This Is How We Get Them To Bend The Knee

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

They are telling you as loudly as they can, almost begging you to understand, that from their perspective – and they are the ones doing it all so they should know – this has nothing whatsoever to do with the police.

Are you dense, or do you understand yet?


  1. On August 25, 2020 at 11:27 am, Bad_Brad said:

    These morons are now setting fires to apartment buildings with families occupying them. That’s attempted murder. Residential homes will be next. Appropriate action needs to be taken on sight.

  2. On August 25, 2020 at 11:37 am, Uncle Al said:

    It was good to read that some of the Kenosha residents are pushing back, even if only a little. When rioters drove to more residential areas to spread their mayhem, on at least two occasions the homeowners opened up with a few warning shots (not that I’m a fan of warning shots). Business owners and their supporters are facing up to approaching mobs.

    Perhaps I’m over-emphasizing the resistance a bit, but it is good to finally see reports of resistance.

  3. On August 25, 2020 at 11:46 am, J J said:

    Eventually they are going to mess with the wrong man and someone is going to go Paul Kersey or Mack Bolan on them.

  4. On August 25, 2020 at 12:37 pm, Fred said:

    @Bad_Brad, what they are doing is NOT a crime. When you assign a crime motive or actions to a Revolution you have just surrendered your authority to defend your nation and effect your liberty, and you have surrendered your duty, your personal duty unto Holy God, to the system that also wants you removed for it’s own, sometimes convergent with Revolutionaries and sometimes not, motives.

    You are failing the test already. If you run into the arms of the Government that got us here all I can say is that the (also communist) public schools have done their job so well that you don’t know how proceed.

    War is not crime. There are two very different Laws governing each. War is not a police action. In war you kill them all and destroy their property until the ones left alive submit, and sometimes, historically the loser just keeps getting killed well after their ability to defend themselves has left them.

    My intent is not to insult but educate and I pray you received this in the right spirit.

    I don’t know who Herschel is trying to convince that this has nothing to do with police but I got it. This is not crime for which an arrest needs to be made. This is war the answer to which is to kill them all. The enemy gets that, and that’s why they will win.

  5. On August 25, 2020 at 12:55 pm, Bad_Brad said:

    I didn’t mention the word crime and wasn’t aware God condoned Murder. War, self preservation, call it what you want.

  6. On August 25, 2020 at 1:02 pm, Fred said:

    “attempted murder”

    Sorry if I mistook your meaning. Hope my comment educates others then.

  7. On August 25, 2020 at 1:03 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    “I don’t know who Herschel is trying to convince that this has nothing to do with police but I got it.”

    Good. This is a conversation with ALL readers, and I’ve had 20,000 over the last three days.

    Many people on all sides still don’t get this.

  8. On August 25, 2020 at 1:05 pm, Randolph Scott said:

    @Bad Brad,

    Christ told his disciples to, ‘sell your robe and buy a sword’.
    God and Christ are both very much aware of War and know how to conduct it.
    Many warriors have made it very clear, to win the war ..Kill them all, and let God sort them out.

  9. On August 25, 2020 at 1:19 pm, Bad_Brad said:

    Randolph Scott

    And I believe that’s where we are at. Take a spin around the “dependable” news sights. It’s escalating by design.

  10. On August 25, 2020 at 1:49 pm, Buck Turgidson said:

    “a meaningful understanding of … the politics of insurrections.”

    So now they are openly admitting they are in insurrection?

  11. On August 25, 2020 at 1:56 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    It’s not like they’re “openly admitting it” as if they’re embarrassed.

    They *WANT* you to know that this is their game. They’ve clearly said so.

  12. On August 25, 2020 at 2:44 pm, Buck Turgidson said:


    “They’ve clearly said so.”

    Oh, good. That opens up our ROE.

  13. On August 25, 2020 at 2:48 pm, Doug Worley said:

    I’ve always found arguments for Christians to gun up using the scripture where Jesus tells his disciples to buy swords as justification questionable. Why did he tell them to buy swords, then say that the two they had would be enough? Why would he spend his entire earthly ministry speaking about peace, loving your neighbor and your enemy, etc. then condone violence? Some biblical scholars think that Jesus told them to buy swords in order to fulfill the prophesy that he would be counted among the transgressors – the rebels. We certainly don’t see any of the Apostles or their disciples taking up arms against Rome. They were led like sheep to slaughter. Does God authorize us too kill others made in his image and likeness? I don’t want anyone to take this out of context. I’m not trying to be anyone’s conscience, pastor, or Holy Spirit here. These are questions that I ask myself and wrestle with. On the one hand, we have the example of the early church who didn’t resist their persecution. On the other, are we supposed to just let this tide roll over us and our families, churches, and communities? I’ve resolved myself to this: I’m not going looking for trouble, but I will not stand by and let my family be brutalized by savages. I will defend them, with whatever force is necessary. If that’s wrong, then I pray God forgives me, and trust myself to his mercy. I’m not sure there’s anything else I could do. I welcome the groups enlightened responses and critiques.

  14. On August 25, 2020 at 2:56 pm, Patrick Henry II said:

    Absolutely correct. The closest this comes to being about the police is that they want to own the monopoly on violence. That is, they want to be the Police. The police represent the monopoly that the government holds on”legal” violence. I put legal in quotes because it is in the context of man made law, not Natural law or God’s law. Natural law says that if you bring violence to me, I am not only absolved from, but morally obligated to meet your force with force. As we get closer to the election, the violence will only intensify and at some point the commiecrats will either insinuate or outright say that the only way for the violence to end is to give them power. The inference will be that if they don’t win the election, not only will the violence and lawlessness not stop, but it will intensify. This is not new, it is a tried and true method used by their ilk frequently. For a good primer as to where we are right now, I would encourage everyone to study Mao’s cultural revolution and his red guard. We have seen this all before. Harden your hearts, as what comes next will be ugly and brutal. Losing is NOT an option.

  15. On August 25, 2020 at 3:01 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    You’re unnecessarily conflicted because of awful teaching in the church today.

    Please read:

    Also see:

  16. On August 25, 2020 at 3:09 pm, MrGalt said:

    Cut my leg off – that’s the only way you groids will ever bend my knee.

  17. On August 25, 2020 at 4:09 pm, Chad C. Mulligan said:

    It IS about the police . . . . they want to BE the police, and enforce the Law of the Jungle. See: Venezuela and sub-Saharan Africa.

  18. On August 25, 2020 at 4:49 pm, Paraclete said:

    In S.C. one can use deadly force to
    prevent several high crimes…
    Rape, murder, and ARSON.

  19. On August 25, 2020 at 4:51 pm, Ned2 said:

    God condones killing, but not murder.
    Learn the difference.

  20. On August 25, 2020 at 4:56 pm, ApoloDoc said:

    Herschel, as a fellow Reformed believer, I find this issue rather complex. Peter & Paul both are rather direct about our need to obey the civil magistrate, and these letters were written around the time of Nero! Self defense, or even more, defense of the innocent against specific aggression seems clear. But resistance to .gov becomes more questionable. I have read a tremendous amount on this subject as I am trying get things clear in my mind BEFORE action begins.

  21. On August 25, 2020 at 5:01 pm, Paul B said:

    Killing – Defending your home or loved ones against lethal force attackers

    Murder – Attacking people with deadly force.

    My ROE is very clear. Luckily we do not have any of them here.

  22. On August 25, 2020 at 5:07 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    I’ll communicate offline with you about this VERY IMPORTANT issue rather than highjacking the thread, assuming the email you left is valid and real.

  23. On August 25, 2020 at 7:20 pm, Wes said:

    One can parse all they want over what is/isn’t attempted murder and whether it matters in the context of war, or if it even matters that it is in a statute of a civil authority. But just to clarify this last, in Wisconsin attempted arson of a building that a reasonable person could conclude is occupied IS indeed attempted murder, and subject to the same defense a person could render if the person believed to be inside could defend themselves. Defense of a 3rd party, simple as that.

    In short, whether they’re actually home or not, if I see someone tossing a Molotov cocktail at my neighbor’s house, they’re going to their final resting place in a bag.

  24. On August 25, 2020 at 7:22 pm, Adam Baum said:

    (In war)”You’ve got to kill people. And when you’ve killed enough, they stop fighting.”- General Curtis LeMay

  25. On August 25, 2020 at 9:33 pm, Bill Buppert said:

    Murder begins where self defense ends.

  26. On August 25, 2020 at 10:02 pm, Foot in the Forest said:

    As my name implies I do live in a Forest. Having been thru a forest fire seven years ago that stopped 12 feet from my home and was burned while stopping it here are my ROE’s. You so much as light a match and drop it on my land and i will send you straight to hell right then and there.

  27. On August 25, 2020 at 10:25 pm, Xavier Xelente said:

    God made me as I am. I am a man, and a father. I will protect those I love, preemptively if necessary. If I am wrong in doing so I will answer to my God.

  28. On August 25, 2020 at 10:42 pm, Doug Worley said:

    I appreciate the links. I will read them again tomorrow. I agree with everything you wrote there. Those are the same kinds of thoughts I keep coming back to. If you’d please, I’d also like to hear your thoughts regarding what Apolodoc wrote, because he’s saying what most pastors are saying today. Thanks!

  29. On August 25, 2020 at 10:58 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    ” … because he’s saying what most pastors are saying today.”

    I know. It disgusts me. The NAE (National Association of Evangelicals) is leading the way in capitulation.

    You simply have to study history and theology a bit. Jesus commanded His disciples to be disobedient to the laws concerning ownership of weapons, because laws forbidding ownership of weapons are evil. Viz. Greg Bahnsen.

    Jesus was speaking specifically to a group of people who wanted a political kingdom, and explained to them that His kingdom was different. Let me break it down into pedestrian language.

    They wanted a king to overthrow the Roman FedGov. They didn’t understand that the Holy Spirit moves as He will, chooses whom He will, and that all Israel isn’t really Israel. Only those whom He chooses will enter the final kingdom. It isn’t based on race or filial origins. Assuming so insults God.

    Furthermore, they were not in a position to overthrow anything. The Roman FedGov would have crushed them. It took 300+ years, and after the Council of Nicea and Chalcedon, the Roman empire was fully Christian at that point. Christianity had won.

    That isn’t the same thing as we’re discussing. What we are discussing concerns governments and covenants. I’ll send you to my former professor, Dr. Douglas Kelly, “The Emergence if Liberty in the Modern World.” It is strictly Calvinist.

    The Calvinian doctrine of covenant was premier in early America. Just as in marriage, business and work, covenant is key to understanding God’s expectations in government and sphere authority, Family, Church and State.

    If a government has obeyed and honored the covenant(s) between them and God, and them and its citizens, then there is no right to break it. Obedience to governments that choose to break the covenant are under no more obligation than, say, a husband who violates his marriage covenant by unfaithfulness.

    The covenant is broken, the agreement has ended, parties move on, and God’s curses fall down on the covenant breakers.

    The U.S. government, and most state and county governments, are covenant breakers.

    You are under no obligation to obey unrighteous, unbiblical laws, including laws of self defense.

    That doesn’t mean that you don’t need to be aware of their laws. It means that you CANNOT let a government come between you and your God-given duty to protect your family, tribe and neighbors.

  30. On August 26, 2020 at 10:49 am, ApoloDoc said:

    I have read a great deal concerning the various theological beliefs of the Founders, both for & against war with Britain. There is NO question that we are to disobey laws that directly opposed God. For example, to order someone to assist a “same sex marriage” (an oxymoron if ever there was one!) or to perform an abortion would be a law to be opposed. But how far does this go? I have listened to a very rational presentation on opposition to income tax based on the ungodly purposes which this tax supports. Yet the man admits he does not honor his beliefs as he is unwilling to go to prison for it. My pastor has said he would go to prison rather than stop preaching the truth of the Word (and further, he expects this to happen if he lives long enough).

    Over the past 2 years I have read a great deal from the Puritans, they have given me a great deal to think about. OTOH given the Scottish (Presbyterians) ancient history with the English, it isn’t surprising to see a more militant stance taken in some covenant theology.

    Defending my home & others against random militants isn’t a real question to me. The issues becomes opposition to unjust government. Nero was a pretty bad guy, yet the Apostles (under the Holy Spirit) wrote of submitting to authority. My own nature runs VERY STRONGLY alongside Bill Buppert. I admire & respect his thinking & writing. Yet as a Bible-believing Christian I find a tremendous conflict in sorting out how far one is to submit to governing authority. I realize this wasn’t the main thrust of this post, my comments simply reflect my own struggles in this area.

  31. On August 26, 2020 at 10:56 am, brunop said:

    @ Paul B –

    I would go a bit further in my definition of self defense, and I’d define “murder” more tightly than you would.

    “Attacking” is not necessarily “murder”. I’ll assume you understand that you don’t have to wait for injury or threat of such (attack) until you begin to fight back, right? If a person is loading a mortar aimed at your house, you don’t have to wait for it to land before you pull the trigger on that dude. If a group with a stated purpose of getting you to ‘bend the knee’ via violence enacted on you and yours is marching with rifles and molotov cocktails down your street, you should NOT wait until some of your neighbors’ houses are on fire until you act to stop it. That is cowardice and dereliction of duty and (probably) an offense to God since a person’s ability to intervene on behalf of innocents went unused due to his own weakness and fear (I’m not saying this applies to you…).

    Scripturally you should know the Old Testament as well. “Killing” isn’t the problem, and this is colloquially understood in war as “Kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out”. “Murder” (for ‘gain’) is what Cain did to Abel. It is NOT what Israel did to the Canaanites when they killed every man, woman, and child at the direction of the prophet. This ^ one is ‘sticky’ since we don’t recognize a prophet with authority telling us to smoke the domestic commies (yet). But murder also is not some sort of middle ground, where a person kills someone preemptively because they want to be left alone. If you have any other sin in your heart (pride, covetousness, etc.) when you’re acting, that’s probably murder. If you are afraid either immediately or even because some person with the capacity to make good on the threat has said he’ll kill you some day, it is NOT murder to act proactively in defense of your life or the lives of your family. Proactivity? That means “attack”.

    “Murder” is the shedding of innocent blood. If they’re bringing war or murderous violence to your neighborhood, they just gave up that “innocent” part.


  32. On August 26, 2020 at 11:07 am, Buffalo said:

    Just a thought; Jesus did preach peace and love. He did not; however, preach passivism. Take a peek at his answer to the money changers in the temple and his admonitions to protect and care for those innocent and frail. There is also a thing called righteous anger and it appears to be appropriate in some situations.

    Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. 18For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. I take that to mean, the old covenant with man still stands.

    I think that protecting the weak and innocent, our families, friends and neighbors is on the list of things we should be doing.

    God said; Vengeance is mine… but I think it’s pretty clear through his word that he subcontracts.

  33. On August 26, 2020 at 11:35 am, mike said:

    I’ve read quite a few state statutes on murder. Usually it’s something like murder is the unjustified taking of another person’s life. You can dispute what constitutes justification but you’ll have to deal with the consequences if your state disagrees with you. E.g., the “castle” doctrine.

  34. On August 26, 2020 at 6:03 pm, Monger said:

    Live in peace with all men, as much as lies within you. It is plain to understand, there are such things as temporary insanity, and being provoke beyond a normal human beings endurance. Would you watch women and children die, the elderly or mass executions ? Only a psychopath would or could. Legally and morally you have a duty and obligation to intervene.

  35. On August 27, 2020 at 6:33 am, Scott said:

    “Freedom Dreams” is a book. Given how the guy spelled and referred to it I figured it was something other than babble.

    It is available on Amazon and the description is enlightening. It’s described as an anthology and manual for insurrection (again a word used by this guy) and the “promise of communism” , etc.. Just the description on Amazon is a real eye-opener for anyone wondering about the language used by these rioters and their goals. Real rabble-rousing stuff.

    Google “Freedom Dreams” and you’ll find that it has been making the rounds by way of conferences, what sound like liberation archeologists in the black community, and in all sorts of ways like some evil Amway scheme. Along with Project 11619 nonsense and the usual race huckstering, I’ll bet this is part of the equation that has been fanning the flames.

  36. On August 27, 2020 at 1:05 pm, ruralcounsel said:

    Monger – in virtually all jurisdictions, there is no legal duty to intervene. And you have no right to dictate what is moral to anybody but yourself.

    And the big takeaway from Germany circa 1930-1945 was that it doesn’t take psychopaths to carry out, let alone watch, any of what you describe. It’s well within the capacity of all normal human beings. Human beings are a form of pack animal, and they will do almost anything to stay in good with their pack.

  37. On August 30, 2020 at 1:42 am, pigpen51 said:

    I am a little late to the party, but when taken as the whole that the Bible is meant to be taken, looking into the Old Testament, there were many times when God told the Israelites to totally destroy a nation, from the oldest to the very youngest, male and female, children and animals included. So God understands killing and death.
    As far as paying taxes, Jesus had Peter go to a fish, and open it’s mouth and take out a coin and go and pay taxes for them both. So obviously He was not opposed to paying taxes.
    In the garden, when Peter smote the ear of the high priest, and Jesus healed it back on and rebuked Peter, for it was Jesus time, notice that Peter did HAVE a sword with him, and obviously, Jesus knew.
    I believe in 1 Timothy, we are told that if any man doesn’t take care of his own, he is worse than an infidel. It is talking about physical provisions, but I believe that you can extrapolate to that the idea of defending your loved ones as well, quite readily.
    And also, I think that the Hebrew says in the 10 commandments not that thou shall not kill, but that thou shall not commit murder. It has been a very,very long time since I have gotten into any Hebrew. I never was fluent, I just was able to find my way around with books by my side. Greek was similar, but I used it more so it was a bit more familiar. But I am now 60, and my mind doesn’t work like it did when I was younger and spending a year in Bible college.
    As you should know, that doesn’t make one an expert in anything,save perhaps learning how to study the Bible a bit better.
    I wish you all well, as this is actually an interesting topic, and will come to be quite relevant after November, since the side that loses will become very angry, and either one may have the ability to explode.

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