Michael Yon On Resiliency
BY Herschel Smith
Quick note from Michael Yon as I continue to prepare to ‘deploy’ home to United States.
As you know, I’ve warned hundreds of times since January to invest in your personal and family resilience. And encourage all you know to do same.
I have read many dozens of books on pestilence and famine over the years, and probably hundreds on war, and spent years in or around same.
Three things always go together:
1) Pestilence always brings war and famine
2) Famine always brings war and pestilence
3) War always brings famine and pestilenceI will add to this that big Pestilence, Famine, or War, also always bring “submunitions” in the form of, they sort of echo or spin off others.
Example: HIV/AIDS by its nature brings other disease such as tuberculosis.
All of the above cause economic problems and so all of the above create more of the above. Like wildfires in high winds.
[ … ]
And this is why you saw me say a hundred times since January that the world we knew in 2019 is over. That will never come back. That is history. There was the world we knew in 2019 and before, the one we are now enjoying in 2020, and what I think will be far more serious in 2021.
This hurricane season if a town gets flattened, the ability to rebound is sharply mitigated. Fire season: same. Floods, earthquakes, name it.
Remember since January I have been saying food prices will rise. I cannot say why specifically because this would be like tossing a stone off a cliff and predicting how it will bounce on the way down. What I can say is that disasters are normal, and China just got smashed with major floods. Not to mention there have been swine flu issues (which you heard me talking about in 2019), locusts in Africa and Asia, and on and on.
Bottom line: we live in a global grocery environment. China will now rape the seas for protein, and will buy up food supplies on the global market causing global prices to rise. This will cause YOUR prices to rise and not just with groceries but ripple into other areas.
China will not hesitate to use its military to get food, other resources, or just divert attention from impending internal issues.
Invest in your resilience. And this does not mean a few days of food and other supplies such as your ability to get and filter water. Also war game what you will do with power outtages.
Highways can be shut for long periods. You must plan as if there can be plenty of food, but it’s across the river and the bridge is out, and you have BLAMTIFA and other issues making matters worse.
I will return to USA soon for the long haul. I cannot just leave Thailand. This is like a journey to Mars. I cannot just return to Thailand. Takes a 14 day quarantine for starters, and so when I land in America I am coming to take inventory like I did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Hong Kong, and so many other crisis. Long haul. Big investment in time and resources.
I look forward to Michael returning back to the states. I talked over the phone with him yesterday, and he’s coming back to do in-depth, in the field reporting on Antifa and BLM, or in his words, the next American civil war.
I hope to see him in person at some point.
He will need some help with expenses. Please donate if you’re inclined.
On August 19, 2020 at 5:40 am, Michael Yon said:
Things will be serious in America soon, Herschel.
On August 19, 2020 at 7:38 am, ragman said:
Safe travels, Michael! We have had a bit of relief as the supermarket shelves are fully stocked and most “prepper” items are available once again. Except for guns, ammo and reloading supplies. It’s much later than we think.
On August 19, 2020 at 8:04 am, Fred said:
1) Pestilence always brings war and famine
2) Famine always brings war and pestilence
3) War always brings famine and pestilence”
Of course if you’ve been a regular reader of this blog then you already knew these were coming. The bible tells us this and I’m not talking about some “end times” predictions, I’m talking about the normal course of Judgement. Not that anybody here has a personal and specific revelation from God about what’s coming but that as students of the Holy Bible; these things must be coming, how could they not? Look at the wickedness of America.
It’s a strange thing to have been a sort of one crying in the wilderness that God, Holy and Just, must judge America and that all these things must therefore come to pass, or the bible is a lie.
Now, it’s everywhere. Everybody knows, everybody sees it coming. It’s no longer just a feeling of impending doom, signs and warnings are appearing and still the church sleeps. It didn’t have to be this way. If God’s people had simply turned off the TV, opened the Holy Bible and sought how, of God, to remedy the Sin of the nation.
Dispensationalism and rapturism have captured the Churches and they won’t fight for anything. It didn’t have to be this way. The solutions to judgement of Holy God are in the same texts as the causes of Judgement. Again, it didn’t have to be this way.
I’ve been telling Christians this must be coming and over the past several years they began to acknowledge it, but still they simply go home and watch football and fox news and busy themselves with daily affairs like the proverbial ostrich with their head in the sand saying; Jesus is coming soon.
What if, He’s coming on clouds and in power, coming in Judgement?
On August 19, 2020 at 1:57 pm, 41mag said:
What sort of fighting do you suggest then?
What have you been telling other churches?
On August 19, 2020 at 8:37 pm, Fred said:
I don’t speak to churches but to Christians. They need to say no. That’s how to fight. Christians are, in fact, the largest voting block but they won’t even support demanding of government that it adhere to the simple precepts of Jesus Christ.
They have handed over their job, to proclaim that sin is against Holy God, to government to make endless rules and dictates. I’m not even sure where to start with how to fight because they don’t believe that they have authority over government, when the government was specifically designed by Christians to be run by a moral and religious people.
The answers are in the bible and the constitution. It’s all there in plain English. Start here; the government was specifically designed that we the people, in congress, would be Cesar. This was the first ever purposeful course of just men to dispose of the human kings that the Hebrews had demanded, although the heathen already had kings. It truly was the first ever shot at self rule. But the churches handed Cesar back his kingship because they don’t know the law, don’t know history, and don’t understand that Christians have no king but Christ.
Their eschatology is at the root of the problem and it was done to them on purpose to control them. They won’t fight back for a myriad of reasons I’ve detailed here for years now.
Go read these poorly written items at civilizationsdoorstep dot com, and maybe others there.
western civ at crossroads
Your church is sepulcher
how the left and right destroyed america
equality and the laws of fools
never submit to tyranny
worthy of death
woman leaders
a republic
Leadership. Read this twice and print a copy, it will be on the test.
pacifist Jesus
men and women
defense of the heritable line
wealth extraction
Making war. twice, some material is testable
And read these last two, and do them now, everybody, whole families. Abandon all recreation and set about to make contact with everybody in your town showing them that Jesus died for them. Because at this point there simply aren’t enough true Christians in America to take the country back. Read these last two:
A Great Commission parts I and II. These will be on the test before God’s throne of judgement.
On August 19, 2020 at 10:03 pm, Wayne said:
Fred, Did you mean civilizationsdoorstep DOT wordpress DOT com ?
On August 20, 2020 at 8:33 am, Fred said:
@wayne, yes.
If it wasn’t for Christ’s “activism” He never would have died to save your soul.
If it wasn’t for Christian “activism” (action in the name of Christ Jesus), the church never would have been born.
If it wasn’t for Christian activism millions would never have been saved.
If if wasn’t for Christian activism the muz barbarian hordes would never have been driven from Europe.
If it wasn’t for Christian activism the Reformation never would have happened.
If it wasn’t for Christian activism America never would have been born.
If it wasn’t for Christian activism the great revivals never would have happened.
America, now more than ever, needs Christian activists. Yes, brothers and sisters we ARE called to be active and public Christians.