Running From Antifa/BLM
BY Herschel Smith
The rioters and thugs don’t care that there’s a child with him. He apparently didn’t care enough about his daughter not to put her in harm’s way. This isn’t some political protest with civil discourse. It’s a communist revolution.
The police were of course nowhere to be found, not that they would have done anything anyway. They would have shown up if the father had unholstered a weapon because it would have been streamed to Twitter (and Jack Dorsey wouldn’t have taken it down because Jack Dorsey is a communist).
So you see, they’ve set this up to be this way. They beat people up, even kill people, and if this provokes a response of self defense, they stream it to Twitter and call the police on the man, who then gets arrested by the police who wouldn’t do anything to stop it to begin with. Then, the communist prosecutors charge the man with crimes, and he isn’t around to raise his daughter.
Folks, Americans are going to have to be smarter than this, politically, tactically, and concerning the art of war. Because that’s what this is.
AMERICA: Vile Far-Left #Antifa & #BLM chase a father and his young daughter because they are #Trump supporters
— Jolene Bunting (@jolenebuntinguk) September 1, 2020
On September 3, 2020 at 3:08 am, Duke Norfolk said:
Yes. This isn’t some game to play with your kids. WTF is that guy doing in his silly costume with his little girl in hostile enemy territory!!
I’ve said many times, there will (tragically) be many innocent, naive people who will be unwitting martyrs for our cause, as this ramps up. It’s a damned shame, but it’s pretty much inevitable. Hopefully efforts like this blog can lessen/minimize them, but you can’t fix stupid.
On September 3, 2020 at 7:13 am, Bob in NC said:
Agree 100%. Anyone who brings his kid into a war zone is guilty of child endangerment.
On September 3, 2020 at 7:33 am, Name (required) said:
If there are riots going on, it’s because the police are protecting the rioters. The police in the riot cities are your enemy, the rioters are their tools. Bob in NC, stop attacking the innocent victim. If you can’t attack the enemies, at least shut up.
On September 3, 2020 at 9:15 am, The Dark Lord said:
first kneecap the cameraman …
On September 3, 2020 at 10:10 am, Big Country said:
Too many ppl still operating in the cognitive dissonance mode of “I’m no threat, they’ll leave me alone! My daughter is no threat, she’ll be fine.” At which point when hell comes to town, you’d best be ready to stand and deliver…
On September 3, 2020 at 10:47 am, Bad_Brad said:
Kind of makes you wonder how many consecutive times you could get the mob of clowns to follow your rabbit into a semi enclosed area don’t it.
On September 3, 2020 at 10:52 am, Herschel Smith said:
With loose ROE/RUF, that could indeed be a problem for the Black Bloc and BLM.
On September 3, 2020 at 11:14 am, Artorius Brutus Maximus said:
That’s actually an old video. Today they probably would have killed him and raped his daughter for fun.
On September 3, 2020 at 12:00 pm, Bad_Brad said:
@Herschel Smith
The clowns have actually had that used against them early on at Berkley. Notice how they no longer show up there. At the time they weren’t very good at watching their 6 either. For a couple week ends Berkley TV coverage was the best sporting event ever. Shades of Braveheart battle scenes. Pre Proudboys, who personally I’m not to impressed with. The problem with fighting ANTIFA is they are evolving. Mixed in with the clowns are some well trained killers. And they are starting to spread the knowledge. The longer we wait the tougher eliminating these bastards is going to be. And the only reason I see were not doing it is fear of prosecution and persecution from LE. Legitimate fears. Nobody wants their lives wrecked. Another aspect is ANTIFA stays where they are safe. For now. But sooner or later they’ll need to move into enemy territory. It will be sooner. And that’s when serious decisions will need to be made.
On September 3, 2020 at 12:48 pm, Mark said:
THEY MURDER BABIES, no surprise that they would attack a child. They are evil, they are enmity with God and are in fact hell bound.
On September 3, 2020 at 6:54 pm, Ron said:
1) @Bad_Brad “…Kind of makes you wonder how many consecutive times you could get the mob of clowns to follow your rabbit into a semi enclosed area don’t it. …”
Had the same though myself.
Corona masks and hoods.
Need cell phone jammers.
Recover and destroy all enemy cellphones.
’cause you will be hunted down by the police.
2) a basic reaction of predators is to chase fleeing prey.
If you run, they will chase you. Watch the video.
This guy had no situational awareness.
If you are running, you play hell defending your back.
Watch Rittenhouse.
If you can’t get away, better to put your back to a wall and defend than to be pulled down from behind.
On September 5, 2020 at 7:19 pm, Jorge said:
Old video. That dude… is a bit of a headcase. Daughter is apparently there to keep him from getting too crazy.
There’s a documentary on him here: