It’s A Revolution!
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 5 months ago
Listen to her. “It’s a revolution … hehe.”
Yea. Until a 5.56mm round explodes your head, little girl. I repeat. Hundreds of millions of guns, billions of rounds of ammunition. It hasn’t even really started yet. These are just the skirmishes.
Marauding antifa black bloc in Seattle smash up property as they march around the city. People watch in disbelief. No police. #SeattleRiots #antifa
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 15, 2020
On August 15, 2020 at 6:17 pm, SGT.BAG said:
These are the good old days…….
On August 15, 2020 at 7:38 pm, Ratus said:
I think you are off by at least an order of magnitude, maybe two.
Trillions. It’s trillions of rounds of ammunition in private hands.
On August 15, 2020 at 7:58 pm, Danny said:
@brothers, I am not so sure. View her expose, we liberty minded folks have been tagged and they are just waiting to tag us, as on our toes.
FREEFOR better get its s**t tight and right now. The only thing that will save us is resistance en masse. Local, local, local. View the vids of neighborhoods frog marching BLM/ANTIFA backwards out of their hoods. The drainage ditch beat down happened WITH the support of the local LEOs. I really despise the idea of cooperating on NPT activities with the local LEOs cause they are Leviathan’s heavies. They need to get the gospel on which side they are on and RIGHT NOW.
On August 15, 2020 at 8:47 pm, Danny said:
Sorry, was riffing off a different post on my earlier comment so perchance was off specific topic. Notice the hive mind, apologies to @Fred but they are more mob than 4GW fighting force. We have seen how they absolutely fold when met with superior numbers. Yes, they have some semblance of organization, even quite sophisticated RE comms as groked b4 on Am Part. I made a comment before about my time as a steel worker union thug at a shipyard. Has anyone on this blog been in a barfight, a street brawl – with inferior numbers? Not just fists but pipes and razors? It really is like a scene from the first Jack Reacher movie RE multiple assailants, but one leader. Put his putz in the dirt and the others fold or are so scared you can neutralize them where they stand.
Look, I disavowed that activity decades ago because I finally saw the world as it is and decided good > evil. Yet, evil still exists and doesn’t yield until the light you pound in their face becomes blinding – literally and figuratively.
@brothers, push away from the keyboard, grab a kettle bell, do some burpees, dry fire from concealment or low ready. Your time will come – be ready. Your grandbabies will ask what you did during the troubles. Be proud what you will tell them.
On August 15, 2020 at 10:50 pm, TC said:
Shoot them in the face.
On August 16, 2020 at 7:23 am, Joe Blow said:
Only ever happens in giant blue cities.
Lessee them try that shit in a purple or red state?
And honestly, this is way better than any flag-waving video the RNC can make. Just a montage, split screen, then 4 ways. Your choice, America. See you in November.
Red pill.
On August 16, 2020 at 7:58 am, Sheepdog said:
Either way, after the “election” there will be violence.
If Diapers Biden and the Willie Brown Servicing Unit are installed, rest assured they will come after those they deem deplorable using the full force of “law”.
If the current occupant is reinstalled, there will be outrage, calls for removal, fill in the blank.
This entire episode of US history since JFK had his brains blown out is a construct, a series of false flags, designed to divide and conquer. He wanted to destroy a certain “three-letter agency” and they offed him. Now stories coming out now how this same “agency” is behind the russiagate, antifa and blm non-sense… say it isn’t so.
The current Millie thing in OH is interesting, quite the timing I would say.
Just remember who coined the phrase “conspiracy theorist”…