Art went to Houston, they deserve each other.
On August 12, 2020 at 9:00 am, Fred said:
Thanks Herschel, for bringing this story in first place 18 months ago. I know you pay for gaagle algos and I like to think that your postings have kept the story, in some small way, from dying.
What peace is this that we should fear our own governments? Thou shalt not kill. Indeed.
“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” What then, be those who make war wrongfully? We know. There are millions of “conservative” “christians” who use that verse as a prayer for police. Well I say; cursed is the standing army that brings terror among it’s own people and cursed is every man that sends them. But we know that the war underway and that which comes is our own doing. America does pisseth upon all that that is holy. How would a just God withstand us.
On August 12, 2020 at 9:21 am, Chris Mallory said:
I have followed this story pretty closely. SWAT was not the unit doing the initial raid. “Narcotics Squad 15” headed by Gerald Goines was the unit that served the warrant. SWAT was called to the scene after the original Charlie Foxtrot to form a perimeter and to clear the house. Some witness accounts report that there is a good possibility that Tuttle was executed by a SWAT officer as he lay bleeding out on the floor.
From every thing I have seen, narcotics units are usually the most corrupt division in any LE agency.
On August 12, 2020 at 3:13 pm, Jim said:
I live in Houston and have followed the story closely ever since it occurred. I also don’t appreciate the comment that “Houston and Acevedo deserve each other”. Chiefs are a political office appointed by the mayor and are not elected. Various investigations over the years have uncovered multiple instances of “blue rules” where cops served their own form of justice during arrests based on what the person did or didn’t do. I have witnessed two of these instances personally which were brutal. I am very unhappy to see all LE around the country dressing like they are in the military and their being branded ‘hero’s’ by just wearing a uniform. I am further distressed that everyone has to be thrown to the pavement face down and handcuffed with hands behind their back. They are all civil servants who at one time were paid accordingly, now they make top dollar and are paid overtime, plus able to retire for more than they were making while on the job. Don’t get me started!
On August 13, 2020 at 5:28 am, Tom said:
People are unaware of the realities of this world we inhabit period full stop.
Glad to see some progress on this one.