Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

AR-15 Go Brrr …

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

The Three Criminals Shot In Kenosha, WI, Identified

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

As a reader puts it to me, “All three people shot were felons, from child rapists (head shot), to multiple cases of assault.  Kyle shot the rapist in the head in self defense, then was forced to flee the mob. The rapist died.  Kyle tripped.  He was drop kicked in the face by someone that ran away.  Next a felon assaulted him with a skateboard, and tried to take his rifle. He was shot center mass and died.  Another Felon ran toward Kyle and pulled a pistol out. Kyle shot him in the arm and pretty much shredded it.”

“First one up was just out after 12 years for child rape…Mr. Shot in the heart was a convicted wife beater and dude with his arm blown open is a convicted burglar and was a felon in possession of a handgun when he got shot (trying to execute the 17year old).”

Yea, I won’t be shedding any tears for them.  Awful people.  But of course they’re associated with this activity, so they are awful people for doing that too.

See also

The Meme Machine Cranks Up

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Candid Observations At Reddit Concerning Kenosha, WI Gun Battle

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago


As you will certainly see on Twitter today, a feral mob of rioters decided to pick a fight with armed militia in Kenosha last night, and two of the scum ended up in body bags.

A brief overview of the events: rioters antagonized militia as they stood defending local businesses (note, the guy in this video in the red shirt is the one who is later shot in the head) from looting and burning. Somehow this escalated into rioters chasing a militia member through a parking lot. He turns and fires, striking a rioter in the head (identified by same belt, shorts, and moustache from prior video; he seems semi conscious but I strongly suspect he was the one who died this morning). The mob then chases the wrong guy (see 14:15) through the streets. He stumbles, the mob converges on him, and shots ring out. One rioter is struck in the stomach, collapses, and dies on the spot. Another rioter, Glock in hand and probably not more than seconds (edit: fractions of a second, see below, holy shit) from killing this guy, gets his upper arm blown off. As is very clear in this clip the guy initially fake surrenders, then as soon as the militia member lowers the gun, he tries to draw the Glock to shoot him. Militia member gets up and runs away.

This is the most complete collection of video Ive managed to find of the events.

Lessons learned:

  • PRACTICE F****** OPSEC. The Twitter doxxing machine fired up immediately and already has the second militia member’s name, Facebook, and family information. I’m not posting it here because Im not contributing to the cycle, especially when Reddit – and unfortunately, a non-zero proportion of this sub – is full of communist subhumans. Hes only 17 years old. No one is out of bounds for them. Cover your fucking face. Wear indistinct clothing (this is a pointer that we can actually take from Antifa; the black bloc works; coordinate this with others, if possible). Do not talk to the camera. The guy filming might be nice, but the Twitter lynch mob will use it to kill you and your entire family after it’s posted there. The second militia member identifies himself by name on a stream.

  • For the first time, someone has proved that for all the buildings its burned, all the statues its toppled, and all the people it has beaten, the mob is actually composed of a bunch of f****** pussies. If it’s not 10:1 odds in their favor against an unarmed victim, they want no part of it. The second gunfire starts, they scatter like roaches. Not a single person sticks around to start a protracted fight. It tickles my ears to hear the one rioter go from tough guy who is going to beat up or shoot that kid to big, crying baby once he gets his arm blown off. Fuck these people.

  • Do not undertake these things alone. The militia were hanging together in a group, but somehow this second guy got separated. As stated before, the Antifa/BLM slime are not looking for a fair fight. They want to surround and overwhelm you. If you allow yourself to be isolated, your odds of being targeted and having to shed blood in self-defense go up exponentially.

  • If you’re going to come and expose yourself to the possibility of getting in a gunfight, that means actually be prepared to be in a gunfight. Your fighting capabilities are the sum of your equipment, your body, and your mind. Watermedical equipment (especially tourniquets, chest seals, and gauze), ammunition, hearing protection (especially electronic protection a la Peltors), a good pair of shoes, pants (ideally with knee pads), plates if you can afford them. You should be in good physical shape and well-versed in your craft. If you can’t run 2 miles in under 15 minutes, you’re too slow. You do not want an attacker, imminently about to kill you and parade your body through the street, to be the first thing you ever fire a gun at. I also highly recommend training in combat sports. In addition to the skills this gives you in close combat, it trains a mindset. In a fight, the person who is less afraid of their opponent has a massive advantage. Go watch a street fight. Watch how stiff they are and how quickly they both want it to be over. Most people are terrified to be in a fight. You can very quickly overwhelm someone is in that “stiff” stage of experience with decisive, violent action. This is as true in a fist fight as it is in a gun fight. “Violence has a purpose, and aggression is a perfectly healthy emotion” is a phrase that was beaten into me in my career. It’s good advice that has stuck with me for years.

  • credit u/ohtheyearwas1775 in comments. Slings are good pieces of equipment. Your weapon is literally your life. If the guy had fallen down and dropped his rifle, he would probably be in a coffin right now.

  • credit u/8064hatch. Organization and planning matters. The second militia member was probably isolated because there was no firm plan in place and no distinct leader around. Communications are a big help. Signal is a free, end-to-end encrypted messaging app. If you’re defending a building, overlapping sectors of fire are important, as is a proper evacuation plan (your opponents are extremely fond of fire, that should enter your calculus before you barricade yourself inside).

  • credit u/TehRoot. If you’re going to have medical equipment, you should probably… you know… know how to use it lol. That guy gets shot in the head and the immediate action plan was to put pressure on it. Pressure stops blood flow. All the bleeding was happening inside of that guy’s skull. Pressing skull fragments into his brain is not a winning strategy. Tourniquet limbs (with an actual fucking tourniquet, not your wound up T shirt), pack the junctions (armpits, groin), seal the (breathing) box. Don’t put a tourniquet on someone’s neck like a dumbass. Don’t pack shit in someone’s sucking chest wound unless you want to watch it get violently sucked into their diaphragm and kill them as they try to take a giant panic breath. If you’re carrying a piece of gear, you need to have rehearsed with it so you can engage with the actual realities of when and how to employ it.

  • Realize that the government is not a strong ally. Probably doesn’t need to be said here, but I’ll say it anyway. Your local/state governments basically determine whether or not law enforcement exists in your area. Don’t believe even 1 second of the bullshit about how “they’re doing everything they can to stop the violence.” If this were white supremacists, tea partiers, or whatever demographic the left has chosen not to like that day who were out doing exactly what the BLM insurrectionists are out doing every night, there would be a full activation of your state’s National Guard and you would have an entire infantry battalion on your doorstep right now. Notice how – with zero exceptions – every single place that is having problems with violence is a democrat shithole. Convince me otherwise.

Those are not my observations and I cannot claim credit for them.  I am reposting them here.

So to append what this astute commenter said, let me add the following.  I too noticed not only with this event but the “proud boys” who confronted the Black Bloc in Portland that they became easily separated from the group.

It may be due to lack of planning, lack of training, no real leadership, no time in grade, or whatever.  The Black Bloc is like the Taliban.  They like attack only with a mass of force, i.e., in Afghanistan, they usually attacked COPs and outposts with battalion size forces or almost that size.  See the following posts: here, here, here, and here.

They don’t like the odds when they’re outnumbered.  They tend to scatter with any real resistance.  Don’t be found alone in direct confrontations.

Doxxing is a favorite tactic of the left.  The notion that someone would carry a weapon into the city of Kenosha and directly confront the Black Bloc is, to me, ridiculous.  Law enforcement is not on the side of those who would shut down the destruction and lawlessness.  The police follow the orders of the politicians, and the pols don’t want the destruction to be stopped.  They cannot arrest their voting constituency.

I suspect that the future of these sorts of confrontations will involve face and head cover, the use of cover and concealment, and the use of cover of night, as well as the use of “stand-off” tactics.

As always, these points are discussed merely as an academic exercise, for educational benefit, and for use for those who study warfare (specifically in TTP, or tactics, techniques and procedures).

Charlotte Black Lives Matter Hates Jesus

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

The Gateway Pundit.

Black Lives Matter rioters in Charlotte marched down the street chanting “f-ck your Jesus” on Monday night.

The chant originally began as “cops killed Jesus,” but quickly took an anti-Christian turn.

The Queen City Nerve, a local paper covering the riot, tweeted that “Protesters chanting ‘Cops killed Jesus’ then ‘Fuck your Jesus’ to drown out the chants of Sam, who’s been walking alongside protesters yelling over them with ‘Jesus Saves’ as he’s done all four nights. He just got covered with silly string after this video.”

Lovely people, no?

I know Sam.  When I once worked in downtown Charlotte, I frequently walked by him on my 3 mile walks at lunch every day.  Everyone knows Sam.  I’ve spoken with him and shook hands with him and thanked him for his daily work preaching the Gospel, handing out tracts, and praying with people on the sidewalk.  He is actually supported by the Billy Graham association.  Other people avoided him, as if embarrassed.  I loved talking to him.

Sam is a good man.

And Jesus is God.  He was God from eternity, He is the second person of the trinity, He is God today, and He will always be God.

I’m sure Sam is fine, but he has laid up treasures for himself in heaven.  I’m sure God is fine too, but He is a jealous and righteous God, who will in no wise let the guilty go unpunished.

These rioters have blasphemed the name of the most high.  They are bound for hell.  Sam is bound for heaven.  One day.  After he sidewalk preaches some more, and wins the elect of God to salvation.

Michael Yon Patreon

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

I have been buddies with Michael for many years, and was delighted that he intends to come back to the states to cover the ongoing communist revolution in America.

He is in my opinion the best living war reporter, and his contributions will be valuable.

I helped him out a little with donations on his patreon page, and I would like you to consider the same.  You won’t be disappointed in what you get.  He needs the help to come back and stay back for a while to ensure proper coverage.

Michael Yon’s Observations On The Fighting In Kenosha, WI

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Michael Yon patreon page.

More Shootouts, and some Advice on firefights — this one just happened: Multiple casualties and a couple fatalities

Pro-tip: I’ve been in the middle of or very close to hundreds of firefights. Mostly Iraq, Afghanistan, Thailand. Hong Kong was mostly rubber bullets, teargas, that sort of thing. Not full on firefights like Thailand and the wars.

I will say this: beware of these little shootouts. They often start very small like this with just a few casualties and a few shots.

Then…right when you think it’s over…that’s when it explodes.

Often they go something like this:

1) Sniper shoots someone. Lots of people return fire, or not, and firefight is over.

2) Light contact, potshots. A few dozen or few hundred rounds are fired. All finished in a few minutes, or in any case the contact is very light even if it goes for hours in running battles.

3) A situation like this one: light contact. A few casualties. Done.

ALTERNATE ENDING: Light contact, zero or a few casualties, and there is a lull, or nothing else happens and it’s over, OR — it takes time for everyone who wants to fight to get into position and start trigger time. So you can get this bang bang bang bang…and then thirty seconds or even minutues of quiet, and then shit hits the fan.

Folks who followed my years in Iraq and Afghanistan, and others in Thailand, will remember many such firefights. Light contact. Quiet. Huge firefight starts.

[ … ]

Stay calm. Practice in advance in your head how you will be calm. You hear all these people screaming like they are on fire. They are not helping just being panick monkeys.

Beware of speeding vehicles during firefights.  Get off the roads, and beware of sidewalks.  Saw this often in Iraq and Thailand.

If you are going to combat like this, you MUST bring tourniquets and learn to use them. I used to have four tourniquets sewed into my ‘uniforms,’ and I carried others. In other words, there were already tourniquets on my arms and legs and all I had to do was tighten.

You will bleed out super fast with some wounds even to the leg. Ambulances are not going to rush into a firefight. When you have a real Black Hawk Down, ain’t gonna be no back up. You are it.

As we steam deeper into insurgency, events like this will become too many to count.  The dark white noise of war.

There are many videos of the attack.  I watched about fifteen.

Michael brings a wealth of knowledge on this subject.

As for tourniquets, everybody who knows anything recommends a good med kit.  I don’t have one and need one, including good tourniquets.

Analyzing St. Jacob Blake

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Andy also points out “the police scanner audio documents how a woman called 911 for help when Blake came to her home & allegedly stole her property. That’s not breaking up a fight, as we were told.”

What we’ve been told is always a function of who’s doing the telling.  The narrative must match the views of the ones who control the narrative.

See the problem here?

A Dog Always Returns To Its Vomit

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

David Codrea.

“Former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), a frequent critic of President Trump’s, is endorsing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden along with several other former Republican lawmakers,” The Hill reported Monday. “The list includes other former members of Congress who had previously announced their support for Biden, including former Sens. John Warner (R-Va.) and Gordon Humphrey (R-N.H.), who is now an independent, and Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.). Other former lawmakers on the list include former Reps. Steve Bartlett (R-Texas), Tom Coleman (R-Mo.), Bob Inglis (R-S.C.), Chris Shays (R-Conn.), Alan Steelman (R-Texas) and Jim Walsh (R-N.Y.).”

The move follows other high-profile “Republican” betrayals timed to help the Democrats take it all in November …

Many of them certified gun rights supporters by the NRA, whose officials too are hypocrites.

Look folks, forget about Trump for a second.  These people have intentionally, knowingly, adroitly undermined God-given rights the entire time they have been in power, and would turn the FedGov over to men and women who would do worse than any previous administration.

Payback must be had one day.

Kenosha Riots: One Rioter Gets Half His Arm Blown Off By Rifle Fire

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Warning: This video is graphic for weak of stomach folks.

I’m an analyst.  Permit me some free-form analysis, very early, in which the details are not exactly nailed down.

First, I take this to be a shot from a long gun.  Pistol rounds don’t cause that much damage.  It could be from an AK pattern rifle, but I doubt it.  I recall a Navy Corpsman in my son’s Battalion who told me his story (confirmed by others in the Battalion) where he took a 7.62×39 round to the thigh, it ricocheted up his thigh and exited near his buttocks.  Clean entry wound, clean exit wound.  He then tended to other wounded in the gun battle before attending his own wound.  7.62×39 rounds don’t explode like this upon impact.  It’s likely to be a 5.56×45 round.  This is what a little 5.56mm pill going 3000 FPS does.  He now has half an arm.  He will never have a complete arm again.  His bicep is now non-existent and his elbow likely shattered.  In fact, it was probably a glancing shot, not well aimed.

Second, I don’t know anything about the details, but apparently the shooter (who may have been defending himself) hasn’t been identified.  Someone (perhaps their Marxist professors) has convinced the black bloc and BLM that after buying hundreds of millions of guns and trillions of rounds of ammunition, Americans will sit idle and be overrun.  This is dangerous teaching.  It will get people killed.

Third, this was bound to happen.  It only escalates from here.  The sides don’t sit back, ponder what’s happened, and then suddenly decide that this might have been a misadventure and badly conceived project.  Anger builds.  Memories are made.  This all redounds to increasing levels of violence.  Once this spigot has been opened, it’s extremely difficult to close it.

Fourth, I interviewed and cataloged the experiences of my son’s squad (and mostly his fire team) when they returned from Iraq over several days.  This is exactly how it went down. Shots fired.  No one knows who did it or where it came from, car tags were removed, shooters were wearing hoods, and shooters were rarely identified unless killed.

It’s not like in Afghanistan where men wearing pajamas sit in the hills for three days and engaged long distance fire in a dedicated and disciplined manner.  This is urban / suburban warfare.  The darkness rules.  There aren’t enough police to stop the violence, much less conduct formal investigations.  There were some protracted gun battles in which my son engaged, but the bulk of the fighting was shoot from cover or concealment, move, maneuver, disappear to do it again later.

I’ll say it again.  These reports are eerily similar to the ones I received from my son’s fire team.  If this progresses, think in terms of Iraq × 100 (or worse).  As always, this isn’t an encouragement to participate, merely for educational and analysis purposes.  I am an analyst, and analysis you receive here is better than anything you’ll get from the CIA or DHS.

EDIT: Update via WiscoDave.

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