In Which Michael Yon Is Correct
BY Herschel Smith
They never had good intentions. The founders are Marxists. They are lethal enemies. Look at the flames and bones.
— Michael Yon (@Michael_Yon) August 25, 2020
They never had good intentions. The founders are Marxists. They are lethal enemies. Look at the flames and bones.
— Michael Yon (@Michael_Yon) August 25, 2020
On August 25, 2020 at 11:45 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
If Scott Adams is reading this, he ought to know that the much-ballyhooed “good intentions” of BLM and Antifa are nothing more than misinformation and so many lies.
If one takes the time to research the origins of these groups and the others like them who form the revolutionary vanguard of this insurrection, they are hard-core Marxists. A long time ago – more than fifty years ago – the communists identified race as the fissure along which they planned to attack traditional America, i.e. America’s “original sin” could be the thin end of the wedge which would eventually be used to widen the fissure into a crack, and the crack into it was hoped the breakup of the nation.
Have you ever wondered, by any chance, why BLM and Antifa get so enraged when someone replies to their chants that “all lives matter”? The answer is that what they really mean when they say “black lives matter” is “Marxist lives matter.” “Black lives” being their chosen code-word for “communist/Marxist lives.”
Further proof of this is seen when BLM/Antifa confront blacks who are conservative and openly identify as such or wear a “MAGA” hat. These folks – though dark-skinned – do not matter to Antifa/BLM, who regard them as enemies, black skin or not.
The communists have allied with the Muslims, which is why one sees the usual assortment of Muslim groups, such as Islamic Students of North America (ISNA), CAIR, the Nation of Islam, and other jihadist proxies and fronts. This is the “Red-Green Alliance” in full flower. “Red” for communism, “green” for Islam.
You are quite right that they are domestic terrorists, de facto, but do not give them credit for wishing to improve race-relations. Soros, Gates, et al. and the other billionaire power-brokers behind this revolt of the elites care nothing about race relations. They just see blacks and other “woke” minorities as “usual idiots,” dupes to be discarded when their usefulness is done.
These race-based controversies seem to come along like clockwork in a way that benefits the powers-that-be. Ever stop to consider that? It is nearly-certain that some of these incidents are fabricated, wholly or in part, which is to say that they are false-flag operations.
It turns out that George Floyd, the allegedly abused black man whose death is supposed to have started all of this, probably didn’t die from being choked out by that cop’s knee. He had three-times the lethal limit of fentanyl in his bloodstream, according to postmortem pathology reports.
Floyd’s last minutes were caught on dash cams and body cams, amongst others, the ones required by many police departments these days, and they convey a very different picture than the one being disseminated in the MSM. The police tried hard to get Floyd to calm down enough to receive medical care, and did their best to get the mobile ICU and paramedics there ASAP.
That “photo” of Floyd being choked out – would be easy to create in any digital illustration software package, such as Photo-Shop. In the interests of fairness to the accused and the deceased alike, all relevant footage should be independently examined by digital forensics experts for signs of tampering and the like. If the footage of Floyd’s death is determined to be genuine, then the case against the police officers can proceed upon that basis. However, if evidence of digital tampering is uncovered, then the trial should be declared a mistrial, and the accused officers freed. Whether a new trial is called for is a subject for the experts.
Antifa, BLM, and their fellow groups looting, pillaging, rioting, assaulting and rampaging across so much of urban America this summer are not “activists” as many claim. They are, as you so correctly noted, domestic terrorists not unlike the Weather Underground of a half-century ago. And should be dealt with on that basis. Moreover, not just the expendable “soldiers,” but their leaders and organizations – right up to the top – also should be brought to justice.
On August 26, 2020 at 5:26 am, Duke Norfolk said:
Scott Adams is just another naive fool. Our people are rife with them, of course; to varying degrees. He’s pretty worthless.
On August 26, 2020 at 7:37 am, June J said:
No @ScottAdams, BLM has never had good intentions. Some people who got involved to protest under the mantra “Black lives matter” had good intentions but not because they believed in the marxist beliefs behind the organization.
On August 26, 2020 at 7:45 am, George 1 said:
Scott my man. You and all of the other public school indoctrinated cucks had better start to understand the nature of communism. This outcome was easily predicted decades ago. All of these movements originated in communism.
On August 26, 2020 at 8:03 am, Fred said:
Patrisse Cullors, BLM Founder, said in 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists”
Listen to your enemy. They tell you everything that you need to know. Stop feeling, stop projecting, listen. Good men always ascribe their own core understandings, values if you will, to others around them. In war, this mistake costs you your life.
On August 26, 2020 at 9:46 am, Sheepdog said:
These are bolsheviks intent on the destruction of this country and Christian moral values.
Love thy enemy when it’s lying on the motionless on the ground, the plow is now a sword.
The demons unleashed on our society deserve no quarter, only extreme prejudice of citizens defending their families from domestic enemies.
I have listened and feel like I will be projecting my desire to destroy bolsheviks soon…