Bear Spray Failure In Alaska: 46-Year-Old Killed Clearing Trail
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 4 months ago
On 29 July, 2020, Daniel Schilling went to clear trail about a mile from his cabin in Alaska. His dog returned home without him. His wife was very concerned. Searchers found his body, killed by a bear, where he was working. An empty can of bear spray, with the safety off, which had been discharged at the site, was also found.
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How much of his decision to take bear spray, and not a revolver, was made because of the claims of bear spray effectiveness?
Prior: Black Bear Kills Unarmed Woman In Unprovoked Attack; Bear Spray Fails, Gun Works.
Don’t listen to the “experts.” Dean is an expert you can listen to. And listen to your common sense, sometimes no so common among men.
Carry bear spray if you want. I don’t choose to. But always carry a large bore handgun, and keep it within reach. If it’s in your backpack, you won’t have time to get it. If it’s near your encampment, you won’t have time to go back and get it.
The same thing goes for big cats, feral hogs and coyotes.
On September 3, 2020 at 10:32 pm, Bad_Brad said:
Talk to Mike Seeklander’s brother in law about bear spray.
On September 3, 2020 at 10:45 pm, Jimmy the Saint said:
Reminds me of the old joke about the park ranger talking to hikers about safety in bear country, and how they should wear bells on their gear and carry bear spray. The ranger also pointed out that you could identify bears by their scat. Black bear scat consisted primarily of roots and berries, for example. “What about grizzly bear scat?” asked one of the hikers. “Oh, that smells like pepper spray and has bells in it.”
On September 4, 2020 at 1:03 am, Beans said:
Stupid tree-huggers gave us ‘bear spray.’ Yeah. This stuff is supposed to stop bears that will eat the arse off a 3 month dead whale, right?
Goes for dealing with block-goblins, too, especially pharmaceutically-enhanced ones. Tasers, mace, pepper-spray, bean-bag rounds, all of the gamut of ‘less-than-lethal’ only work on about 60-70% of the targets.
Drop the percentage of working as the levels of drugs and other dysfunctions, like mental illness and nerve damage, are factored into the equation.
Guns. Guns work. Guns work better than LTL solutions. As long as one remembers, shot straight and often. Even 1 shot from a pistol isn’t a sure stopper.
On September 4, 2020 at 8:18 am, Fred said:
I’m appreciative of the important and insightful work of Mr. Weingarten. The use of the word unprovoked does bother me some. I get what he means but in order understand Bear behavior we must know that they don’t do anything in the slightest without provocation, even it be hunger.
We may not, as far as we understand the operation of men within the Laws and axioms of Holy God, think that a bear is provoked, but bears aren’t people. Bears do what bears do, within the same governing structure of Holy God as bears operate in it.
It’s a nit, and I know what he means but if somebody is truly interested in animal behavior we must accept that they only do what is right, as far as a bear operates within right and wrong as we understand it, they don’t operate within the same understanding.
To understand animals, we must stop all personification.
Oh, and carry a big fat gun, because animals don’t understand our understanding of the Law of God, and they don’t care either, so they don’t know or care what we think is right and wrong.
I’m sure glad that somebody is doing the leg work to bring us these instances and research.
On September 4, 2020 at 8:23 am, Fred said:
PS. the coolest part of animal behavior is not only learning about animals but how those people outside of the regenerate blood of Jesus Christ operate, and how those who know that they have a soul belonging eternally to Holy God then conduct themselves as well. Being Christian is the coolest thing, ever.
On September 4, 2020 at 8:51 am, Ned2 said:
Guy committed suicide.
Surprised he didn’t eat the dog as an appetizer.
On September 4, 2020 at 9:25 am, Longbow said:
Oh….. you’re just an alarmist!
On September 4, 2020 at 1:32 pm, WarEagle82 said:
It’s an interesting article. We see black bears around here and I ride with pepper spray and a pistol. The pepper spray is for morons and dogs. I figure with my bike I can ride faster than any other pedestrians can run. If I’m alone, I’ll have to shoot it out and hope that 16 rounds will suffice.
And remember, using bear spray on people violates federal law.
On September 5, 2020 at 1:10 am, g... said:
Save the bear spray for those antifa and blm fucktards.
Pardon my language.
On September 6, 2020 at 4:50 am, Tom said:
Tim Treadwell was unavailable for comment.