Charlotte Black Lives Matter Hates Jesus
BY Herschel Smith
Black Lives Matter rioters in Charlotte marched down the street chanting “f-ck your Jesus” on Monday night.
The chant originally began as “cops killed Jesus,” but quickly took an anti-Christian turn.
The Queen City Nerve, a local paper covering the riot, tweeted that “Protesters chanting ‘Cops killed Jesus’ then ‘Fuck your Jesus’ to drown out the chants of Sam, who’s been walking alongside protesters yelling over them with ‘Jesus Saves’ as he’s done all four nights. He just got covered with silly string after this video.”
Lovely people, no?
I know Sam. When I once worked in downtown Charlotte, I frequently walked by him on my 3 mile walks at lunch every day. Everyone knows Sam. I’ve spoken with him and shook hands with him and thanked him for his daily work preaching the Gospel, handing out tracts, and praying with people on the sidewalk. He is actually supported by the Billy Graham association. Other people avoided him, as if embarrassed. I loved talking to him.
Sam is a good man.
And Jesus is God. He was God from eternity, He is the second person of the trinity, He is God today, and He will always be God.
I’m sure Sam is fine, but he has laid up treasures for himself in heaven. I’m sure God is fine too, but He is a jealous and righteous God, who will in no wise let the guilty go unpunished.
These rioters have blasphemed the name of the most high. They are bound for hell. Sam is bound for heaven. One day. After he sidewalk preaches some more, and wins the elect of God to salvation.
On August 27, 2020 at 7:13 am, ragman said:
Of course they hate the Son of God. They are pure, focused evil and worship satan.
On August 27, 2020 at 10:54 am, A. Landmesser said:
What more needs to be said of the Left? On the other hand those who do nothing, those who preach moderation, those who preach toleration are far more evil than those who openly espouse such evil. You know who they are. This is why our nation has degenerated so far.
On August 27, 2020 at 11:46 am, ApoloDoc said: